Topic: Anything Goes! (OOC Comments)


Date: 2012-01-08 20:04 EST
Okay, the fact that I have placed OOC in the title to this post gives me the right to ignore parenthetical rules and ideals.

Yes Raye mun I will do anything to break the rules. To those who choose to make this your place to post.


There are some things that should be understood. Yes, there will be the occasional post which necessitates the need for the mature content warning. The NSFW can serve as a warning as well since that has been stipulated in the DM forums for more years than I am going to make any of relive.

Next, most things are open for me however with the exception of the Kruger's Exotic thread, I would like a heads up, and to be able to get back to you with an answer before something appears in a thread. Not because I am an egotisitcal maniac....I am but that is not the reason...rather it is to ensure that the end result that I am looking for won't be changed. I will give the same respect to you and yours.

In recent weeks I have come across numerous threads that I have wanted to join. I have a tendency to want to drive the story line, and have on occasion had to stop myself from going too fast. No promises that this won't happen to you. The forum rules apply here, and as moderator I assume that responsibility...sorry it isn't exactly the most fun part of this place. Like going bowling with your friends, but they get the beer and you get the car keys....wait that's me too. One day I too will have fun.

Lastly, this is as good a place as any to place our OOC comments concerning the threads posted here. goes here....clarification...that goes here....if I happen to use poor grammar, in a post...well put that here too. No promises though....I am a write and post, then think kind of guy.

Thanks for your attention,

D-the mundane one behind the blacksmith


Date: 2012-01-09 10:29 EST
::gasp:: I am shocked to find out that YOU would break the rules...I mean...what is this world coming to?! :lol:

But seriously (don't die from shock that I can be serious!)— Congrats on the new folder, I know you have been waiting forever. I am not sure I have ever seen so many postings in so many places by someone waiting for a folder...that shows dedication. Of course, this might be commonplace and I just don't look around all that much. :eek:

I have enjoyed all of your writings thus far and I have no doubt there are many more great things on the way.

Don't forget to cross post the stuff in Sjira's folder. You two have been working hard on that and it's a great thing to watch unfold. And that was my bossiness coming out. I aren't used to seeing it. :twisted:

::Breaks the champagne bottle over the railing or cuts the ribbon with the oversized scissors or does whatever to christen the folder!:::

Happy writings!


Date: 2012-01-09 10:35 EST
Because my first post in your folder wasn't wordy enough...

Where is the MUSIC THREAD, D?! Geeez, man, get with the times! :cool:

I would have just started one but that might have been taking creative liberties and gotten me banned from the forge. So, instead...I will just yell at you and be the bossy wench everyone knows me to be. :grin:


Date: 2012-01-09 10:47 EST
I see the folder's up.


Marissa de Vie

Date: 2012-01-09 13:19 EST
Congrats on the folder, nice to know just where to find this nicely-written SL without having to search too hard.

Small question, pt of clarification, whatever: NSFW meaning, I did search the MB and did not find it, I assume it to be an acronym, and I assume it to be Not Suitable For ..........but the only thing I could come up with that made sense for the W is wimps.

Heh' Or are you having a grand laugh now at my expense?? ::grins::

Mari mun


Date: 2012-01-09 20:26 EST
Thanks for asking T, I had to have this sent to me back when I was considering how far was too far. I am an early Xer...generation that is, and sometimes PG 13, is difficult to remember.

here is the link


Date: 2012-01-09 20:30 EST
Was working on a music thread when someone told me that I had to go to the RoH Annex...NOW!

I refuse to mention any names ::cough:: Raye ::cough:: Excuse me...I hate it when that happens so randomly...

Thanks for the the great welcome, and you have never shown me bossy...::points to the previous paragraph:: really don't know what you mean ::double handed index fingers pointing to the word NOW.


Date: 2012-01-09 20:33 EST
Thank you S'jira Mun for all the help you have given me and the home for some of those pesky threads when I was feeling particularly homeless. I hope that we have a long relationship of PBP.

D~ the who is that guy and why is he so funny looking mun that whispers words into the ear of Kruger.


Date: 2012-01-10 21:19 EST
You're welcome!

I'm enjoying the RP and interaction.

Toast to more RP days to come!


Date: 2012-01-11 20:19 EST
Mmmm....toast...I love toast, toast with butter...that always brings me to bacon...there is nothing quite like bacon....

what were we talking about' Oh yeah...::lifts his coffee coffee goes good with toast and bacon:: To more RP



Date: 2012-01-24 19:02 EST
I'm back!

Sorry, guys.

Work-life's been really nuts.

Things are settling though and I'm back.

Hope to see you in RP! :)


Date: 2012-02-02 15:53 EST
Nuts are good for the most part...unless you find a rotten peanut because those just kill you if you eat them anyway....::grins as the matter of bad jokes rears its ugly head once again:: Or so the song goes...

::walks away towards the live rp singing Found a Peanut to his self::


Marissa de Vie

Date: 2012-02-07 18:30 EST
Mun Explanation: To look at this character's profile it might seem odd that she is found within Kruger's "Embers in the Dark" folder. I did in fact struggle with whether or not to bring this character into this section. After all, what did she have to do with a blacksmith'

There is a major theme that she represents that is parallel to being an Ember in the Dark and the writing will (eventually) speak to that.

There is also a major reason she is here and that is the warm welcome from Kruger's writer. He could not have been more supporting, when I was questioning whether I would write her here at all or not, he listened to her background and provided a sounding board for my ideas, of where she had been and who she was trying to become (and therefore reach). I just wanted to publically thank him for all the conversations and tell anyone out there if they are looking for a place to write their character, this would be a great one!

After I began posting here, two things happened that let me know this character is in the right place. (I call that confirmation and its important for anything I am trying to do or believe.) One, a play with another character (first live play here) gave me the name for her entire section, provided the inspiration for each part of it that I would write, that they would all be "sparks" of some interior emotion, feeling, reason, etc. that would spring to life as some flame of story. Two, a dear friend gave me a chapter from Isaiah and said he had been led by God to give it to me, that it was for me to read and study. Near the end of the chapter are these verses:

"See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc; no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord. ~~~ Isaiah 54:16-17

Thanks for reading, now and in the future. Please feel free to approach and engage Mari if you would like to write with me, I look forward to our interaction. Peace!

Mari's writer

Photo credits: unless otherwise tagged, photographs used throughout the writings to depict Mari will always be of the actress Sophie Marceau.


Date: 2012-02-11 22:39 EST
Wow, thanks Mari mun. I do understand what you mean about divine providence. I also know that there are times when it seems a message is specific for you.

You are welcome here, though my own writing is sporadic and tends to fall like an avalanche, then dry up until the next big snow. Much of this is caused by my work. Not that I am held extremely busy...well okay sometimes...but because my most productive mental times for writing are the hours between 10 and 5. I go in at my beginning and am lucky to get out on time. In between I think, and then feel guilty because I can't put it all down. I have forgotten more threads than I have ever written. I would write down my thoughts, but the bosses tend to frown on my using business hours for personal things. If I started to write at would likely be my last day. If it is my last day then my internet would surely die. If my internet dies, then I won't be posting at all. Therefore it is a necessary evil that I must work through my favorite time of the day.

D-still the reason that a certain blacksmith lives and breathes...what kind of fool am I?


Date: 2012-03-03 10:21 EST

Am completely enjoying the sparks thread. Keep up with the good work.

D-The unseen catalyst who tells Kruger what he needs to hit and how hard.


Date: 2012-05-03 15:48 EST
Nice post Mari-mun, and WB. Thank you for putting that out there.



Date: 2012-05-05 08:14 EST
All right I seem to recall something about you being a pushy neighbor....well, let's say I am not calling you State Farm — like a good neighbor....blah...blah, you fill in the blanks. :lol: :cool: +shocked+ +toast+


Date: 2012-05-05 17:45 EST
Yep yep, I did say something similar to that. Then the world went squirly and I couldn't do more than just barge in my own head.

Welocme to the OOC Chatter though.

D~never to be revealed

El Sabatier

Date: 2012-06-03 10:42 EST
Uh this ain't really OOC well it might be but its more like OOC about the IC or maybe that should be OOC about the SL......


The building is going up!! The building is going up!! (Well that's better than the sky is falling, the sky is falling!) Was thinking about a little SL where folks can discover it in their stroll around the marketplace, you know, curiosity and all that, and decide they might want to volunteer for an afternoon, or a week, or the duration.... Not sure where that should go, suggestions are welcome.

And if that happens, we might need an endless supply of Kruger bumpter stickers to hand out....maybe some buttons....some pencils or t-shirts....

I'm just sayin.....::grins, finishes his bottle of water, disposes of it in the recycling bin, and turns to go back to work, his own bumper sticker "Vote for Kruger" visible still on the back of his shirt::

Uh...hey....there's a platform for ya....::points to the last paragraph:: save Rhydin and the planet, ReCycle!!

And THAT gives him an idea for the roof of the building, which is today's project.....HMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

A. S. (so relieved he doesn't have a middle name and it doesn't begin with S)


Date: 2012-06-06 20:26 EST
To be honest A S withouth the third S....I think you could do a playable with a link to the thread here. Make it as open as you want bud. Truth is I like the idea. Would welcome the strollers...wait...did I just call for baby carriages?

D~Crazy is as Crazy...well is in point of fact....sorry Krug's there will be no end to your misery.


Date: 2012-06-07 00:31 EST
I would write down my thoughts, but the bosses tend to frown on my using business hours for personal things. If I started to write at would likely be my last day. If it is my last day then my internet would surely die. If my internet dies, then I won't be posting at all. Therefore it is a necessary evil that I must work through my favorite time of the day.

That reminds me of a television commercial: "When you wait forever for the cable guy, you get bored. When you get bored, you start staring out windows. When you start staring out windows, you see things you shouldn't see. When you see things you shouldn't see, you need to vanish. When you need to vanish, you fake your own death. When you fake your own death, you dye your eyebrows. And when you dye your eyebrows, you attend your own funeral as Phil Shifley. Don't attend your own funeral as Phil Shifley.

Sounds just like RhyDin to me! :lol:

See the commercial Here

A belated congrats on your folder! :cool: ~S w/o a baby carriage.

P.S. No, I'm not endorsing direct tv. +viking+


Date: 2012-06-21 19:16 EST
Phil Shifley' I know a Phil Shifley. He looks eerily like a friend of mine who died...You don't think we are talking about the same guy do you?

D~ Yes say it with me...Stop D's insanity...I know horrible joke, you quirked your eyebrow...wrinkled you nose and laughed because you didn't know what else to do...I'll take a laugh that way too.


Date: 2012-07-13 00:58 EST
Thank you so much for allowing Aja's petting zoo to be a part of Kruger's small business carnival event. It was a lot of fun!


Date: 2012-07-13 08:37 EST
Baby Elephants. So cute.


Date: 2012-07-13 20:42 EST
Allowing? It is I whom is grateful to all those who volunteered time and allowed us to use shop names and items. The people who manned the attractions. Without all of you there was no event. Thank you all...wait that isn't nearly good enough....Thank you all!!!! Hmm let me thank those of the more southern states as well...Thanks Y'all!!! Now for the east coasters...Tanks yous guys!! West Kyra Sedgwick as The Closer Thank you. Please feel free to fill in any region I may have missed...I will be over there taking notes on dialect.

D~Hey hey he's a monkey.


Date: 2012-10-18 01:53 EST
I didn't know where to put this, so I chose this OOC thread.

Wrote something new today, random and unexpected...short and possibly sweet.

I's silly.

It's not silly at all — I like it!



Date: 2012-10-18 02:34 EST
I didn't know where to put this, so I chose this OOC thread. It's not silly at all — I like it!

This place works well, thank you for reading. I am glad you like it.


Date: 2012-11-05 15:51 EST
If I disappear...know that I will return...

D~the original PITA


Date: 2012-12-25 12:35 EST
There is within me a desire for all of my friends and loved ones to experience a profound peace. Some of you are going through things that I can only imagine. Others have been there for me in my times of doubt. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Happy Holidays to all y'all.

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2013-01-15 01:44 EST
Congratulations on getting over 250 posts for "Embers in the Dark" and"

Congratulations on your new "Old Wyrm' status!

To put your accomplishment into perspective, check out these current statistics of the population of RDI, based on their posts.

Great Wyrms (1200 posts) 16 characters, about 0.10% Ancient Wyrms (600 posts) 27 characters, about 0.18% Old Wyrms (300 posts) 63 characters, about 0.42% Adult Wyrms (150 posts) 117 characters, about 0.75% Young Wyrms (15 posts) 1084 characters, about 7% Wyrmlings (1 post) 2882 characters, about 19% Less than 28% of the total RDI population has ever posted.

You're in the top 1%. Keep up the great work! Only halfway to Ancient Wyrm. :P


Date: 2013-01-16 18:56 EST
Looks at his numbers...looks at the numbers in the folder...looks back at Fi...gets dizzy. Uhm...I am not old. LOL! Thanks for the acknowledgements...and the info. Stop by anytime I will make waffles.

D~ I am the finder and I am the keeper.


Date: 2013-03-18 04:57 EST
Am gonna just pretend to be on for a while. IF there is a need for an item manufactured please feel free to let me know via PM. I will be checking. iF you wonder about me...I don't blame you I wonder about me weird. Nothing more to say right?

D~I admitt to being a P.I.T.A. iF only you knew how hard I work at it.


Date: 2013-05-28 01:50 EST
Welcome Chimera, and your silent partner. We look forward to seeing more from the pair of you.


Date: 2013-05-29 18:46 EST
Thanks so much for the warm welcome.

I'm proud to display my posts alongside a fellow Guardian, each protecting the streets in our own way.

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2013-05-30 23:57 EST
Congratulations on 300 posts!

Your forum is now an "Old Wyrm?. :P

"Many embers fall simply to die on the cold floor, however some have greater destiny' it is up to us to tell their tales."

Keep telling those tales!


Date: 2013-06-05 20:21 EST
That would explain a lot of things. Like why I can't get the Wyrm to respond to me. Poor thing is going deaf. I bet the ancient ones suffer from memory loss.

Thank You Fi, I hadn't considered looking at it that way. ::grabs an enormous cotton swab and goes on a Wyrm hunt.:: Be vewy quiet...I am hunting Dwagons! ::picks up his spear and magic helmet::


Date: 2013-06-11 20:28 EST
Welcome Juliet, so glad to see you here. Mostly because I keep having this issue with my impact resistant watches. ::e.g.::

Seriously though welcome aboard.


Date: 2013-07-26 06:11 EST
I figured that I don't do many bumps to keep my folder am going to post a bump here that obviously isn't intended to keep my folder open. :razz:


Date: 2013-07-26 11:17 EST
::Throws a brick at Kruger, just to see what happens::


Date: 2013-07-27 09:23 EST
Bumps the door of the forge with a hip to close it never noticing the brick till it hits the door. The door is of course reopened to see who is knocking. "Hello' Darn kids and their ding dong ditch."


Date: 2013-07-28 07:27 EST
::Waves at mister forge-man-kruger-sir::


Date: 2013-07-28 19:22 EST
*sends a wave back to Art* Top of the morning to you...oh wait wrong island. Uhm...Cheers?


Date: 2013-07-29 11:25 EST
Jolly good show!...What, what? Where's the tea?!...

.....In case any of you there Americans reading this are under any illusions....No, we British son not really say that....Unless we're rich, in which case it's a requirement -.-

Pip, pip! XD


Date: 2013-07-29 17:47 EST
Bad news tea pot got into a fight with my coffee pot in a winner takes all, loser gets melted down and used in the next outgoing weapon. Teapot put up a valiant fight, but in the end Coffeepot became bitter and Teapot....well, I would like to say he didn't suffer, but...I just can't. It was horrible, steam everywhere and that damn whistle going off. You should be thankful you weren't here.


Date: 2013-07-29 17:48 EST
::Sniffs:: At least he became an awesome weapon

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2013-09-20 01:08 EST
Kruger, congratulations on your 5 Question Interview with Mutual Endeavors!

For those that can't get enough of The Anvil, check out the September 19th interview here!

And just because I'm here, let me add ? Congratulations on 400 posts in Embers in the Dark!


Date: 2013-10-26 15:34 EST 400 good? Thanks Fi, glad someone is keeping an eye out where I am not.


Date: 2014-01-02 00:39 EST
New AIM/AOL name a_kruger_allen

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-01-15 20:43 EST
Congratulations on 500 posts for Kruger!

Not quite an Ancient Wyrm with 600 posts, but you probably don't want to be ancient anyway. :P

Believe it or not, it was only one short year ago that you made it to 300 posts. Crazy.


Date: 2014-01-15 23:07 EST
*blink blink* Okay, I think I'll lie and say I planned it that way. No one will ever know.

Thank you Fi, I can always count on you to find things out like that. Did you know that you hit 200 today' You don't look one post over 22.

Drinks are on me! I'm not buying, I just mean everyone hit me in the face with their drink.

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-01-17 17:40 EST
Did you know that you hit 200 today' You don't look one post over 22.

Unfortunately, Fi is definitely over 200, but that is an in character issue. :P

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-05-09 23:45 EST
Congratulations on your Rhydin Rewind interview! So many funny things that can be taken out of context'

"You want me to just do her on the floor?"

"It's fine, she's had all her shots for the year."

"Good thing I brought my wallet."

"She'll just lick herself until she feels better."


Date: 2014-06-24 22:27 EST
Thanks so much for doing an interview for Yas's WHAM! 101.1 FM 'Talk Tuesday'!

As always, Yas wishes Kruger the best of luck in his quest for that diamond tower barony thingy.

See Kruger's 'Talk Tuesday' interview:


Date: 2014-07-25 15:34 EST
Hopefully enough time has passed to appease the restraining order. As always Yas....I had a blast, sorry about that mess that happened in the hall outside the studio. How was I to know the guy with peanut butter was gonna run into the lady bringing chocolate bars just at the moment I showed you my Batman?

Seriously I did enjoy the interview a ton. Thanks for having little old me.


Date: 2014-10-08 01:30 EST
To my fellow Shanachie Theater performer, Kruger...

Congratulations on your first role of the 2014-2015 Shanachie Season as Baptista Minola in The Taming of the Shrew!

Break a leg!

The Shanachie Theater:"f=467 The Taming of the Shrew:"t=28047


Date: 2015-11-05 22:36 EST
Maybe I'm horrible, I've been that's likely I will be again at some point. Really sorry for the absence, but I am quite busy doing stuff!


Date: 2015-11-06 00:24 EST
Maybe I'm horrible, I've been that's likely I will be again at some point. Really sorry for the absence, but I am quite busy doing stuff! WELCOME BACK DOOD

Infernal Charm

Date: 2017-03-04 17:14 EST
I just popped my head back in the RDI and binged on "I Am Shale"...

Gotta say that's some amazing writing, dude. I loved it and clearly, I gotta look around some more!


Date: 2017-03-04 17:38 EST
I just popped my head back in the RDI and binged on "I Am Shale"....

Gotta say that's some amazing writing, dude. I loved it and clearly, I gotta look around some more!

AHHHHHH! You scared the hell out of me! Nothing to do with the horns either. I seriously wasn't expecting anyone to come by, let alone read. Did you seriously view that some six hundred times. ::snickerfits::

Thanks for the support Infernal! I've got a few more coming before that one can be called done.


Date: 2017-04-03 21:40 EST
I'm happy, (read that as relieved) to announce that I Am Shale is now finished. I hope those who read it will forgive the horrible typos and every other thing wrong with it! I also hope that those who have read were at least entertained.



Date: 2018-03-23 20:15 EST
I found this today and it reminded me of Ali, so I'm just going to leave it right here;


Date: 2018-06-25 09:50 EST
Work happens, ALL OVER MY FACE! I'm sure writing will happen too soon enough.