Xenia had not approached the Clinic before now, and she was assessing it as she entered through the front. She felt silly for not asking Maranya where her office was, so she went up to the receptionist's desk, glancing at the clock to make sure it was only 5 to 9 am.
"Ezvenete, could you please be directing me to Doctor Valkonan's office?" asked politely, her voice still thick with her Russian accent. Her Common-speak was improving, at least! She fiddled absently with a ruffle in her burgundy button up dress while she waited.
"Ezvenete, could you please be directing me to Doctor Valkonan's office?" asked politely, her voice still thick with her Russian accent. Her Common-speak was improving, at least! She fiddled absently with a ruffle in her burgundy button up dress while she waited.