Topic: And Justice for None


Date: 2010-07-31 17:35 EST
There existed a selection of documents that were keeping the Governor of Rhy'Din's mind rather preoccupied as of late. The more he looked them over, the larger his headache grew. What he needed himself was a lawyer, or at the very least someone who was very good at playing the part of a lawyer. Of course, lawyers in general were the major cause of his headaches these days, particularly one Lucien Mallorek.

Two of the documents sitting on the Governor's desk were of his own personal design. One was a petition dated June 24, 2010 and in summary pretty much implicated him as a co-conspirator in some allegedly unlawful act. The same could be said of the other petition dated July 20, 2010. Both had to do with Judah Bishop, and he wasn't the least bit surprised. Annoyed, sure, but surprised? Not one wit.

Dris and his personal assistant Erin had been going over these documents for, well, months. There was no instantaneous solution that either of them could figure. A lot of questions were being raised from their very existence even. Lucien had made them sound so authoritative and final. So much so that he'd even convinced the Minister of Justice of their validity, and that was the sort of thing that only irritated the Governor all the more.

He had put off responding to these accusations for a long time. Dris was the freaking Governor of Rhy'Din. He was well within his right to sit on this sort of thing. It wasn't going anywhere. It wasn't going to go anywhere. The more he reviewed the documents, the more he realized they were only going to come to an authoritative stalemate on the matter. On this, he was annoyed that Riley O'Rourke had been more of a pushover than he had initially imagined her to be. And he was generally such a fantastic judge of char— Wait. No. That's why he had hired Erin, among other reasons.

Which brings us to document number three. The resignation letter.

"Dear Governor Driscol,

Effective immediately, I hereby tender my resignation from my position as Minister of Justice for the City of Rhy'Din.

I feel I am no longer able to effectively fulfill my duties, due to a lack of support, and general disinterest from the public. It has become clear to me that the people of Rhy'Din do not want a justice system; therefore, as the role of the government is to serve the people, I find my position to be unnecessary.

I appreciate the opportunity to serve this city and its citizens.


Riley O'Rourke"

Among all the documents in his current possession that could in some way or another possibly be linked, it was this one, the resignation letter, that made the Governor smile. This was no small smile of idle contentment, no. This was the sort of smile best reserved for demons and diabolical masterminds. It was the kind of smile most often seen on the face of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

Now, Dris was certain he could say that he was glad he had sat on those two petitions. He was glad that he had been mulling them over and trying to figure out how best to combat the accusations. This one little letter, so politely disgruntled, was the key to everything. It also spared him the uncomfortable situation of firing Riley, which was all really just part and parcel of his nefariously enormous master plan.

"This," he said to Erin after reading the letter over for the hundredth time and letting his smile grow to deviously phenomenal proportions, "is perfect." Everything was going just as he liked it to go now. It was about time Riley saw things the way he'd seen them, been trying to tell the people of this city during his campaign before they actually elected him. Now, with Fenner's — ugh — unexpected help, the citizens of Rhy'Din were finally starting to clear up their eyes and see things the way they really were.

Little did his ex-Minister and that darn journalist know, but they both just made his job a whole lot easier, especially where concerning dealing with Barrister Lucien Mallorek, Judah Bishop, and their ridiculous petition.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2010-07-31 17:46 EST
Erin had to read the letter again. And again. To her it was like a love letter left in her locker sometime between second and third periods. She had no idea what she had done to deserve it, but it made her heart leap. Her palms sweat. Her face break into a big overly goofy smile.

"It's almost like there is a god," she replied. "And for some odd reason he loves you." She would not let the governor know her plans. Or desires. With Dris that was nothing but dangerous, and who wanted to catch a disease?

"I mean' I don't think she just resigned, I think she actually dismantled any remnants of the justice system." Erin read the letter again. "It's just lovely."

Pacing the room, she thought for a moment.

"And I think you're going to have to leak it, governor. Or, more specifically, I am." The cheshire grin appeared. "No one in Rhydin should go without reading this letter."


Date: 2010-07-31 17:59 EST
Dris leaned back in his chair and kicked his heels up on the edge of his desk, crossing one foot over the other at the ankles. Steepling his fingers, he continued to smile that most diabolical smile. The most appropriate smile. Every fiber of his being just swelled with....with....Well. Not that. But he could really go for some of that just now. This was definitely cause for celebration.

That's when he realized there was a bottle of champagne in one of the lower desk drawers. Why he had a bottle of champagne on hand was anyone's guess, but it was enough to say that Governor Sheridan Driscol sat in this chair in this room every single work day of every single week, for as long as his term lasted. Not having a bottle of champagne on standby was utter blasphemy for someone of his actual profession. We use the term con artist lightly here.

"Erin," he chided in the most insincere fashion imaginable. "I 'aven't the slightest clue what y'mean by 'leak it.'" Sure, he could play innocent. Though in this case it was obvious he was acting. He knew precisely what she meant even when he dropped his feet off the desk and dug up that bottle of champagne. He stood up before popping the cork and filling up a couple of glasses. Yes, he had those on hand too. One must always needs be prepared.

Handing one glass over to his personal assistant, he continued to bare his teeth to display his shining glee to all the world of, well, his office. "You're right, though. This is a literary masterpiece. Someone ought consider makin' and distributin' copies or somethin'." Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge. Now was a good time to clink their two glasses together before drinking merrily of the bubbly.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2010-07-31 22:44 EST
"Why thank you." Erin took her glass, the smile on her face matching his. She sipped long and easy before putting the glass down and taking up the letter. With a quick careful set of movements she folded the letter gently.

Pausing, she put it down on the desk, sipped once more and then slid the letter into her top so that it rested between her left breast and her bra. Smoothing her shirt gently so that it was not visible, and did not crinkle, she beamed at him.

"It would be a sin to let such beautiful work go unnoticed." With that, she lifted her glass once more.

"Darling, I think we are going to make a lovely duo. I always had a hunch, but now? I know."