::Voices, the dragon heard voices in his head, he knew he'd been dead for ages, he'd felt the slayers blades upon his scales, bleeding him till there really was no more to give, yet now a voice rang out within his mind, softly spoken and female in form it spoke to him.::
<Awaken great one, you are needed>>
::His body,the mountainous bulk that it was shuddered once, twice, then a great blue eye opened as the surroundings were taken in.:: Why.., why have you returned me..
<Your family is in danger, ::the voice echoing in his head;: one you love so dearly, small.>
Small.., ::his voice rasping as he got used to speaking again, even if it were to a voice only he could hear, eyes widened a bit as realization hit::
Icer.., sh...she survived"
<She survived and has thrived great one, but she is in danger, now go..>
Where", ::Sapphire gaze glittered as he heard the remaining child he had was in danger.
<The caverns in the mountains of gloom, that is all I can say.>
Without another word, great wings spread and the bulk stretched and shifted, pushing himself off the bloodstained ground, he was going hunting.
<Awaken great one, you are needed>>
::His body,the mountainous bulk that it was shuddered once, twice, then a great blue eye opened as the surroundings were taken in.:: Why.., why have you returned me..
<Your family is in danger, ::the voice echoing in his head;: one you love so dearly, small.>
Small.., ::his voice rasping as he got used to speaking again, even if it were to a voice only he could hear, eyes widened a bit as realization hit::
Icer.., sh...she survived"
<She survived and has thrived great one, but she is in danger, now go..>
Where", ::Sapphire gaze glittered as he heard the remaining child he had was in danger.
<The caverns in the mountains of gloom, that is all I can say.>
Without another word, great wings spread and the bulk stretched and shifted, pushing himself off the bloodstained ground, he was going hunting.