A letter was left upon the steps of the Sanctuary,addressed to the Sisterhood of the Scathatch and sealed in red wax, the moon and dagger pressed into it. it read:
Dearest Sisters of the Scathatch,
The Nightblades have called a halt to any agressive actions toward your order. We hereby guarantee your protection in WestEnd. We realize this sudden change of heart may come as a shock, though we hope you will allow for a peaceful resolution. The doors of the Nighthalls are open.
Deepest Regrets,
Pidane Menuine
~*The Nightblades*~
Dearest Sisters of the Scathatch,
The Nightblades have called a halt to any agressive actions toward your order. We hereby guarantee your protection in WestEnd. We realize this sudden change of heart may come as a shock, though we hope you will allow for a peaceful resolution. The doors of the Nighthalls are open.
Deepest Regrets,
Pidane Menuine
~*The Nightblades*~