((Posting in sections based on topic. Thanks to all who participated!))
Introduction and Welcome
FioHelston: She strode into the hall just a scant few minutes ahead of the schedule, glancing around the hall as she did. The front of the room had been set up with a long, oval table and chairs rimming one side. Additional chairs in rows were arranged facing that for those of the public who chose to come. Lelah: She wondered how many of these people were actually on the council and how many were just observers like her. = Dyarhk has entered the room = Brian Ravenlock: A respectful nod, offered to Fio as she entered, "Governor." Icer1978: :;Koy received a nod of her horned head as did Fio.:; Race: "Well should be interesting times all around them." Leans back in his seat. Jolyon Gardiner: ::The bag to the floor, he fishes out the ledger and a stubby pencil, checking the point with a tap of his finger. Good enough:: LdyBelial: ::A warm smile to Fio, already sitting at the oval table.:: Evening Governor. FioHelston: "Good evening, everyone," she offered smiled to those greeting her, and motioned with a flutter of her hand toward the table. "Council members, if you would join me in the front, we'll begin shortly." = Kazzy Hart has entered the room = Caroline Granger: Caroline offered a nod of greeting to Fio as she came in, herself already sat at the table along with Belial. "Good evening, Governor." Alain DeMuer: ::Alain slips in quietly with Sophie. The two knights accompanying them for most of the journey split off before the door. He kisses Sophie on the cheek, touching her arm for a moment, then heads to the front when called.:: = Teagan Rielea has entered the room = Victor Kazon: Removing a small cube from his pocket, Victor pulled a cord from it and the iris of his eye slid open. He plugged in the jack and uploaded a recording; the process was fast, and he yanked the thing back out of his eye rather quickly, just in time to get a breath of smoke from his pipe before the embers started to die. Icer1978: ::Rising onto all fours, she moved neared the table and off to the side where she would stand.:; LdyBelial: ::Bel moves to do as Fio has asked.:: Race: A blink as he's being asked to move positions and rises reluctantly and walks towards the front. LdyBelial: ::A nod to Alain in greeting. Bel stays quiet for now though, letting Fio get to business.:: Zahra Khoury: She took a seat in an unobtrusive corner of the hall, drawn tonight by simple curiosity. Ali al Amat: "Don't you know," murmured a voice in Jolyon's ear, "that's how one gives oneself lead poisoning?" Kazzy Hart: ::Zooms! On in on black bedazzled skates. At least she had thought to throw on black jeans and a shirt that kept her pale skin properly covered.:: Brian Ravenlock: Nodding once more, he moved towards the front as instructed. A glance taken about the room once more. FioHelston: She got settled herself, and glanced over her copy of hte agenda, making a few notations as she glanced up and down along the table to see who had joined them tonight. Jolyon Gardiner: ::A slow look one way and then the other, the voice seems familiar, but he only replies:: That may explain a few things. ::and a soft laugh:: Brian Ravenlock: Settling himself, next to Bel and Caroline, his folio was opened before him. Koyliak: ::a smile and nod back to Icer as she approached the front. For Koy, any event was reason enough to wear a dress. She donned a silver sheen of a sleeveless georgette number with detailed beading along the front ending in a fitted low hip and a hem adorned with a combination of ostrich feathers and organza petals in an arched skirt:: Sophie Rhovnik: ::With a slightly stern frown, she taps the face of her watch at him as a reminder. The frown quickly disappears as she moves to take a seat, crossing one leg over the other before dropping her clutch into her lap.:: Phen Seer Ilnaren: ::She had considered the possibilities carefully, and in the end, it weighed more heavily that what went on tonight might impact the school, and she had decided to attend:: Alain DeMuer: ::Alain very nearly rolls his eyes at Sophie's silent reminder, and loosens his tie a little.:: Kazzy Hart: Yo! ::Kazzy managed to refrain from calling out all the nicknames of familiar faces in the room. She skated to a seat up front.:: Ali al Amat: "Ineed." Ali settled into a seat beside that worthy, adjusting his tie and looking the crowd over. Ebon Ilnaren: ::enters the Hall with Phen, smiling and quietly greeting friends as they pass to a seat towards the front of the Hall:: Lelah: She spotted Alain and Sophie and connections are made. A small frown tugged at the corners of lush lips and she reached into her bag and extracted her Blackberry, jotting a quick text to her PA before leaning forward a bit, dark eyes moving over the faces assembled at the table at the front of the room. LdyBelial: ::Smiles over to Ebon and Phen, but remains quiet.:: Icer1978: ::She stood to the side of the table, tail curled unobtrusively around her ankles.:; Caroline Granger: She recognised Alain as he entered, vaguely familiar with Koyliak as well, though they had never met. Others taking their places at the table were still strangers to her, but Caroline had a feeling that would change all too soon. FioHelston: Clearing her throat, she stood. "Welcome, everyone, to the first of our monthly advisory council meetings. Because we have a lot of information to cover, I am going to go ahead and get started so that we don't keep you here all night." Jolyon Gardiner: ::Closing the ledger around one finger for a moment, he looks up and smiles:: It is good to see you, sir. ::voice pitched low so not to distract from the meeting:: Brian Ravenlock: A nod to Alain, coupled with a warm smile for Koy. = Jake Duncan has entered the room = Icer1978: ::Kazzy and Alain received a quiet nod.:: Race: Finds himself a spot and nods to those on either side noting the one of his left is DeMuer. Sophie Rhovnik: ::Catching Lelah's glance, she offers a flicker of a friendly smile before her gaze darts over to Fio as she begins to draw the meeting to order.:: Phen Seer Ilnaren: ::She smiled her silent greetings, and settled in at the Ebon's side. :: Ebon Ilnaren: ::returns the smile to Bel, and another to Icer:: Alain DeMuer: ::Kazzy gets a small smirk. A fond one, though.:: Dyarhk: :: In walks the Palliator once again finely suited. Though a hand aggravatingly sifts through a black head of hair with a little product in it shows he hadn't quite gotten used to the accompaniment of a little "body." He walked the handsomely sounding dress shoes to the large table. Hearing Fio get started, he mannerly gave a few quick smiles and nods to those he knew as he moved to get himself seated and lastly lend his ear to the governor. :: FioHelston: "I want to begin by thanking you for joining us, and by expressing my intent behind these meetings. While I have my own thoughts about some of the many issues the city deals with on a daily basis, I believe that a broad perspective is needed. That is why the council was formed - not to agree with me on every point, but to provide alternate ways of looking at and approaching the tasks ahead." Koyliak: ::the warm smile returned to her fellow former Minister as she crossed her legs and pulled out a thin notebook and pencil from her clutch. It was a miracle she could fit anything in there:: Ali al Amat: "And you, Master Gardiner." He folded his hands together and focused on the meeting at the front of the room. FioHelston: "This includes the perspectives of those of the public who join us. We will have time set aside at the end of meetings for public questions or suggestions." Brian Ravenlock: Nodding softly, to the Governor's words, as a deft wink was givento his brother in kind. = Valucia Sabet has entered the room = Dyarhk: :: Brian got a risen hand in wave. :: Jake Duncan: ::Jake snuck in quietly and took a seat in the back as to not disturb anyone.:: Alain DeMuer: ::There are many nods and greetings he wants to return and exchange, but the meeting is now underway, and there's a lot on his mind. He folds his hands and watches Fio.:: Caroline Granger: Listening attentively, Caroline withdrew a small dictaphone from her bag, turning it on as she set it onto the table. Taking notes really wasn't her thing - she could get Brynne to transcribe the recording tomorrow. Icer1978: ::A smile to Ebon, before returning attention to the governor.:; Victor Kazon: "...skurs..." Victor smirked, but it turned to an annoyed glare at the bowl of his pipe, as nothing but ash remained. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything else, but the blinking red light on his wrist indicated he was recording everything. FioHelston: "I want to briefly introduce the council, but before I do, I want to make clear something that I am *very* proud of with respect to its makeup." Race: Fidgets with his pen and idly spins it through his fingers while listening to Fionna, and yes he's a pen clicker. Lelah: She glanced aside as Jake entered and sat near her. She gave him a warm smile before turning her attention once more to the Governor. Kazzy Hart: ::She flashed Alain a thumbs up that stayed near her waist to not be entirely obvious. That would suffice instead of yellling "Yo, Thumbs!" to him. Kazzy dug into her pocket for her phone. Her own thumbs did some quick work of sending a tweet off into the multiverse:: FioHelston: "When the nominations were announced, the membership was to be made up equally of former Ministry workers who have remained active and involved, interested in the continued health of our community, of those citizens nominated by other citizens, and of individuals I invited based on personal criteria - mainly that of expertise to balance the council out." FioHelston: "However, because there were so many fine nominations, and because so many of those who were nominated were willing to take on the work of the council - unpaid work, I add, unlike the Ministry positions - there was no need for me to select members to fill gaps. Each person here has been recognized, either for their past hard work, or because the community believed in their abilities. I am *thrilled* by this." Dyarhk: :: Delicate nods of a listener, agreeing with everything he's hearing so far as they move along. He takes hold of both his elbows. :: Race: Remembers something and reaches into his pocket to turn off his phone. Icer1978: ::She could stand still as a statue at times, this was one of them, listening quietly.:: FioHelston: "And so let's begin. First, I will briefly announce the names of the GAC members, and then we will begin with our agenda. The GAC consists of: Alain DeMuer, Belial, Brian Ravenlock, Caroline Granger, Corlanthis Wystansayr, Edward Batten, Euriya Shilo, Fiora Shantalaine, Icer Shimmerscale, Kazzy Hart, Koyliak Simon, Matthew Simon , Race, Silver Starblade, Wolvinator." Kazzy Hart: ::Kazzy listened. She also worked super hard not to shout out any lame jokes brewing in that blond head:: Dyarhk: :: Debonair smile at the alphabetizing. :: Caroline Granger: As her name was spoken, Caroline nodded silently, to identify herself to anyone watching and interested, even as she put the names to the faces of the people sat at the table with her. Race: When his name is called the mogul lifts his hand "Absent" then pauses..." Oh wait....nevermind." Icer1978: ::A dip of horned head as her name was called.:; = Euriya Shilo has entered the room = FioHelston: ((On a quick OOC note, I know these meetings times will not work for every player. I want to keep them on a weeknight so there is no interference with other activities we will be planning. The time was chosen to best try and accomodate both coasts. If necessary, we will reschedule, but it's not possible to find a day/time that works for everyone, everytime. So we'll be loose with this because everyone will still have loads to do! :) )) Icer1978: ::Along with a grin as she heard Race,:; = Darkstorm has entered the room = Koyliak: ::a crooked grin given first to those gathered when she heard her name and then at Race:: Ebon Ilnaren: ::notes some of the names that he hadn't met personally, and the faces that match them:: Alain DeMuer: ::Alain gives a small smile at the mention of his name, lifts his hand for a brief wave.:: LdyBelial: ::Bel assumes everyone knows her, she simply remains quiet and attentive.:: = Fiora Shantalaine has entered the room = Brian Ravenlock: A silent nod was offered as his name was spoken, coupled with a bit of a smile.
Introduction and Welcome
FioHelston: She strode into the hall just a scant few minutes ahead of the schedule, glancing around the hall as she did. The front of the room had been set up with a long, oval table and chairs rimming one side. Additional chairs in rows were arranged facing that for those of the public who chose to come. Lelah: She wondered how many of these people were actually on the council and how many were just observers like her. = Dyarhk has entered the room = Brian Ravenlock: A respectful nod, offered to Fio as she entered, "Governor." Icer1978: :;Koy received a nod of her horned head as did Fio.:; Race: "Well should be interesting times all around them." Leans back in his seat. Jolyon Gardiner: ::The bag to the floor, he fishes out the ledger and a stubby pencil, checking the point with a tap of his finger. Good enough:: LdyBelial: ::A warm smile to Fio, already sitting at the oval table.:: Evening Governor. FioHelston: "Good evening, everyone," she offered smiled to those greeting her, and motioned with a flutter of her hand toward the table. "Council members, if you would join me in the front, we'll begin shortly." = Kazzy Hart has entered the room = Caroline Granger: Caroline offered a nod of greeting to Fio as she came in, herself already sat at the table along with Belial. "Good evening, Governor." Alain DeMuer: ::Alain slips in quietly with Sophie. The two knights accompanying them for most of the journey split off before the door. He kisses Sophie on the cheek, touching her arm for a moment, then heads to the front when called.:: = Teagan Rielea has entered the room = Victor Kazon: Removing a small cube from his pocket, Victor pulled a cord from it and the iris of his eye slid open. He plugged in the jack and uploaded a recording; the process was fast, and he yanked the thing back out of his eye rather quickly, just in time to get a breath of smoke from his pipe before the embers started to die. Icer1978: ::Rising onto all fours, she moved neared the table and off to the side where she would stand.:; LdyBelial: ::Bel moves to do as Fio has asked.:: Race: A blink as he's being asked to move positions and rises reluctantly and walks towards the front. LdyBelial: ::A nod to Alain in greeting. Bel stays quiet for now though, letting Fio get to business.:: Zahra Khoury: She took a seat in an unobtrusive corner of the hall, drawn tonight by simple curiosity. Ali al Amat: "Don't you know," murmured a voice in Jolyon's ear, "that's how one gives oneself lead poisoning?" Kazzy Hart: ::Zooms! On in on black bedazzled skates. At least she had thought to throw on black jeans and a shirt that kept her pale skin properly covered.:: Brian Ravenlock: Nodding once more, he moved towards the front as instructed. A glance taken about the room once more. FioHelston: She got settled herself, and glanced over her copy of hte agenda, making a few notations as she glanced up and down along the table to see who had joined them tonight. Jolyon Gardiner: ::A slow look one way and then the other, the voice seems familiar, but he only replies:: That may explain a few things. ::and a soft laugh:: Brian Ravenlock: Settling himself, next to Bel and Caroline, his folio was opened before him. Koyliak: ::a smile and nod back to Icer as she approached the front. For Koy, any event was reason enough to wear a dress. She donned a silver sheen of a sleeveless georgette number with detailed beading along the front ending in a fitted low hip and a hem adorned with a combination of ostrich feathers and organza petals in an arched skirt:: Sophie Rhovnik: ::With a slightly stern frown, she taps the face of her watch at him as a reminder. The frown quickly disappears as she moves to take a seat, crossing one leg over the other before dropping her clutch into her lap.:: Phen Seer Ilnaren: ::She had considered the possibilities carefully, and in the end, it weighed more heavily that what went on tonight might impact the school, and she had decided to attend:: Alain DeMuer: ::Alain very nearly rolls his eyes at Sophie's silent reminder, and loosens his tie a little.:: Kazzy Hart: Yo! ::Kazzy managed to refrain from calling out all the nicknames of familiar faces in the room. She skated to a seat up front.:: Ali al Amat: "Ineed." Ali settled into a seat beside that worthy, adjusting his tie and looking the crowd over. Ebon Ilnaren: ::enters the Hall with Phen, smiling and quietly greeting friends as they pass to a seat towards the front of the Hall:: Lelah: She spotted Alain and Sophie and connections are made. A small frown tugged at the corners of lush lips and she reached into her bag and extracted her Blackberry, jotting a quick text to her PA before leaning forward a bit, dark eyes moving over the faces assembled at the table at the front of the room. LdyBelial: ::Smiles over to Ebon and Phen, but remains quiet.:: Icer1978: ::She stood to the side of the table, tail curled unobtrusively around her ankles.:; Caroline Granger: She recognised Alain as he entered, vaguely familiar with Koyliak as well, though they had never met. Others taking their places at the table were still strangers to her, but Caroline had a feeling that would change all too soon. FioHelston: Clearing her throat, she stood. "Welcome, everyone, to the first of our monthly advisory council meetings. Because we have a lot of information to cover, I am going to go ahead and get started so that we don't keep you here all night." Jolyon Gardiner: ::Closing the ledger around one finger for a moment, he looks up and smiles:: It is good to see you, sir. ::voice pitched low so not to distract from the meeting:: Brian Ravenlock: A nod to Alain, coupled with a warm smile for Koy. = Jake Duncan has entered the room = Icer1978: ::Kazzy and Alain received a quiet nod.:: Race: Finds himself a spot and nods to those on either side noting the one of his left is DeMuer. Sophie Rhovnik: ::Catching Lelah's glance, she offers a flicker of a friendly smile before her gaze darts over to Fio as she begins to draw the meeting to order.:: Phen Seer Ilnaren: ::She smiled her silent greetings, and settled in at the Ebon's side. :: Ebon Ilnaren: ::returns the smile to Bel, and another to Icer:: Alain DeMuer: ::Kazzy gets a small smirk. A fond one, though.:: Dyarhk: :: In walks the Palliator once again finely suited. Though a hand aggravatingly sifts through a black head of hair with a little product in it shows he hadn't quite gotten used to the accompaniment of a little "body." He walked the handsomely sounding dress shoes to the large table. Hearing Fio get started, he mannerly gave a few quick smiles and nods to those he knew as he moved to get himself seated and lastly lend his ear to the governor. :: FioHelston: "I want to begin by thanking you for joining us, and by expressing my intent behind these meetings. While I have my own thoughts about some of the many issues the city deals with on a daily basis, I believe that a broad perspective is needed. That is why the council was formed - not to agree with me on every point, but to provide alternate ways of looking at and approaching the tasks ahead." Koyliak: ::the warm smile returned to her fellow former Minister as she crossed her legs and pulled out a thin notebook and pencil from her clutch. It was a miracle she could fit anything in there:: Ali al Amat: "And you, Master Gardiner." He folded his hands together and focused on the meeting at the front of the room. FioHelston: "This includes the perspectives of those of the public who join us. We will have time set aside at the end of meetings for public questions or suggestions." Brian Ravenlock: Nodding softly, to the Governor's words, as a deft wink was givento his brother in kind. = Valucia Sabet has entered the room = Dyarhk: :: Brian got a risen hand in wave. :: Jake Duncan: ::Jake snuck in quietly and took a seat in the back as to not disturb anyone.:: Alain DeMuer: ::There are many nods and greetings he wants to return and exchange, but the meeting is now underway, and there's a lot on his mind. He folds his hands and watches Fio.:: Caroline Granger: Listening attentively, Caroline withdrew a small dictaphone from her bag, turning it on as she set it onto the table. Taking notes really wasn't her thing - she could get Brynne to transcribe the recording tomorrow. Icer1978: ::A smile to Ebon, before returning attention to the governor.:; Victor Kazon: "...skurs..." Victor smirked, but it turned to an annoyed glare at the bowl of his pipe, as nothing but ash remained. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything else, but the blinking red light on his wrist indicated he was recording everything. FioHelston: "I want to briefly introduce the council, but before I do, I want to make clear something that I am *very* proud of with respect to its makeup." Race: Fidgets with his pen and idly spins it through his fingers while listening to Fionna, and yes he's a pen clicker. Lelah: She glanced aside as Jake entered and sat near her. She gave him a warm smile before turning her attention once more to the Governor. Kazzy Hart: ::She flashed Alain a thumbs up that stayed near her waist to not be entirely obvious. That would suffice instead of yellling "Yo, Thumbs!" to him. Kazzy dug into her pocket for her phone. Her own thumbs did some quick work of sending a tweet off into the multiverse:: FioHelston: "When the nominations were announced, the membership was to be made up equally of former Ministry workers who have remained active and involved, interested in the continued health of our community, of those citizens nominated by other citizens, and of individuals I invited based on personal criteria - mainly that of expertise to balance the council out." FioHelston: "However, because there were so many fine nominations, and because so many of those who were nominated were willing to take on the work of the council - unpaid work, I add, unlike the Ministry positions - there was no need for me to select members to fill gaps. Each person here has been recognized, either for their past hard work, or because the community believed in their abilities. I am *thrilled* by this." Dyarhk: :: Delicate nods of a listener, agreeing with everything he's hearing so far as they move along. He takes hold of both his elbows. :: Race: Remembers something and reaches into his pocket to turn off his phone. Icer1978: ::She could stand still as a statue at times, this was one of them, listening quietly.:: FioHelston: "And so let's begin. First, I will briefly announce the names of the GAC members, and then we will begin with our agenda. The GAC consists of: Alain DeMuer, Belial, Brian Ravenlock, Caroline Granger, Corlanthis Wystansayr, Edward Batten, Euriya Shilo, Fiora Shantalaine, Icer Shimmerscale, Kazzy Hart, Koyliak Simon, Matthew Simon , Race, Silver Starblade, Wolvinator." Kazzy Hart: ::Kazzy listened. She also worked super hard not to shout out any lame jokes brewing in that blond head:: Dyarhk: :: Debonair smile at the alphabetizing. :: Caroline Granger: As her name was spoken, Caroline nodded silently, to identify herself to anyone watching and interested, even as she put the names to the faces of the people sat at the table with her. Race: When his name is called the mogul lifts his hand "Absent" then pauses..." Oh wait....nevermind." Icer1978: ::A dip of horned head as her name was called.:; = Euriya Shilo has entered the room = FioHelston: ((On a quick OOC note, I know these meetings times will not work for every player. I want to keep them on a weeknight so there is no interference with other activities we will be planning. The time was chosen to best try and accomodate both coasts. If necessary, we will reschedule, but it's not possible to find a day/time that works for everyone, everytime. So we'll be loose with this because everyone will still have loads to do! :) )) Icer1978: ::Along with a grin as she heard Race,:; = Darkstorm has entered the room = Koyliak: ::a crooked grin given first to those gathered when she heard her name and then at Race:: Ebon Ilnaren: ::notes some of the names that he hadn't met personally, and the faces that match them:: Alain DeMuer: ::Alain gives a small smile at the mention of his name, lifts his hand for a brief wave.:: LdyBelial: ::Bel assumes everyone knows her, she simply remains quiet and attentive.:: = Fiora Shantalaine has entered the room = Brian Ravenlock: A silent nod was offered as his name was spoken, coupled with a bit of a smile.