It was an overcast Tuesday evening, and one resilient blonde elfess had opted to wear her cashmere shawl on her walk to the clinic. If it drizzled, it may well have ruined the garment, but it was a price Sivanna was willing to pay to keep the stack of fliers she'd in hand neat and dry. The Riverview Benefit Gala was fast approaching, and until today, the cleric had not yet kept to her promise to publish a tentative list of the prizes up for auction. At long last, she'd finally found the time, and was on her way to deliver the first draft to Dr. Valkonan herself.
As she glided in the building's direction, her heart rate seemed to increase exponentially. The cleric picked up the pace briskly to hide her uneven breathing and clutched the list protectively against her chest.
Her ideas had become a reality. The date for the auction was set, and in less than a month, the citizens of Rhy"Din would all make a collaborative effort to raise money and benefit the community. The donations they had already received spoke volumes about the generosity of the populace here, and Siv was developing an extraordinary respect for this strange place she now called home.
Carefully, the elfess brought the list out from its hiding place and read it for the hundredth time as she walked. It was a wonderful cause, and such wonderful people were making it possible.
And yet, as the elven cleric made her way into the reception area of Riverview, she could not help but be dwarfed by the most crushingly insignificant feeling.
It was a wonderful cause, and gods willing, it would be a success. But it would still not be enough— not by miles, and not for what this clinic had done for the community. No matter what she did, she would hardly make a dent. And at that moment, Sivanna wasn't sure how all right she was with that idea.
Nevertheless, the former general silently proceeded to the reception desk, cradling the list like some ancient relic that would turn to dust if she gripped too firmly. A polite smile crossed her lips, but did not meet her eyes as she handed the page to Phyllia Hawkwood directly.
"Good evening, Miss Hawkwood. I wonder if you would pass this along to Doctor Valkonan when you can?"
The receptionist took the page curiously, brow ticking upward as she read over its contents.
"Would you like me to page her for you?"
Sivanna shook her head firmly. "No, thank you. I wouldn't want to bother her while she's at work. But please do let her know that this is what we have so far, and any input on it would be greatly appreciated."
Turning on her heel, Siv almost made for the door, but paused mid-step, oyster-colored metalloid irises sweeping the lobby once in consideration. Her boots creaked as she slid back around on the balls of her feet, pursing her lips thoughtfully. The cleric eyed the receptionist through a veil of champagne-colored lashes, who by now had resumed her paperwork.
"I'll be blunt," she began hesitantly. "I don't have any medical training, and I'm not good with kids. But I do want to help. I want to do more," she pressed earnestly.
"Is there something— anything— else I can do??
As she glided in the building's direction, her heart rate seemed to increase exponentially. The cleric picked up the pace briskly to hide her uneven breathing and clutched the list protectively against her chest.
Her ideas had become a reality. The date for the auction was set, and in less than a month, the citizens of Rhy"Din would all make a collaborative effort to raise money and benefit the community. The donations they had already received spoke volumes about the generosity of the populace here, and Siv was developing an extraordinary respect for this strange place she now called home.
Carefully, the elfess brought the list out from its hiding place and read it for the hundredth time as she walked. It was a wonderful cause, and such wonderful people were making it possible.
And yet, as the elven cleric made her way into the reception area of Riverview, she could not help but be dwarfed by the most crushingly insignificant feeling.
It was a wonderful cause, and gods willing, it would be a success. But it would still not be enough— not by miles, and not for what this clinic had done for the community. No matter what she did, she would hardly make a dent. And at that moment, Sivanna wasn't sure how all right she was with that idea.
Nevertheless, the former general silently proceeded to the reception desk, cradling the list like some ancient relic that would turn to dust if she gripped too firmly. A polite smile crossed her lips, but did not meet her eyes as she handed the page to Phyllia Hawkwood directly.
"Good evening, Miss Hawkwood. I wonder if you would pass this along to Doctor Valkonan when you can?"
The receptionist took the page curiously, brow ticking upward as she read over its contents.
"Would you like me to page her for you?"
Sivanna shook her head firmly. "No, thank you. I wouldn't want to bother her while she's at work. But please do let her know that this is what we have so far, and any input on it would be greatly appreciated."
Turning on her heel, Siv almost made for the door, but paused mid-step, oyster-colored metalloid irises sweeping the lobby once in consideration. Her boots creaked as she slid back around on the balls of her feet, pursing her lips thoughtfully. The cleric eyed the receptionist through a veil of champagne-colored lashes, who by now had resumed her paperwork.
"I'll be blunt," she began hesitantly. "I don't have any medical training, and I'm not good with kids. But I do want to help. I want to do more," she pressed earnestly.
"Is there something— anything— else I can do??