Awaiting Judgment
Kruger enjoyed the stolen moments with the mysterious little S"jira. Her alien behavior excited him. She occupied much of his thoughts lately; it had been a blessing that she had agreed to work with him. His thoughts were easier to control when he could look up and see that which was on his mind.
He had met her years ago, just once while he was still in his madness, a state that always seemed to lurk just beneath the surface. In his time away from this place the memories were easier to control. His return may have been too early; he took another look across at S"jira and wondered if she had noticed how often he did that. His heart yearned to tell her more, but how could he subject her to himself" Kruger knew he was damaged goods.
There might be time for them if he could just get his head on straight. The sights and smells kept taking him back to that time of pain. What would she think when she knew everything" His heart ached at the merest thought that his crimes would drive her from him. He would hold out as long as he could before speaking of those times.
Kruger forced his attention back upon the project before him. The pair of war hammers was nearly completed, and would take that trip up to the sanctuary with him. He had worked the forge in the moments away from her company. These past few days had been unexpected, but that didn't excuse him from doing his job.
The pair had been named in one of those moments of clarity that seemed to be coming more often to the smith. It wasn't every job that had one, but it seemed these custom weapons insisted upon them. Purgatory had been the name they called to him; he could still hear their voices in his head. The sounds of fire and water, steaming together always locked in immortal combat. Individually they were known as Heaven and Hell. It was easy to tell which was which.
Heaven was carved with angels of beauty, and graceful features. Even up to the hammer's head where an arch angel flew, with sword pointed. The sword had been hardened to it purpose, Kruger knew that armor would not stand whole against a proper blow. The butt side of the hammer was a melding of the Archangels feet and wingtips. The two came together in a magnificently crafted wedge designed to open armor at the joints.
Hell was similar, yet different from Heaven. Where Heaven followed an angel motif Hell's designs were of demons scratching and clawing their way along a carved forearm ending in a demonic fist. The small demons looked as though they wished to remove the beast above them. The demonic fist was holding a broken femur. One end of the bone had been broken off and came to another of those hardened armor piercing points. The butt of this hammer was simply the unbroken end of the femur.
Kruger had padded the handles in rawhide tied with sinew. There was no need for elaborate ornamentation with these, for they belonged to him. He picked them both up and took an aggressive posture, a stray breeze carried one of those elemental voices to him, and it seemed to be naming his pose.
Awaiting judgment, it said in that raspy breathy whisper. "Who will preside?" Kruger asked in singsong voice that mimicked the wind. He received only silence.
Kruger enjoyed the stolen moments with the mysterious little S"jira. Her alien behavior excited him. She occupied much of his thoughts lately; it had been a blessing that she had agreed to work with him. His thoughts were easier to control when he could look up and see that which was on his mind.
He had met her years ago, just once while he was still in his madness, a state that always seemed to lurk just beneath the surface. In his time away from this place the memories were easier to control. His return may have been too early; he took another look across at S"jira and wondered if she had noticed how often he did that. His heart yearned to tell her more, but how could he subject her to himself" Kruger knew he was damaged goods.
There might be time for them if he could just get his head on straight. The sights and smells kept taking him back to that time of pain. What would she think when she knew everything" His heart ached at the merest thought that his crimes would drive her from him. He would hold out as long as he could before speaking of those times.
Kruger forced his attention back upon the project before him. The pair of war hammers was nearly completed, and would take that trip up to the sanctuary with him. He had worked the forge in the moments away from her company. These past few days had been unexpected, but that didn't excuse him from doing his job.
The pair had been named in one of those moments of clarity that seemed to be coming more often to the smith. It wasn't every job that had one, but it seemed these custom weapons insisted upon them. Purgatory had been the name they called to him; he could still hear their voices in his head. The sounds of fire and water, steaming together always locked in immortal combat. Individually they were known as Heaven and Hell. It was easy to tell which was which.
Heaven was carved with angels of beauty, and graceful features. Even up to the hammer's head where an arch angel flew, with sword pointed. The sword had been hardened to it purpose, Kruger knew that armor would not stand whole against a proper blow. The butt side of the hammer was a melding of the Archangels feet and wingtips. The two came together in a magnificently crafted wedge designed to open armor at the joints.
Hell was similar, yet different from Heaven. Where Heaven followed an angel motif Hell's designs were of demons scratching and clawing their way along a carved forearm ending in a demonic fist. The small demons looked as though they wished to remove the beast above them. The demonic fist was holding a broken femur. One end of the bone had been broken off and came to another of those hardened armor piercing points. The butt of this hammer was simply the unbroken end of the femur.
Kruger had padded the handles in rawhide tied with sinew. There was no need for elaborate ornamentation with these, for they belonged to him. He picked them both up and took an aggressive posture, a stray breeze carried one of those elemental voices to him, and it seemed to be naming his pose.
Awaiting judgment, it said in that raspy breathy whisper. "Who will preside?" Kruger asked in singsong voice that mimicked the wind. He received only silence.