Why did she do this to herself, Mataya wondered as she made her way through the streets to one of the all-year ice rinks. She'd only just made up her mind to take Christmas off, and then this opportunity came along that she just couldn't pass up. After all, who didn't like a good show just for the Winterval season?
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The audition process is very simple. If you can skate competently - even better, if you can dance on ice - if you can sing all words to the Twelve Days of Christmas without forgetting a single one, the Shanachie wants YOU! Rehearsals to begin on Monday, November 14th, for Winterfest On Ice, the Shanachie Theater's contribution to Winterfest 2011, to run matinee performances for three days in the Southern Glen following the crowning of the Frost King and Queen. Details to come.
((Please feel free to reply to this thread IC or OOC if your character is up for being a part of Rhy'Din's first ice show. Another thread will be started after Monday 14th, the official Winterfest rehearsal thread, you might say. It'd be lovely to get a few people involved, but no pressure!))
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The audition process is very simple. If you can skate competently - even better, if you can dance on ice - if you can sing all words to the Twelve Days of Christmas without forgetting a single one, the Shanachie wants YOU! Rehearsals to begin on Monday, November 14th, for Winterfest On Ice, the Shanachie Theater's contribution to Winterfest 2011, to run matinee performances for three days in the Southern Glen following the crowning of the Frost King and Queen. Details to come.
((Please feel free to reply to this thread IC or OOC if your character is up for being a part of Rhy'Din's first ice show. Another thread will be started after Monday 14th, the official Winterfest rehearsal thread, you might say. It'd be lovely to get a few people involved, but no pressure!))