The following is a hard-copy transcript taken from an audio-only recording.
Noteworthy voices include Darien Fenner (Home Mic D), Neo Eternity (Mic A), Kersh Caliber (Mic C), Aja Bird (Mic B), and Justin B. Renger. The former is on the receiving end of the transmissions and conducting the recording from a remote location, while the latter four are on the giving end and conducting the "interview."
(Cackle. Static. The sound of sliding doors.)
Fenner: Ar"right. Head inside, and you'll see the elevators. Don't stop. Look like you belong the"ah.
Eternity: (Hushed) Don't stop. Look like we belong here.
(The sound of closing doors. Clothes rustling. Water falling.)
Security: Hold it. Names"
Eternity: I'm Blake Stone. This is John Dunham and Mary White.
Security: (Long pause. 11 s.) Who are they"
Fenner: Associates, mate. "E's your business partner, and she's your secretary.
Eternity: Mr. Dunham is my business partner, and Miss White is my secretary.
Security: (Shifting. Sliding doors. Quiet chatter.) Uh huh.
Receptionist 1: Who are you here to see"
Eternity: We are here to see Mr. Renger.
Bird: An appointment was made to see Mr. Renger a week ago. For nine o"clock.
Receptionist 1: Hold on just one second, please. (Radio feedback.) Hi, Marcy' I have a Blake Stone and associates for Mr. Renger. (Pause. 45 s.) O.K. then! Please show your identification to the guard and go on up to the twentieth floor, please.
(Keys jingling. Equipment exchange. Sliding doors opening. Elevator chime.)
Security: Twentieth floor.
(Doors closing. Elevator ascent.)
Fenner: None 'o' ya are packin' heat, are ya" They got a metal detector on the twentieth.
(Long pause. 42 s.)
Bird: No eyes.
Eternity: There's a metal detector on the twentieth. Did you put your pistol in there"
Bird: (Sigh.) Knew ya wouldn't let me shoot him. (Pause. 16 s. Rummaging.) I'll stash it up there.
Eternity: Better idea. I'll put it with our stuff. Would that be cool with you?
Fenner: That's good. But ya got less then thirty seconds. So 'urry the 'ell up.
(Rummaging. Elevator halt. Opening doors.)
Security 2: (Distant.) Uhh. Could you proceed, sirs"
Fenner: Don't stop! Keep walkin"!
(Conveyer belt. Rhythmic beeping.)
Security 3: (Much more distant.) Please place any metal items or loose change on the conveyer belt' (Long pause. 74 s. Shuffling.) I.D., please"
Fenner: Palm your credentials ta Aja. She does the talkin".
Receptionist 2: Hi! What's your name"
Bird: (Shuffling of paper.) Miss White. Mr. Stone and Mr. Dunham to see Mr. Renger.
Receptionist 2: (More shuffling. Long pause. 122 s.) Okie dokie. You're all set. Mr. Renger is the last door on the right, down that hallway. You have one hour.
Fenner: Aja knocks and opens the door f"r ya.
(Shifting. Feedback. Three knocks.)
Renger: (Muffled.) What' Yes" Come in. (Creaking door. Squeaking leather. Clearer.) Mr. Stone, is it"
Fenner: You're in. Is anyone else in the"ah' Cough once if there's anyone else.
Eternity: (Cough.) Yes.
Fenner: Sh*t. Sh*t sh*t sh*t. 'Kay....tell 'im you're the'ah to discuss sector eight jurisdiction.
Eternity: I'm here to discuss sector eight jurisdiction.
Renger: Are you now" (Squeaking leather.) Well then, have a seat.
Fenner: (Feedback.) Sh*t! Get rid of 'im, Neo. Make 'is brain fuzzy if that's what ya 'ave to do, but get Renger ALONE! (Pause. 13 s.) But be subtle. Don't cause alarm.
(Pause. 39 s. Squeaking leather. Chair legs on carpet.)
Associate 1: (Mechanically.) Sorry, boss. I just remembered I have something to take care of....(Shifting. Opening and closing of door.)
Renger: Forgive my colleague's rudeness. Now. What do you know about sector eight"
Fenner: Soundproof the doors. Get 'im to talk.
(Pause. 56 s. Blowing air. Cracking ice.)
Eternity: I don't know anything about sector eight at all. (Pause. 12 s.) And my name's not Blake Stone. Tell me" about Maranya Valkonan.
(Loud clatter. Paper shuffling. Chair falling to the floor.)
Renger: What the"!" (Shouts.) Security!
Bird: You can yell. But it's just gonna be easier if you talk now.
(Clatter. Commotion. Feedback. Loud snap. The fall of something heavy.)
Renger: You f***ing mother f***ing pricks. I will bury you.
Eternity: Yelling won't do you any good either anyways. The doors" (Pause. 21 s.)'ll bury us, huh' And just how do you plan on doing that"
Bird: (Snort.)
Renger: When I get out of here....I swear to god....I know people that really know how to hurt you smug son of a b***h....(Shifting.)
Bird: (Shifting. The sound of a slap.) No, no. You're going to answer the man's questions before you get to go play.
Eternity: Yeah, come on. They have that in the movies. You think I don't know what you're trying to pull"
Renger: (Moving. The sound of a gun being armed.) Touch me again, you whore, and I'll blow your f***ing brains out.
Renger: (A thud. Screaming.)
(Feedback. Long pause filled with rusting of clothing and shifting of furniture. 88 s. Grunting.)
Eternity: Stop while you're behind.
Renger: You're going to f***ing die for this.
Eternity: Sure I will. All these big bads you're talking can send them after me. In fact, I'll even tell you who I am. My name is Neo Eternity. This man here is Kersh Caliber. You can send them to us, and we'll kick their asses while we imagine the horrified look on your face once you find out they've been beaten.
Bird: Gods, something original might be nice. Maranya Valkonan. You know what we're after. Start talking.
Eternity: Please answer the nice lady's questions, former head of Riverview Clinic.
Renger: I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I don't know anything.
Eternity: (Exasperated sigh.) Yeah. We've got all day, bud.
Bird: (Movement.) Perhaps his memory might be jogged if he were to lose a body part of some kind"
Renger: Do you have any idea what I'm worth' There are people highly invested in my success. You won't do a goddamn thing.
Bird: Stop with the rhetoric and talk.
Renger: Go to hell.
Bird: You first. Now. What have you been up to, you very naughty boy' Framing people" So pedestrian.
Eternity: Hey, Kersh.
Caliber: Yes, Captain" Eternity: Why don't you give it a shot"
Caliber: Of course. (Long, silent pause. 19 s.) Indeed, just as the lady said....a woman was framed for murder. Triple homicide, no less.
Renger: I didn't have anything to do with it...
Caliber: Did you, now....I seem to remember....long, long ago, a situation like this. Long ago, in another realm, a kingdom wrought by war, and forgotten by time. There was a man like you, who ran a business....a veterinary clinic....and another man, who worked as his apprentice. But the head of that clinic grew corrupt over time. The apprentice moved to have him removed from position....and succeeded...
Renger: (Movement. Sound of metal hitting ice. Screaming.) Get....out...of my HEAD! (Movement. Thudding. The sound of fists hitting wood.) Let me out! Help! Security!
Bird: (Laugh. Movement.) Love it when they try to run. They can't hear ya sweetie. Come sit down and be a good boy. Tell the men what they want to know.
Renger: (Shifting.) Let me go, you stupid b***h! Help!
Bird: (Movement.) Told you that wasn't going to work.
Caliber: (Methodical.) ...That man would then start up a different business, and become very successful and wealthy. But he still felt bitter. He hated his apprentice for what he did....and he decided to get back at him....He committed a series of murders, and planted evidence so that he could frame his apprentice. His apprentice was charged with the murders....found guilty....and executed. ...As time passed, the man gradually grew more and more guilty with what he had done. (Long pause. 78 s.)
Renger: No he didn't! No I DON"T! (Struggling.)
Bird: You stay put. Or I start removing parts.
Fenner: YES! I need more! Details, Eternity! Details!
Renger: (Screaming.) I" (Screaming.) I don't know ANYTHING! Get the fuck out of my HEAD!
Caliber: (Steadfast.) The guilt....was crushing. He had betrayed his loyal apprentice in the worst way possible. He framed him for murders he did not commit, and had him killed for it. The guilt eventually came to a head....and the man killed himself.
(Long pause. 70 s.)
Renger: (Loud thud. Weeping.) S....stop....please" (Gasping.)
Caliber: My apologies, Captain....I'm going to have to sit the rest of this one out...
Eternity: It's okay. You did more than enough. (Pause. 9 s.) Why don't you tell us what happened, so we can end this here....before it gets as far as that other man did.
Bird: The truth can help you out here. Why not just give it a shot"
Renger: She's....f***ing B***H ruined everything for me! (Spitting.) I hope she goes down for this! I hope she gets the worst there is! (Weeping.)
Eternity: Is that so....I wonder who really did the ruining here. After all, you know people that really know how to hurt me.
Bird: (Movement. Jerking. Sharp pulling.) She's not a b***h. You were doing a fine job of ruining things all by yer lonesome. Don't think we didn't hear about your exploits over at the clinic.
Fenner: You're wasting time, Neo. They're gonna get suspicious. Get 'im to talk, and do it now!
Renger: She's a stuck-up whore, and I hope she rots.
Bird: Can I just shoot him now"
Eternity: No, I know worse. (Pause. 30 s.) That receptionist out there's rather pretty...
Renger: (Hysterical screaming.)
Bird: She is rather sexy. Got some nice curves hiding under those clothes.
Renger: (Sharp movement. Screaming.) Agh...! AGH! Stop! What d'ya....!" (Screaming.) Make it STOP!
Eternity: I'm the Keeper of Water, b***h. (Louder screaming from Renger.) And that means ice, too. I can freeze Mr. Happy to death, or you can tell us what the hell you did.
Renger: (Shrieking.) I didn't' AGH! (Shouting.) FINE! I did it! (Thud. Moving furniture. More screaming.)
Fenner: Did what!" What did he do!" Get 'im to say it!
Bird: Did what exactly"
Eternity: What did you do!"
Bird: Tell us everything you did to Maranya Valkonan.
Renger: I....put the slut's signature all over the bodies...! STOP!
(Screaming stops. Gasping.)
Bird: How did you put her signature on the bodies"
Renger: I ripped it off a f***ing nurse at Riverview! Everyone has their price.....Agggghhh! (Gasping. Painful moaning.)
Bird: Who did you pay' How much was it worth to cause her trouble"
Renger: Terri Goldman....(Panting.) She was cheaper than I expected. (Chuckle.)
Bird: Did you hire someone to plant the evidence"
Renger: Oh come on, I don't know anything"
Bird: Neo....I think he needs help.
(Long seconds filled with screaming from Renger.)
Renger: I don't know anything!
Eternity: There's only so much I can do to Mr. Happy....shoot him in the foot.
Renger: (Grunting) Sto—!
Bird: Aye-aye Captain. (Shifting. The sound of a pistol being armed.) Dude, I could shoot Mr. Happy. But he might shatter.
Eternity: No, no. If he does good, he gets to have sex with his receptionist. If he doesn't, then Mr. Happy dies of hypothermia. Ever heard of a guy named Pavlov"
Renger: Y' you wouldn't! I don't know anything!
Bird: I totally would. (Gunshot.)
Renger: (Hysterical screaming. Gasping. Moving furniture. Thud. More screaming. 91 s.)
Renger: (Incoherent screaming.) I f***ing killed them! I couldn't trust anyone else!
Eternity: There we go. That's actually the question I was about to ask you. Thanks for saving me the trouble.
(Screaming stops. Commotion.)
Brighton Employee: (Muffled.) What's wrong with this door"
Fenner: Neo' Is the door still taken care of?
Eternity: Yeah, it's iced over, Fenner.
Renger: You....are you wearing a WIRE!"
Eternity: No. I'm talking to God.
(Frenzied knocking. Commotion.)
Brighton Employee: Boss" Boss is everything okay in there" Hey! This door is stuck! Boss!"
Fenner: Neo. I'm pickin" up a lot of chatter on their coms. The blues'll be 'eah any minute. I suggest you guys say what ya need to say and get the 'ell outta the'ah.
Eternity: Blues" You're kidding, right' Oh well. Mr. Renger, you'll be pleased to know that Mr. Happy....(Pause. 8 s.) ...will be perfectly fine. Oh, and your foot, too.
Fenner: Sh*t. Neo, I can see ?em goin' into the freakin' lobby! Get outta the'ah, NOW! There's a fire exit roight outside the office. Go! (Feedback.)
(Loud commotion. Slamming. Yelling voices.)
Eternity: (Panicked.) Fire exit' You go guys, I'll go last.
Renger: (Hysterical.) No...! You're not going anywhere, you son of a b***h! (Movement. Struggle.)
(Shifting. Struggle. Feedback. A loud thud. Groaning.)
Bird: (Distant. Panicked.) Hurry, Neo!
Fenner: SH*T! The cops are out 'eah! I gotta bolt, or they'll take everythin'. Meet me at the back entrance. GO! (Feedback. Static. End transmission from Home Mic D.)
(Commotion. Shouting. Distant crowded voices. Gunshots. The sound of the door breaking.)
Renger: (Gagging. Shouting.) Here! They're in here!
Eternity: Take that cute receptionist out for dinner and let her know how much you appreciate her. Ciao! (Feedback. Static. End transmission from Mic A.)
(Wood breaking. Loud commotion. Gunfire.)
Security: There they are!
(Gunfire. Breaking glass.)
Bird: (Heavy breathing. Gasping. Metal clashing.)
Renger: (Incoherent yelling.)
(Distant gunfire.)
Bird: (Heavy breathing. Running.)
Caliber: (Heavy breathing. Running.)
Fenner: (Car engine. Distant.) Get in! C'mon, move, MOVE!
Bird: (Heavy breathing. Loud thud. The closing of a door.)
(Tires squealing.)
(Gunfire. Yelling. Breaking glass.)
(Cursing from Mic B.)
(Pause. 9 min. Car engine revving.)
Fenner: (Engines off. Panting.) We got it.
Bird: (Weak laughter.) If I liked you a little more, Fenner. I might kiss you.
(End transmission from Mic B and C.)
Noteworthy voices include Darien Fenner (Home Mic D), Neo Eternity (Mic A), Kersh Caliber (Mic C), Aja Bird (Mic B), and Justin B. Renger. The former is on the receiving end of the transmissions and conducting the recording from a remote location, while the latter four are on the giving end and conducting the "interview."
(Cackle. Static. The sound of sliding doors.)
Fenner: Ar"right. Head inside, and you'll see the elevators. Don't stop. Look like you belong the"ah.
Eternity: (Hushed) Don't stop. Look like we belong here.
(The sound of closing doors. Clothes rustling. Water falling.)
Security: Hold it. Names"
Eternity: I'm Blake Stone. This is John Dunham and Mary White.
Security: (Long pause. 11 s.) Who are they"
Fenner: Associates, mate. "E's your business partner, and she's your secretary.
Eternity: Mr. Dunham is my business partner, and Miss White is my secretary.
Security: (Shifting. Sliding doors. Quiet chatter.) Uh huh.
Receptionist 1: Who are you here to see"
Eternity: We are here to see Mr. Renger.
Bird: An appointment was made to see Mr. Renger a week ago. For nine o"clock.
Receptionist 1: Hold on just one second, please. (Radio feedback.) Hi, Marcy' I have a Blake Stone and associates for Mr. Renger. (Pause. 45 s.) O.K. then! Please show your identification to the guard and go on up to the twentieth floor, please.
(Keys jingling. Equipment exchange. Sliding doors opening. Elevator chime.)
Security: Twentieth floor.
(Doors closing. Elevator ascent.)
Fenner: None 'o' ya are packin' heat, are ya" They got a metal detector on the twentieth.
(Long pause. 42 s.)
Bird: No eyes.
Eternity: There's a metal detector on the twentieth. Did you put your pistol in there"
Bird: (Sigh.) Knew ya wouldn't let me shoot him. (Pause. 16 s. Rummaging.) I'll stash it up there.
Eternity: Better idea. I'll put it with our stuff. Would that be cool with you?
Fenner: That's good. But ya got less then thirty seconds. So 'urry the 'ell up.
(Rummaging. Elevator halt. Opening doors.)
Security 2: (Distant.) Uhh. Could you proceed, sirs"
Fenner: Don't stop! Keep walkin"!
(Conveyer belt. Rhythmic beeping.)
Security 3: (Much more distant.) Please place any metal items or loose change on the conveyer belt' (Long pause. 74 s. Shuffling.) I.D., please"
Fenner: Palm your credentials ta Aja. She does the talkin".
Receptionist 2: Hi! What's your name"
Bird: (Shuffling of paper.) Miss White. Mr. Stone and Mr. Dunham to see Mr. Renger.
Receptionist 2: (More shuffling. Long pause. 122 s.) Okie dokie. You're all set. Mr. Renger is the last door on the right, down that hallway. You have one hour.
Fenner: Aja knocks and opens the door f"r ya.
(Shifting. Feedback. Three knocks.)
Renger: (Muffled.) What' Yes" Come in. (Creaking door. Squeaking leather. Clearer.) Mr. Stone, is it"
Fenner: You're in. Is anyone else in the"ah' Cough once if there's anyone else.
Eternity: (Cough.) Yes.
Fenner: Sh*t. Sh*t sh*t sh*t. 'Kay....tell 'im you're the'ah to discuss sector eight jurisdiction.
Eternity: I'm here to discuss sector eight jurisdiction.
Renger: Are you now" (Squeaking leather.) Well then, have a seat.
Fenner: (Feedback.) Sh*t! Get rid of 'im, Neo. Make 'is brain fuzzy if that's what ya 'ave to do, but get Renger ALONE! (Pause. 13 s.) But be subtle. Don't cause alarm.
(Pause. 39 s. Squeaking leather. Chair legs on carpet.)
Associate 1: (Mechanically.) Sorry, boss. I just remembered I have something to take care of....(Shifting. Opening and closing of door.)
Renger: Forgive my colleague's rudeness. Now. What do you know about sector eight"
Fenner: Soundproof the doors. Get 'im to talk.
(Pause. 56 s. Blowing air. Cracking ice.)
Eternity: I don't know anything about sector eight at all. (Pause. 12 s.) And my name's not Blake Stone. Tell me" about Maranya Valkonan.
(Loud clatter. Paper shuffling. Chair falling to the floor.)
Renger: What the"!" (Shouts.) Security!
Bird: You can yell. But it's just gonna be easier if you talk now.
(Clatter. Commotion. Feedback. Loud snap. The fall of something heavy.)
Renger: You f***ing mother f***ing pricks. I will bury you.
Eternity: Yelling won't do you any good either anyways. The doors" (Pause. 21 s.)'ll bury us, huh' And just how do you plan on doing that"
Bird: (Snort.)
Renger: When I get out of here....I swear to god....I know people that really know how to hurt you smug son of a b***h....(Shifting.)
Bird: (Shifting. The sound of a slap.) No, no. You're going to answer the man's questions before you get to go play.
Eternity: Yeah, come on. They have that in the movies. You think I don't know what you're trying to pull"
Renger: (Moving. The sound of a gun being armed.) Touch me again, you whore, and I'll blow your f***ing brains out.
Renger: (A thud. Screaming.)
(Feedback. Long pause filled with rusting of clothing and shifting of furniture. 88 s. Grunting.)
Eternity: Stop while you're behind.
Renger: You're going to f***ing die for this.
Eternity: Sure I will. All these big bads you're talking can send them after me. In fact, I'll even tell you who I am. My name is Neo Eternity. This man here is Kersh Caliber. You can send them to us, and we'll kick their asses while we imagine the horrified look on your face once you find out they've been beaten.
Bird: Gods, something original might be nice. Maranya Valkonan. You know what we're after. Start talking.
Eternity: Please answer the nice lady's questions, former head of Riverview Clinic.
Renger: I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I don't know anything.
Eternity: (Exasperated sigh.) Yeah. We've got all day, bud.
Bird: (Movement.) Perhaps his memory might be jogged if he were to lose a body part of some kind"
Renger: Do you have any idea what I'm worth' There are people highly invested in my success. You won't do a goddamn thing.
Bird: Stop with the rhetoric and talk.
Renger: Go to hell.
Bird: You first. Now. What have you been up to, you very naughty boy' Framing people" So pedestrian.
Eternity: Hey, Kersh.
Caliber: Yes, Captain" Eternity: Why don't you give it a shot"
Caliber: Of course. (Long, silent pause. 19 s.) Indeed, just as the lady said....a woman was framed for murder. Triple homicide, no less.
Renger: I didn't have anything to do with it...
Caliber: Did you, now....I seem to remember....long, long ago, a situation like this. Long ago, in another realm, a kingdom wrought by war, and forgotten by time. There was a man like you, who ran a business....a veterinary clinic....and another man, who worked as his apprentice. But the head of that clinic grew corrupt over time. The apprentice moved to have him removed from position....and succeeded...
Renger: (Movement. Sound of metal hitting ice. Screaming.) Get....out...of my HEAD! (Movement. Thudding. The sound of fists hitting wood.) Let me out! Help! Security!
Bird: (Laugh. Movement.) Love it when they try to run. They can't hear ya sweetie. Come sit down and be a good boy. Tell the men what they want to know.
Renger: (Shifting.) Let me go, you stupid b***h! Help!
Bird: (Movement.) Told you that wasn't going to work.
Caliber: (Methodical.) ...That man would then start up a different business, and become very successful and wealthy. But he still felt bitter. He hated his apprentice for what he did....and he decided to get back at him....He committed a series of murders, and planted evidence so that he could frame his apprentice. His apprentice was charged with the murders....found guilty....and executed. ...As time passed, the man gradually grew more and more guilty with what he had done. (Long pause. 78 s.)
Renger: No he didn't! No I DON"T! (Struggling.)
Bird: You stay put. Or I start removing parts.
Fenner: YES! I need more! Details, Eternity! Details!
Renger: (Screaming.) I" (Screaming.) I don't know ANYTHING! Get the fuck out of my HEAD!
Caliber: (Steadfast.) The guilt....was crushing. He had betrayed his loyal apprentice in the worst way possible. He framed him for murders he did not commit, and had him killed for it. The guilt eventually came to a head....and the man killed himself.
(Long pause. 70 s.)
Renger: (Loud thud. Weeping.) S....stop....please" (Gasping.)
Caliber: My apologies, Captain....I'm going to have to sit the rest of this one out...
Eternity: It's okay. You did more than enough. (Pause. 9 s.) Why don't you tell us what happened, so we can end this here....before it gets as far as that other man did.
Bird: The truth can help you out here. Why not just give it a shot"
Renger: She's....f***ing B***H ruined everything for me! (Spitting.) I hope she goes down for this! I hope she gets the worst there is! (Weeping.)
Eternity: Is that so....I wonder who really did the ruining here. After all, you know people that really know how to hurt me.
Bird: (Movement. Jerking. Sharp pulling.) She's not a b***h. You were doing a fine job of ruining things all by yer lonesome. Don't think we didn't hear about your exploits over at the clinic.
Fenner: You're wasting time, Neo. They're gonna get suspicious. Get 'im to talk, and do it now!
Renger: She's a stuck-up whore, and I hope she rots.
Bird: Can I just shoot him now"
Eternity: No, I know worse. (Pause. 30 s.) That receptionist out there's rather pretty...
Renger: (Hysterical screaming.)
Bird: She is rather sexy. Got some nice curves hiding under those clothes.
Renger: (Sharp movement. Screaming.) Agh...! AGH! Stop! What d'ya....!" (Screaming.) Make it STOP!
Eternity: I'm the Keeper of Water, b***h. (Louder screaming from Renger.) And that means ice, too. I can freeze Mr. Happy to death, or you can tell us what the hell you did.
Renger: (Shrieking.) I didn't' AGH! (Shouting.) FINE! I did it! (Thud. Moving furniture. More screaming.)
Fenner: Did what!" What did he do!" Get 'im to say it!
Bird: Did what exactly"
Eternity: What did you do!"
Bird: Tell us everything you did to Maranya Valkonan.
Renger: I....put the slut's signature all over the bodies...! STOP!
(Screaming stops. Gasping.)
Bird: How did you put her signature on the bodies"
Renger: I ripped it off a f***ing nurse at Riverview! Everyone has their price.....Agggghhh! (Gasping. Painful moaning.)
Bird: Who did you pay' How much was it worth to cause her trouble"
Renger: Terri Goldman....(Panting.) She was cheaper than I expected. (Chuckle.)
Bird: Did you hire someone to plant the evidence"
Renger: Oh come on, I don't know anything"
Bird: Neo....I think he needs help.
(Long seconds filled with screaming from Renger.)
Renger: I don't know anything!
Eternity: There's only so much I can do to Mr. Happy....shoot him in the foot.
Renger: (Grunting) Sto—!
Bird: Aye-aye Captain. (Shifting. The sound of a pistol being armed.) Dude, I could shoot Mr. Happy. But he might shatter.
Eternity: No, no. If he does good, he gets to have sex with his receptionist. If he doesn't, then Mr. Happy dies of hypothermia. Ever heard of a guy named Pavlov"
Renger: Y' you wouldn't! I don't know anything!
Bird: I totally would. (Gunshot.)
Renger: (Hysterical screaming. Gasping. Moving furniture. Thud. More screaming. 91 s.)
Renger: (Incoherent screaming.) I f***ing killed them! I couldn't trust anyone else!
Eternity: There we go. That's actually the question I was about to ask you. Thanks for saving me the trouble.
(Screaming stops. Commotion.)
Brighton Employee: (Muffled.) What's wrong with this door"
Fenner: Neo' Is the door still taken care of?
Eternity: Yeah, it's iced over, Fenner.
Renger: You....are you wearing a WIRE!"
Eternity: No. I'm talking to God.
(Frenzied knocking. Commotion.)
Brighton Employee: Boss" Boss is everything okay in there" Hey! This door is stuck! Boss!"
Fenner: Neo. I'm pickin" up a lot of chatter on their coms. The blues'll be 'eah any minute. I suggest you guys say what ya need to say and get the 'ell outta the'ah.
Eternity: Blues" You're kidding, right' Oh well. Mr. Renger, you'll be pleased to know that Mr. Happy....(Pause. 8 s.) ...will be perfectly fine. Oh, and your foot, too.
Fenner: Sh*t. Neo, I can see ?em goin' into the freakin' lobby! Get outta the'ah, NOW! There's a fire exit roight outside the office. Go! (Feedback.)
(Loud commotion. Slamming. Yelling voices.)
Eternity: (Panicked.) Fire exit' You go guys, I'll go last.
Renger: (Hysterical.) No...! You're not going anywhere, you son of a b***h! (Movement. Struggle.)
(Shifting. Struggle. Feedback. A loud thud. Groaning.)
Bird: (Distant. Panicked.) Hurry, Neo!
Fenner: SH*T! The cops are out 'eah! I gotta bolt, or they'll take everythin'. Meet me at the back entrance. GO! (Feedback. Static. End transmission from Home Mic D.)
(Commotion. Shouting. Distant crowded voices. Gunshots. The sound of the door breaking.)
Renger: (Gagging. Shouting.) Here! They're in here!
Eternity: Take that cute receptionist out for dinner and let her know how much you appreciate her. Ciao! (Feedback. Static. End transmission from Mic A.)
(Wood breaking. Loud commotion. Gunfire.)
Security: There they are!
(Gunfire. Breaking glass.)
Bird: (Heavy breathing. Gasping. Metal clashing.)
Renger: (Incoherent yelling.)
(Distant gunfire.)
Bird: (Heavy breathing. Running.)
Caliber: (Heavy breathing. Running.)
Fenner: (Car engine. Distant.) Get in! C'mon, move, MOVE!
Bird: (Heavy breathing. Loud thud. The closing of a door.)
(Tires squealing.)
(Gunfire. Yelling. Breaking glass.)
(Cursing from Mic B.)
(Pause. 9 min. Car engine revving.)
Fenner: (Engines off. Panting.) We got it.
Bird: (Weak laughter.) If I liked you a little more, Fenner. I might kiss you.
(End transmission from Mic B and C.)