Delivered to Kitty's office, a letter and plea from a 'dead' man.
Dear Kitty;
I know that I'm probably the last person that you expected to hear from, given that everyone thought I was dead until just recently, but I need your help. Renne is the one who has been committing the Dockside killings; five, perhaps six victims, with eye witnesses, plus a slew of dogs, rats and seagulls. I spoke to Ewan Corinsson, and he said that Renne would be safe at Port South holding house until he could be brought to trial. I couldn't let him continue killing people, but he's sick in the head, I think, and I want him to be safe. Ewan promised me that he would be safe and cared for in Port South, and he's a good man — I believe him.
I don't have the resources to find mental health help for him, but you might. He needs help, but it's beyond my powers to do so. I know that you're very tough on crime, but I don't think that he knew what he was doing at the time. Please, Kitty. You're the only one I know who has the pull to get him any kind of help, and to ensure he has a fair hearing — I know perfectly well that letting him out on the street might result in more killing, but maybe with some help, he can pay those families he took people from back in some productive way and then be all right and free again.
A woman named Sev suggested a psychiatrist by the name of Sroid. I'm skeptical, but figure that you'd know better than I do. In the meantime, this is all I've got to give — I'm tapped out, and have done my best. The rest, now, is in the hands of justice.
Please, please see that it's done right.
In your debt, Harold Lowe
Dear Kitty;
I know that I'm probably the last person that you expected to hear from, given that everyone thought I was dead until just recently, but I need your help. Renne is the one who has been committing the Dockside killings; five, perhaps six victims, with eye witnesses, plus a slew of dogs, rats and seagulls. I spoke to Ewan Corinsson, and he said that Renne would be safe at Port South holding house until he could be brought to trial. I couldn't let him continue killing people, but he's sick in the head, I think, and I want him to be safe. Ewan promised me that he would be safe and cared for in Port South, and he's a good man — I believe him.
I don't have the resources to find mental health help for him, but you might. He needs help, but it's beyond my powers to do so. I know that you're very tough on crime, but I don't think that he knew what he was doing at the time. Please, Kitty. You're the only one I know who has the pull to get him any kind of help, and to ensure he has a fair hearing — I know perfectly well that letting him out on the street might result in more killing, but maybe with some help, he can pay those families he took people from back in some productive way and then be all right and free again.
A woman named Sev suggested a psychiatrist by the name of Sroid. I'm skeptical, but figure that you'd know better than I do. In the meantime, this is all I've got to give — I'm tapped out, and have done my best. The rest, now, is in the hands of justice.
Please, please see that it's done right.
In your debt, Harold Lowe