Topic: THAT'S IT!


Date: 2008-04-27 12:50 EST
She may be little! She may be tiny! But Mommy was missing and she wasn't going to sit at the lair and wait. Seleste was now, what a few months old and crabby. Bouncing and bouncing her way to the entracne was a slow feat. She was a little toughy and she was sure that she could find Mommy. There was a soft click of her talons and then a spread of her baby wings before she was off. A little black blip on her way to finding Mommy. She even left a note for her daddy, but it said pretty simplely....SLDjflskdfjlskdjfiodfklsjfd, seing as how she didn't know how to write.

Seleste was gonna go find Momma!


Date: 2008-05-20 19:47 EST
The first week was an odd one. The dragon had managed to end up crawling her way over to the other side of the lake! Into a city of oddities and beyond it. Biting off a few zombies head and looking about with dread for her mother. It was only on the seventh day she flailed lightly and slumped by a little fountain to plot her next path of attack. Sulking and shaking her head she chewed on a piece of beef she had managed to get from a butchar. Icer's children seemed to be adored every where.

It was when she fell back into the water that the strangest thing happened. The little dragonling was burping up water and shaking her head before the form of her scales changed and expanded. She was no longer the little bitty thing of black creeping along the streets because she couldn't fly, she was now her father's size and those black scales had gained a deep twilight blue twinge.

Canting her head curiously she looked down at her reflection and then jumped back. Flailing madly she snorted and then wiggled. A sneeze came over her and her form shifted into a deep jet black haired girl with vibrant acidic eyes. A slender and pale form over her body, and dressed in ruffled skirt as blue as her scales, and a top as gold as her chest scales. Gulping she ran her hands over her now valuptious figure and then muttered," Momma and poppa are going to be mad..."


Date: 2008-05-22 08:30 EST
Michael had been tracking Seleste for a bit, losing and regaining her trail here and there. He knew what she was trying to do becuase she felt the same way as he did about Mother being gone but it was a bad idea to go alone with the little experience she had.

He appeared suddenly in front of her. His green eyes swirling a bit as he looked over her new appearance. "You shouldn't go alone you know." He stated to her in a saddened tone as he stood there with his arms crossed. "Wha....what if you don't come back just like her? What will it accomplish then....I know how you feel...maybe you are affected more than me becuase of your youth. But as long as i'm around i'm not letting anyone else disappear"

He hoped she would consider not going alone, he was also going she wasn't going to have a stubborn attitude either but everyone was their own person and he said what he thought.