((This is meant as a place to put letters to and from the general public with Riverview's staff members. The letters, however, are not public fodder unless named as such. ))
The letter was addressed to:
Dr. Stas Ryan Riverview Clinic Rhydin
Dr. Ryan,
I would like offer apologies for interfering in your family business despite it having been brought into the public eye. I am certain that you are a fine physician or Maranya Valkonan would not have hired you to work in her clinic. However, I hope that you will take a few moments to consider what is written in this letter.
During my lifetime I have assisted mothers in delivering many many children. I have also been on the other end of things and given birth to more than my share of children; so I have been told. I know that you have your wife and child's best interest at heart. However, please for your sake and AJ's find another doctor to deliver your child. If you are busy being the doctor that guides the little one into life then who will be where a father and husband should be? Holding the laboring mother's hand while she brings that new life into the world.
Just this once forget that birthing babies is your profession. Forget it's a business and be there for your wife to remind her that she has been given a great gift and responsibility. Above all, do not make the mistake that some doctors have. Too often they get caught up in making things easier on themselves, some believing it is for their patients, through unnecessary medications and surgeries. They try to convince pregnant women that they do not have the first clue about birthing.
You will, no doubt, deliver plenty of children in your career, Doctor, but you will only have one opportunity to give your beloved AJ the comfort and support she needs while she delivers your firstborn. This is not a matter of questioning your ethics as a physician or medical professional. It is, quite simply, a forewarning of sorts. Your first duty in this particular maternity case is not that of doctor, but as husband and father. You will only get this chance once, every birth is different. Best of luck to you all.
Colleen MacLeod
CC: Dr. Maranya Valkonan - Chief of Staff - Riverview
The letter was addressed to:
Dr. Stas Ryan Riverview Clinic Rhydin
Dr. Ryan,
I would like offer apologies for interfering in your family business despite it having been brought into the public eye. I am certain that you are a fine physician or Maranya Valkonan would not have hired you to work in her clinic. However, I hope that you will take a few moments to consider what is written in this letter.
During my lifetime I have assisted mothers in delivering many many children. I have also been on the other end of things and given birth to more than my share of children; so I have been told. I know that you have your wife and child's best interest at heart. However, please for your sake and AJ's find another doctor to deliver your child. If you are busy being the doctor that guides the little one into life then who will be where a father and husband should be? Holding the laboring mother's hand while she brings that new life into the world.
Just this once forget that birthing babies is your profession. Forget it's a business and be there for your wife to remind her that she has been given a great gift and responsibility. Above all, do not make the mistake that some doctors have. Too often they get caught up in making things easier on themselves, some believing it is for their patients, through unnecessary medications and surgeries. They try to convince pregnant women that they do not have the first clue about birthing.
You will, no doubt, deliver plenty of children in your career, Doctor, but you will only have one opportunity to give your beloved AJ the comfort and support she needs while she delivers your firstborn. This is not a matter of questioning your ethics as a physician or medical professional. It is, quite simply, a forewarning of sorts. Your first duty in this particular maternity case is not that of doctor, but as husband and father. You will only get this chance once, every birth is different. Best of luck to you all.
Colleen MacLeod
CC: Dr. Maranya Valkonan - Chief of Staff - Riverview