Today a memo was delivered to several offices. The memo itself seemed to be typed, and was printed out on the 'plastic' sheets that Star used for her hardcopy.
~Attention: MD Maranya Valkonan, Mr. Ali Al-Amat CC: Riverview Department Heads and Senior Staff Re: Project Proposal
I was never very good at this whole "memo" thing, so I've asked one of the secretaries to touch up the actual proposal for me. Here goes.
It has come to my attention that a proposal was recently made to the Clinic to establish a program for the use of therepy animals in patient care. I personally applaud this effort, as even on my homeworld the use of animals in therepy has increased overall quality of life by as much as 60%, and in certain cases has even led to regression of terminal illness. I believe congratulations are in order for whoever thought up this idea. I am sending this memo to make my own project proposal, namely that we establish a facility for the use of oceanic hydrotherepy for those patients for whom this therepy would have a marked benefit. These would be patients in the recovery and physical therepy wings, as well as certain terminal cases. If requested, I will provide documentation from several worlds which indicates that monitored swimming activity in a warm salt-water ocean environment has led to increased blood flow, improved oxygenation of tissues, and increased mineral balance in the body. This combined with the reduced strain due to natural boyancy in seawater can lead to improved patient mentality and physical conditions.
This project proposes a small facility be situated on one of the various tropical beaches near Rhydin's equator, with transport services provided by my hopital ship, the Ambrosia. The teleport facilities stationed at the Riverview Clinic will allow patients to be transported to the Ambrosia, then back down to the planet's surface at the beach facility. This facility would have the following resources at it's disposal: 1. A secure cove or fenced area of water for patient use. 2. A small staff of nurses and therepists to supervise and monitor patients. This staff may include massage and tissue therepy personel. 3. Land-based or floating buildings suitable for patient arrival, short-term housing (overnight or weekend), baths/showers, kitchen and dining areas, and landing facilities for transport shuttles from the Ambrosia. 4. Suitable facilities for the emergency stabilization of critical patients, as well as a sterile emergency operating theatre. 5. Any further requirements which may be ammended to this proposal at a later date by myself or other Riverview staff.
I have already begun surveys of potential sites for this facility using the sensors of the Ambrosia, and I have located three canidate sites. Sensor data and photographs are provided with this memo, see appendix A. In order to facilitate the acceptance of this proposal, I intend to reduce the Clinic's costs by providing as much of the materials and manpower for this facility as is necessary. I have already contacted several Aquatian colleges to serve as either paid or volunteer staff for the aquatic portion of the treatments. All are either medical or nursing registered and have experience with this form of hydrotherepy. The only materials and services I cannot easily provide from my own resources are the non-aquatic staff, and the required liscenses and certifications to allow patients to be treated at the new facility.
I eagerly await the decision of the Clinic administration, and will be available for consultation or discussion of this proposal.
Dr. Star Runner Cybernetics Department~
~Attention: MD Maranya Valkonan, Mr. Ali Al-Amat CC: Riverview Department Heads and Senior Staff Re: Project Proposal
I was never very good at this whole "memo" thing, so I've asked one of the secretaries to touch up the actual proposal for me. Here goes.
It has come to my attention that a proposal was recently made to the Clinic to establish a program for the use of therepy animals in patient care. I personally applaud this effort, as even on my homeworld the use of animals in therepy has increased overall quality of life by as much as 60%, and in certain cases has even led to regression of terminal illness. I believe congratulations are in order for whoever thought up this idea. I am sending this memo to make my own project proposal, namely that we establish a facility for the use of oceanic hydrotherepy for those patients for whom this therepy would have a marked benefit. These would be patients in the recovery and physical therepy wings, as well as certain terminal cases. If requested, I will provide documentation from several worlds which indicates that monitored swimming activity in a warm salt-water ocean environment has led to increased blood flow, improved oxygenation of tissues, and increased mineral balance in the body. This combined with the reduced strain due to natural boyancy in seawater can lead to improved patient mentality and physical conditions.
This project proposes a small facility be situated on one of the various tropical beaches near Rhydin's equator, with transport services provided by my hopital ship, the Ambrosia. The teleport facilities stationed at the Riverview Clinic will allow patients to be transported to the Ambrosia, then back down to the planet's surface at the beach facility. This facility would have the following resources at it's disposal: 1. A secure cove or fenced area of water for patient use. 2. A small staff of nurses and therepists to supervise and monitor patients. This staff may include massage and tissue therepy personel. 3. Land-based or floating buildings suitable for patient arrival, short-term housing (overnight or weekend), baths/showers, kitchen and dining areas, and landing facilities for transport shuttles from the Ambrosia. 4. Suitable facilities for the emergency stabilization of critical patients, as well as a sterile emergency operating theatre. 5. Any further requirements which may be ammended to this proposal at a later date by myself or other Riverview staff.
I have already begun surveys of potential sites for this facility using the sensors of the Ambrosia, and I have located three canidate sites. Sensor data and photographs are provided with this memo, see appendix A. In order to facilitate the acceptance of this proposal, I intend to reduce the Clinic's costs by providing as much of the materials and manpower for this facility as is necessary. I have already contacted several Aquatian colleges to serve as either paid or volunteer staff for the aquatic portion of the treatments. All are either medical or nursing registered and have experience with this form of hydrotherepy. The only materials and services I cannot easily provide from my own resources are the non-aquatic staff, and the required liscenses and certifications to allow patients to be treated at the new facility.
I eagerly await the decision of the Clinic administration, and will be available for consultation or discussion of this proposal.
Dr. Star Runner Cybernetics Department~