Topic: Somewhere a Clock is Ticking

Sivanna Cyredghymn

Date: 2009-05-17 22:29 EST
Phyllia glanced up in surprise as a white cardboard cup was set directly atop the paperwork with which she had been busying herself. It was lidded in plastic, but the harried receptionist could smell the roasted hazelnut through the tiny sipping hole; could feel the warmth through the insulating container from inches away. As her eyes met the generous form, she was a little stunned to see a one Sivanna Cyredghymn so together that early in the morning. It was a new look for her; the cleric had abandoned her Silvanesti uniform in favor of a chic and professional blouse and pencil skirt ensemble, and had her champagne locks swept neatly up into a French twist.

"Good morning, Miss Hawkwood," that relentless elfess chirped sweetly, paying the woman a bright grin. "I bring caffeine. If you aren't a fan of coffee, I also have Earl Grey."

The receptionist quirked a brow suspiciously as she leaned back in her chair.

"Good morning, Miss Cyredghymn. I had wondered when we would be seeing you." Her gaze flitted dubiously to the kind gesture before back to Sivanna. She looked about to say something, but the cleric beat her to it.

"It is a bribe, yes," Siv confirmed apologetically. "I thought I might make a blind attempt at appealing to your good graces before I begin to bombard you with requests." When the receptionist's expression did not change, the elfess slipped a pair of thin-framed reading glasses onto the bridge of her nose and read from a folder she'd in hand.

"I wasn't certain if Ms. Nightstar had an assistant yet, but I desire an audience with her as soon as possible. I would also beg a word with Mr. Milken. When Miss Chirikova or Dr. Valkonan get in, I wonder if you might pass this along as well," she breathed fervently, handing over a pristine, white parchment with an absurdly elegant scripted message in Common that read:

Anya: I wonder if you might spare time for a lunch with your PR Director this week. I'll bring the tea.


That done, the elfess removed her glasses and clipped them onto her folder. She paid Phyllia an exceptionally warm smile, though it did not reach her eyes. It couldn't be helped. Sivanna was unstoppable when on a mission.

"I'll be making rounds of the facility all day. I have a lot of notes to take. So if you need to get a hold of me, page me on the intercom?"

Another apologetic look was given to the receptionist. Sivanna wondered if it was too much to ask for on her first day.

She should have brought muffins as well.