Northedge Academy
Set in the glorious uplands of Rhydin, bordering Fordshire, and Scoborland, the Academy is a haven of peace, far from the distracting influences of urban life, yet within easy reach of all major cities and airports and with a bustling and dynamic life of its own.
The Academy enjoys not only a stunning setting but also a beautiful main building, Northedge Court, built at the end of the nineteenth century. It is now home to the middle and junior courses and, on the ground floor, the library, reading room, dining facilities and administration areas are housed. The majority of the campus has been purpose built within the last two years and the mixture of old and new provides a rich and stimulating environment. Today the Academy caters for young people between the ages of three and eighteen years in the pre-preparatory, preparatory, and senior schools.
A well-qualified and highly motivated staff who believe that each child has a unique talent which it is their job to find and nurture, a hard working student body, and a warm family atmosphere make for a happy, dynamic, and successful school.
A private boarding school with a full staff and currently a student body of close to two hundred and ten.
Dean: Hamato Donatello Harada 883-253-7311 ext: 1310
Assistant Dean: Stephen Valkonen 881-229-8009 ext: 2010