Topic: A face from the past...

Jonas Lockheed

Date: 2007-10-25 22:14 EST
In the silence and darkness of the night he arrived, moving with such silence that not even the most trained ear would have heard a whisper as he approached. Had one seen him, they might have thought the very shadows bent to give him shelter from prying eyes. He moved with purpose, in his hand he held a folded piece of parchment, the wax seal that of House Onyx. As he came to the entrance, he stopped and took a slow, deep breath. It had been many, many years since he graced the halls of this very old house. When he left, it had been without a word, but at that time, the house had also faded a bit into the either.

Without any further hesitation, he placed the parchment on the ground at the entrance, turned and stepped away, melting into the darkness as if he had never even been there in the first place.

The note was simply this:

"I was one of the old guard and left for reasons of my own. I have recently returned to these lands and hope for an audience with whomever is now the leader of House Onyx."

And simply signed Jonas.


Date: 2007-11-03 17:15 EST
The security at Blood House Onyx is kept in a heightened state these days, due to the threat posed by enemies of the Family. Even with the explosion in the Marketplace of the infamous DCH attorneys" offices, the Bloods remain nevertheless vigilant. DCH aren't their only concern, there are plenty of others ready and willing to take their place. Besides through experience they have learned that "looks" can be deceiving. DCH may be down, but there is no way of knowing yet if they are "out".

The delivery of the letter causes some concern. The courier was not spotted and came dangerously close to the Bloods property without anyone the wiser. Too close and at such a critical time; the issue needs to be addressed. However, luckily for the guards on duty that night, the letter comes from a well-respected Family member. This may save their skins"

Bel sits in her office chair, doing her best to look intimidating as those green, green eyes glower at the two Bloods who'd been on duty the night the letter arrived. She shakes her head sternly as a delicate brow arches. It is her best imitation of Corwyn to date" But the pair seems somewhat unimpressed; they are far more concerned about what Wylde and Luc are likely to do them than the lecture they are about to receive from the petite Lady Bel"

"You two' what am I to do with the pair of you?! Right up to our property line! Do you see where the problem is in that"!" Bel chides in her coldest of tones. "Yes", she thinks, 'Corwyn would be proud!" "It's a good thing it's from a Family member" otherwise heads would be rolling!"

Glowering hard at the pair, Bel continues, "You are both on warehouse duty until further notice. Oh, and by the way?" She pauses for full dramatic effect. "You're both assigned to re-take training classes with Luc. Do have fun" I am sure he won't hold this against you?" Her smile says otherwise as she waves her hand dismissively. "Might as well be off" you have about three minutes to report to him?"

Sometimes" being the "Boss" can be fun" Bel smiles in delight watching them flee her office as if demons were lighting their toes on fire. Yes" Luc can be such a wonderful motivation tool! There is still business to be done and soon enough her attention snaps back to the letter sitting on her desk before her.

Gingerly picking it up between forefinger and thumb, Bel begins to focus in on Jonas" energy. Her reply is already written and simply awaits delivery. Seeing as she has no idea where Jonas may be, she resorts to the talents of "birth" to find him.

"Aww, there you are, Brother?" a shiver of a whisper murmured, Bel has tagged Jonas" location. In a blink of an eye, the hand-written missive is delivered. Wherever Jonas is, be he awake or asleep, the letter magically appears inches from his nose and will stay there until he touches it.

It reads:

"Jonas, Brother in Blood,

Your room is ready whenever you are" It has always been so. Glad to have you back; times are tempestuous to say the least. We can use your talents and leadership at this time.

We should arrange to speak soon; you will want to get caught up on what?s going on.

Belial Leader of BHO"