First of all, Aja-player, thank you so much for that image. It almost cheers me up enough so that I don't snark at people today.
Benevolent Dictator Mode: ACTIVATED
Gang, I really, really hate repeating myself.
I would truly appreciate it if you would contact me before you post something involving a particular setting, to get information about said setting first. I especially would appreciate this if you plan to post about settings that are not my personal intellectual property, but I am permitted to use on this board due to the exceptional generosity of their creator.
I am not a happy camper when someone ticks either me or that person off. You mess with me, I stomp you. You mess with this person, the claws come out, and you're coleslaw.
Fortunately, said person is fairly easy going. I however am not when pushed.
And I have been pushed. Again.
In summary, ASK before you post. My contact information is on my profile.
Got it' GOOD.
Benevolent Dictator Mode: DEACTIVATED