Topic: Quote of the Week


Date: 2006-10-04 16:02 EST a warning:

This thread will almost certainly contain off color, politically incorrect, and potentially upsetting sentiments. So...if you don't want to see them, don't read 'em!

I don't deal well with complaints. :wink:


Date: 2006-10-04 16:04 EST
Date: October 4

Issy: ::her expression now a portrait of eternal annoyance. As a matter of fact, there are some villages who refer to the Scathachian Gypsy as "Our Lady of Perpetual Aggitation"::

And in the same afternoon....

Issy: ::let's see.....Cranky, Tipsy, Bitchy.....Issy is three of the seven PMS dwarves all by herself!::

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-10-09 05:24 EST
GrveyrdGrl: *suddenly felt like she was the bad dude in that hostage film with Samuel L Jackson, except that she wasn't male and Jenai wasn't an angry, smooth talking black man*

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-10-09 06:59 EST
This thread will almost certainly contain off color, politically incorrect, and potentially upsetting sentiments. So...if you don't want to see them, don't read 'em!

No one told me we had to be P.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::spaz fit, arms and legs flailing:: Now I have PERMISSION TO be MS Deranged! or....get an Afro!

::stops flailing and points up! SPAZs again::

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-10-11 20:30 EST
Tyranacus: That is why you are a sex god Brian!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-10-16 02:36 EST
Tyranacus: TALLY! Your insane wife has gone and turned into an evil b***h named Khatra!


Date: 2006-10-16 10:25 EST
Tyranacus: TALLY! Your insane wife has gone and turned into an evil b***h named Khatra!

Crap..I missed Khatra? And Jewell wasn't there with her frying pan!

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2006-10-16 20:34 EST
Tyranacus: That is why you are a sex god Brian!

Oi....That was the orgy night....That whole night was a quote.....Oi... Sooo verrry funny.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-10-17 13:47 EST
Tara Rynieyn: Bruuuuyan, have you had sex on the beach a lot an' if so, did you gits da sand up yer cooter?

Tara Rynieyn: ::tilts her head at him::

Brian Ravenlock: "Tara thats what the ocean is for love."

Chryrie Nightstar: Tara...Brian doesn't *have* a cooter.

Brian Ravenlock: "For the record...bring blankets."

Brian Ravenlock: "No he doesnt, he had three that day."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-10-21 05:36 EST
Lore_Soothspeak: ::Her voice was childlike but distant like the story had nothing to do with her. She coped well:: " too. That's a'right. Never had time for a man anyhow, I s'pose"

Brian Ravenlock: "I thought I had time for a man once.."

Lore_Soothspeak: ::She sipped her juice, her feet tapping the bar like a fidgity child. One hand rested on her tummy::

Brian Ravenlock: "Turns out I liked women better...Lucky me."

Lore_Soothspeak: ::Laughs, nearly snorting the contents of her glass::

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-03 02:45 EST
Krysira: ::she then notes her sighing and cringes a bit.....fearing she must look like Lasherette on a good night::


Date: 2006-12-03 10:03 EST
Krysira: ::she then notes her sighing and cringes a bit.....fearing she must look like Lasherette on a good night::

I almost died laughing.


Date: 2006-12-03 22:32 EST
LOL!! You guys are just terrible!!! Poor Lasherette!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-03 23:14 EST
Krysira: ::she then notes her sighing and cringes a bit.....fearing she must look like Lasherette on a good night::

I almost died laughing.

QFFT=Quoted for F*cking Truth!

I was at work and lost it on the air, no less.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-04 12:03 EST
Oh my sweet baby jesus.... THAT WAS FUNNY.... lol

Jade Rogue: ::clocks Brian with a cookie just for the hell o' it:: ^lol that was funny too^


Date: 2006-12-05 18:11 EST
You are all damned, I hope you know that......:-)

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-05 19:07 EST
LOL!! You guys are just terrible!!! Poor Lasherette!

OMG are you serious?! No way, we are not terrible.....! NEVERRRRRR! All you have to do is read her slamming us and everyone in Rhydin in her Journal to know why people feel this way. Can't be mad at us.



Date: 2007-01-28 14:02 EST
Sugar, spice and everything nice, and the ability to rip a spleen clean out, autograph it and hand it back to you in a moments notice.

Said of Eddie by Brian Ravenlock.

LOL! Niiiice....


Date: 2007-02-06 14:09 EST
Sugar, spice and everything nice, and the ability to rip a spleen clean out, autograph it and hand it back to you in a moments notice.

Said of Eddie by Brian Ravenlock.

LOL! Niiiice....

::looks all innocent:: Who, me" Sweet little ol' me" ::laughing:: That quote cracked me up when I read it - I think I'll make it Eddie's sig!


Date: 2007-02-08 18:46 EST




Date: 2007-02-21 21:41 EST
Corlanthis Wystansayr: ::Looks at Baker with the "Issy's gonna come over here and kick yer ass and I don't want to get hurt in the process" look. It was a very efficient look::

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-03-03 05:23 EST
Brian Ravenlock: "I will be their 'meat shield', their 'bullet sponge', their bucket of chum before a nasty shark...If it came to it...Cause that voyage is indeed a worthy cause and I would stake my flesh....My genitals...Nay! My LIFE, so that MY brothers will see that which their generous and valiant hearts need...Nay...DESERVE to see!"

Brian Ravenlock: ::And once more that flag waves, and man did it wave:: Darkkar: ::Claps with a tear in his eye for Brian:: (vsw) So noble...

Brian Ravenlock: ::sniffs::

Brian Ravenlock: "We will make that journey...Oh yes we will."

Corlanthis Wystansayr: ::Cor quietly clapped for Brian, eyes slightly misty from his inspiring speech::

~Brian, Dark and Cor speaking in regards to the Voyage to the Isle of Lesbos.


Date: 2007-03-03 19:45 EST
Brian Ravenlock: "I will be their 'meat shield', their 'bullet sponge', their bucket of chum before a nasty shark...If it came to it...Cause that voyage is indeed a worthy cause and I would stake my flesh....My genitals...Nay! My LIFE, so that MY brothers will see that which their generous and valiant hearts need...Nay...DESERVE to see!"

Brian Ravenlock: ::And once more that flag waves, and man did it wave:: Darkkar: ::Claps with a tear in his eye for Brian:: (vsw) So noble...

Brian Ravenlock: ::sniffs::

Brian Ravenlock: "We will make that journey...Oh yes we will."

Corlanthis Wystansayr: ::Cor quietly clapped for Brian, eyes slightly misty from his inspiring speech::

~Brian, Dark and Cor speaking in regards to the Voyage to the Isle of Lesbos.

::dying:: I love it!


Date: 2007-03-05 01:27 EST
Rofl here I will show Brian mun's...ahem...fervor. ROFL. SilentDeath: Brian go play your Wii! Brian Ravenlock: I did, now it is YOUR turn to play with mah Wii SilentDeath: Lmfao! Brian Ravenlock: Touch it! Brian Ravenlock: Toch mah Wiiiiiiiii!! SilentDeath: o.o Touch your own wii. Brian Ravenlock: But that gets old... SilentDeath: Well, let me quote the Dave Chappelle show. "Have you ever given yourself a Stranger." Brian Ravenlock: LOL


Date: 2007-03-07 20:58 EST
Giminicka in "Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?":

"Males can be so extraordinarily brainless when guided by their scrotum and penis........."


Date: 2007-03-08 23:43 EST
Said by Eve to Baker during a discussion in the Arena:

All great decisions are made when people are loaded...


Date: 2007-03-09 18:57 EST
On the meeting of Lord Travanix and Talomar Longden:

LordTravanix: ::Arched a brow:: Now I've heard that name before, but I've not met the person you are refering to. but, I don't think you would want us to meet either - it would cause you problems.

Issy: Oh I don't know, every ass has to have a hole. Besides, I've got quite a few problems on my plate as of late. I wouldn't notice a few more. ::she lifted her glass and emptied the contents::


Date: 2007-03-10 17:19 EST
Harold Lowe: :::he looks over at Archie::: Do you have that feeling you're standing in the middle of something you really shouldn't be? And you don't quite realize what danger you're in, until it bites you in the ass"

Harold Lowe: :::nods, mock-thoughtfully::: I think we're in one of those situations.

JewellRavenlock: I don't think I've ever had danger bite me in the ass. Did have an orc bite a piece of my shoulder off once..

Issy: Oh, I've had danger bite me in the ass before. Name was Scorp.


Date: 2007-03-10 17:50 EST
Today was a good day for quotes. I'm still laughing:

Issy: ::she appraised Captain Kidd as one might appraise a jew or a weapon...


Date: 2007-03-10 18:49 EST
Today was a good day for quotes. I'm still laughing:

Issy: ::she appraised Captain Kidd as one might appraise a jew or a weapon...

ROFLMAO Oh my sides!


Date: 2007-03-10 18:57 EST
On the meeting of Lord Travanix and Talomar Longden:

LordTravanix: ::Arched a brow:: Now I've heard that name before, but I've not met the person you are refering to. but, I don't think you would want us to meet either - it would cause you problems.

Issy: Oh I don't know, every ass has to have a hole. Besides, I've got quite a few problems on my plate as of late. I wouldn't notice a few more. ::she lifted her glass and emptied the contents::

I want to say this is taken out of context...however, it still frigging funny. :)


Date: 2007-03-16 00:36 EST
Baker: ::looks to Eve:: He's always that way....:: and back to Reap:: Do you see anyone from the Scathlesbian Sancturary here?

Corlanthis Wystansayr

Date: 2007-03-16 00:40 EST
Holy crap with the quickness!


Date: 2007-03-16 16:32 EST
Baker: ::looks to Eve:: He's always that way....:: and back to Reap:: Do you see anyone from the Scathlesbian Sancturary here?


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-03-19 23:51 EST
Cass Goodman: ::She stepped closer to Brian and trailed a finger over his chest.:: I'll call you anything you like.

Brian Ravenlock: "My dear, I do like the way you think...So me..— The person who could not believe he would meet a woman of such stature that if I paid a penny for a f*ck I'd get change back...Until he met you. That's what you may call me."

Brian Ravenlock: "My dear."


Date: 2007-03-20 00:54 EST
Cass Goodman: ::She stepped closer to Brian and trailed a finger over his chest.:: I'll call you anything you like.

Brian Ravenlock: "My dear, I do like the way you think...So me..— The person who could not believe he would meet a woman of such stature that if I paid a penny for a f*ck I'd get change back...Until he met you. That's what you may call me."

Brian Ravenlock: "My dear."

::dies of laughter on the spot!::


Date: 2007-03-20 02:10 EST
I am quite frankly offended to the core with Brians quote. Cass Goodman is such a misunderstood sweetie. LMAO yeah uh huh.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-20 02:15 EST
::also dies of laughter.:: LOVE IT!

Victor Walsh

Date: 2007-03-20 02:26 EST
Brian Ravenlock: "Now, off to the sandbox with you child, Adults must speak, and do not make me call out my Jenai.."

I'd go with that one...

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-03-20 02:33 EST
Brian Ravenlock: "Now, off to the sandbox with you child, Adults must speak, and do not make me call out my Jenai.."

I'd go with that one...

I like that too...The last person to cross Brian's Jenai in relation to Jewell was Mack, and those who were present recall how that one turned out...Poor Mack...Hence Jewell's 'Mack-Attack' nick name for Jenai.

On the upswing directly after that Mack incident in front of everyone, the following was said in the Inn:

Brian Ravenlock: "Babe do you need anything?"

Jenai Angelique: "Your hot sweet ass in my bed."

From the mouth of lil innocent (at the time) Priestess Jenai, no less. Ah the effects of wanton bloodlust, and get busery...


Date: 2007-03-20 09:38 EST
Mack-Attack was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Lesson: Don't spash Jewell's face in with a bottle in a room full of Sisters!


Date: 2007-03-26 22:19 EST
Brian Ravenlock on Scorpion Wraitharan:

"Bri knew he could not come out of this unscathed, but was also certain to an extent the big man was not looking for a fight...I mean let's be serious, if he was...And he was that f*cking fast, Brian would have been picking his ass outta the nearest wall, and more than likely shitting concrete pieces for days."


Date: 2007-04-18 02:45 EST
Now I know this is not a quote, but it seemed to fit in better on this thread then the normal ooc board. This is a scene snippet from my thread "A Midnight Appointment". Enjoy

"Bloody hell, can someone find light already." Stephen answered. Seemingly appearing at his request, a lantern illuminated the area. Stephen was on the ground Issy standing over him sword in hand, foot poised over his mouth. Jewell held the lantern high, and as she surveyed the scene, a furtive smile curved her lip. "I assume there is a good explanation for all this."

"The bush you mean' "Fraid not.? Stephen gave a flick of the tongue to Issy's big toe before he stood up slowly, shaking his head, as well as retching his tongue out at the taste of toe. .


Date: 2007-04-18 07:11 EST
You just wanted everyone to notice the toe-licking. Now they'll all be lining up for you!


Date: 2007-04-18 13:03 EST
Dang Jewell you busted me lol


Date: 2007-04-18 16:39 EST

They can line up all they want. Who says Issy is gonna step aside?""

She's not the most altruistic of people, you know. Hard to picture her sharing....(Unless it's with Jewell, I mean let's face it: Stephen's her property. Yes, I said property!)

Dracina Hemdagg

Date: 2007-04-18 22:28 EST
Was I contacted by the Cap a couple nights back? I was too sick and tired to remember properly.


Date: 2007-06-07 02:56 EST
I would like you to know that reading this...Made a mediocore day worth having. And Bri...I absolutly adore you and the f'cked up things you say on a day to day Basis. As for Issy...I idolize you love. In every sense of the word!


Date: 2007-06-07 16:42 EST
Icer1978: ::Resting comfortably now on her father's head, grinning to Ryo, then nibbling her father's ear.:: Aurok Goldclaw: Is it really necessary for you to do that, daughter? I might mistake you for a flea, and try to scratch. ::this was said jokingly, of course.::


Date: 2007-06-11 21:24 EST
Ryo Tosaga: Hey, I'm allowed to be like this. I'm gay. ::Sticking his tongue out at the dragon.:: Ignorantblys: ...Being Gay has nothing to do with it! ::She laughed and nodded to him. She would love to see Anne and Mary act like this. The day would NEVER come.:: Your just a dork


Date: 2007-06-16 10:45 EST
A conversation between Jes and Fenris...

"I see you took your sweet time again."

"Well, I couldn't very well show up unprepared, could I? Besides, that damned Howler Monk—"

"Yes, yes, yes, that damned Monkey, Jeskola. One day you will find you cannot blame everything on that damnable primate."


I don't know the whole story here, but I still find this to be amusing.


Date: 2007-06-17 04:24 EST
Artemus Kurgen: ::Since people still watn the hobo in play, hauley hauled up and pulled close, blurry beady bloodshot eyes go cross-eyed to the one aholdin him, breath thick with drinkey drink coming heavily.:: Me no problem you hobo.

This is my new *FAVORITE* Char in the realms...A loveable hobo drunk named...Well I dont know his name but he is the single best thing ever!!!!

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-17 04:47 EST
Note about the hobo Charrie:

He is the first and only hobo in RhyDin to date & is played by Arty-mun. It's hilarious! He actually set up an account for the hobo: "Hobo Hoboken" Hopefully you'll see him around soon!

Quote By Arty-mun in a PM:

Artemus Kurgen: So when someone lurks in a room all by themself for several hours...ever wonder if they're playing out one giant monologue?

....And sometime later this was said:

Jade Rogue: That is funnnnnny. Next time I see a loner....I'll laugh Artemus Kurgen: Look in the Southern glen....Brian's been in there for a loooong time now Jade Rogue: he's talk to me OOC lol Artemus Kurgen: haha Artemus Kurgen: yea..Brian inspired that thought... Jade Rogue: LOL Brian would!

I'll never forget this convo. It was great.


Date: 2007-06-17 19:20 EST
Krysira upon watching the sickly sweet courting antics of Brendan Duran and Setiva Marcine-Drasoini:

Krysira: Those two deserve a sound slashing...with a butcher knife. ::muttered as she watched the dating game by the hearth::

Hobo Hoboken

Date: 2007-06-17 21:14 EST
Hey now Jadey Jade, watch it with droppy droppin names, that's dangerous stuff, you hobo.

::knowsy knows first handy hand::

After Jade and Gabe left that night...thought Alana and Feilas were still in the treehouse

Hobo Hoboken:: " ::Flashy flashy goes a camera:: "Dis make lots on ebby bay!" ::Flaily flail with a thuddy thud fallin from da tree.::

::Squinty squint at da picture:: "How he get her at dat angle?" "

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2007-06-17 21:44 EST
Note about the hobo Charrie:

He is the first and only hobo in RhyDin to date & is played by Arty-mun. It's hilarious! He actually set up an account for the hobo: "Hobo Hoboken" Hopefully you'll see him around soon!

Actually, My love....there was another hobo that was first! Bobo the Hobo! Played by a guy who's main character was named Gork. He was on the team dueling leagues too! This was the days before this lovely new RDI though.

I don't think his player RPs anymore though...

Hobo Hoboken

Date: 2007-06-17 22:08 EST
Butbutbutbuty but

He no have magic bottle!

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-18 20:53 EST
Note about the hobo Charrie:

He is the first and only hobo in RhyDin to date & is played by Arty-mun. It's hilarious! He actually set up an account for the hobo: "Hobo Hoboken" Hopefully you'll see him around soon!

Actually, My love....there was another hobo that was first! Bobo the Hobo! Played by a guy who's main character was named Gork. He was on the team dueling leagues too! This was the days before this lovely new RDI though.

I don't think his player RPs anymore though...

Hot damn! Arty .....I mean Hobo....You got a hobo friend! And the magic bottle rawks!


Date: 2007-06-19 18:49 EST
Either way...This hobo RAWKS!

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-20 00:13 EST
::fist baps Alana:: Shittte, yea!

More quotes!

Moon Lyght: ::She glided on silent wings, trying to sneak up on Icer, relesing from her talons a dragon-sized apple pie:: Icer1978: ::Landing nearby, an eyeridge arched as she moved toward Jadey and Gabe, blinking then as she was hit with the pie.:; mama.. Moon Lyght: ::Giggles as she lands:: 'Ello luv ::smug:: Jade Rogue: ::points to Icer:: Ya got a wee bit of pie on ya face there, hun.


Date: 2007-06-22 15:38 EST

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-10-07 21:31 EST
I love this...

Brian Ravenlock: ::munch munch:: Skittles rock.. : Phillipe Gaston has entered at 10:27 pm Adrianna: Of course. Anyone who doesn't believe so is going to get fish slapped. ::Nod, munch munch.:: Phillipe Gaston: Lobby chat" Adrianna: Skittle chat. Brian Ravenlock: Fish slapped!" Adrianna: Totally. Brian Ravenlock: You SO officially RAWK Phillipe Gaston: fish slapped? Adrianna: ::Bows.:: Thank you thank you. Brian Ravenlock offers some skittles to Phil. Adrianna: slapped. Brian Ravenlock: Kick ass...


Date: 2007-10-08 20:46 EST
I love this...

Brian Ravenlock: ::munch munch:: Skittles rock.. : Phillipe Gaston has entered at 10:27 pm Adrianna: Of course. Anyone who doesn't believe so is going to get fish slapped. ::Nod, munch munch.:: Phillipe Gaston: Lobby chat" Adrianna: Skittle chat. Brian Ravenlock: Fish slapped!" Adrianna: Totally. Brian Ravenlock: You SO officially RAWK Phillipe Gaston: fish slapped? Adrianna: ::Bows.:: Thank you thank you. Brian Ravenlock offers some skittles to Phil. Adrianna: slapped. Brian Ravenlock: Kick ***...

::Smirks:: But that is what is going to happen if you don't like the skits. ^_^

You will get your *** Fishslapped. ^_^

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-10-09 10:27 EST
Oh Hellz yes you will, with a 17lb grouper!


Date: 2007-10-09 17:10 EST
Oh boys. ^_^ But yeah...

::Lobs some skitts at Bri guy.::


Date: 2007-11-10 00:03 EST
Sometimes I remember things one way, sometimes another. If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice.

I love the way this character is written. I never get tired of reading the sick $h!t she comes up with.


Date: 2008-02-24 20:12 EST
Perhaps you are thinking that the logic behind this line of thought was a tad bit flawed...well...F**K YOU Nigga! Who the hell asked you s**t?!!!



Date: 2008-03-06 22:35 EST was hard not to take interest in Sanchez and his friend who, much like Lando Calrissian, was the only black man in a galaxy far far away.

Wow!!! F**KEN HYSTERICAL LADY J!! :mrgreen:

Dracina Hemdagg

Date: 2008-03-07 14:11 EST
Hey....wait....what about Master Mace Windu?


Date: 2008-03-07 15:51 EST
Hey....wait....what about Master Mace Windu?


You guys are nuts. I love it!


Date: 2008-07-14 23:42 EST
Trixie, this one is for you:

Tara Rynieyn: I prefer men too but I'd *so* do Trixie! JewellRavenlock: Yeah well..::Looks thoughtful for a moment and laughs:: me too!

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2008-07-19 14:20 EST
B-e-a-uuuuuutiful. ;D!


Date: 2008-07-19 23:18 EST
Trixie, this one is for you:

Tara Rynieyn: I prefer men too but I'd *so* do Trixie! JewellRavenlock: Yeah well..::Looks thoughtful for a moment and laughs:: me too!

::HUGE Lick:: Count me in on that one girls!!! RAWR!!!! :grin:


Date: 2008-07-20 21:28 EST
I'm waiting for Gimmie to say it's okay for me to post what I've been working onnnnn....Where is she?! *Whines*


Date: 2008-07-20 21:40 EST
Well, hopefully for our sakes she isn't dead.


Date: 2011-09-19 20:51 EST
Upon another Inn free-for-all involving Renna, the wheelchair-bound Dr. Ibaraki:

Raye: She muttered softly "(vq) I swear I'm gonna end up dead before I get laid..."


Date: 2011-11-16 12:14 EST can only have so much fun with a bronzed @ss.

Upon Issy saying that she should have her @ss bronzed for those who simply want to stare at it all day.


Date: 2011-11-16 12:31 EST
Dyarhk: "Hey, Tass!" Dyarhk: "How do you keep so fit!" DUEL Tass:Hey, What?! DUEL Tass:Sex...lots and lots of sex!

Can't remember when this was, exactly, but I just couldn't help myself with the answer.


Date: 2011-12-09 09:27 EST
Race speaking to Katt:

There's a hotdog for every bun. Some nights whole packs...


Date: 2012-01-25 13:13 EST
Lobby fun on Wednesday 1/25/12:

Reap: You know how annoying it is to smoke a cigarette when driving and having your window cracked like 2 inches, and still get rained on, like..right in the face? ....I feel like a cheap porn star.


Date: 2012-02-26 19:48 EST
Madion Granger trying to get Arty (Winter's Light) a beer with a little taste in it, she was trying Reap's hand as a tender. Didn't go so well. This is after the second bottle tried:

::He looked from Madion to Kruger. A knowing nod to his friend before he looked back to Madion.:: There. ::He motioned to the bad...the Shock Top.:: Wrap yer lips around that and shut the f*ck up.

Artemis Heracleides

Date: 2012-02-27 14:29 EST
I must've missed that. :lol: Hilarious.


Date: 2013-06-02 17:23 EST
"After all, dealing with Renna was akin to dealing with a deadly viper. In the dark. In a closet. With a dead rat tied around your neck."
