Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.
Louis L'Amour
Part I
Over his years in Rhy"Din Howe has developed a love-hate relationship with Dickie's Dirk and Dagger, one of the town's lesser drinking establishments located on the seedier side of the Dockside. The place attracts a distinct crowd, well, distinct one might say for the typical Rhy"Dinite. It caters to the lowest denominator of the city: thugs, hoodlums, and ruffians. It lacks charm, genteel d"cor and personal safety (most of Dickie's customers would rather kill you than look at you). Indeed, it is more closely associated to a hole in the wall than any proper pub would care to be. Dark interior, no windows, beat-up tables and chairs, and if it's dirty, one can't tell in the bad lighting. About the only nice things are the barstools which were purchased within the last twenty years and the bar itself, hardwood polished over years of use to a rich burgundy grain. It is the epitome of a dive, a dump, and for any unwary, or untutored wanderer a seriously dangerous place. For Howe it offers the one thing that Rhy"Din is short on: Privacy.
None of the powers-that-be from the township bothers bugging Dickie's. Hell, he doubts they even know it exists. Most of the people who frequent the dive would never cross the threshold of the Red Dragon Inn, where the more prominent of the powerful tend to congregate. Howe may not like the atmosphere of Dickie's (as he prefers more cultured environments personally,) but it suits his other, more pressing needs well enough for him to overlook that one picky preference.
Howe stands a few feet from the entrance of the dive, nevertheless managing to lurk in shadow. He's arrived early and has time to spare. He may as well finish his expensive, if smelly, cigar. His good mood is written all over him, from the hold of his burly body to the self-satisfied smirk on thin, cruel lips. Lately, everything has been eerily quiet, the other camps seem to have gone into some kind of hibernation and he's had free roam of Rhy"Din for the last few months. Even his partners have been scarce. His plans are flowing flawlessly and he sees his own triumph dead ahead. Yes, Howe is in a grand mood and doesn't mind letting it show. Besides, who would be there that would care anyway, he's at Dickie's. The home of reprobates, rejects and criminals, no good Rhy"Din citizen would be caught dead here!
Howe pulls in the foul smoke of the expensive cigar, letting it roll over his tongue before releasing it ever so slowly. My, but he does enjoy his cigars. He should, they cost him a small fortune. Truth told he also likes how offensive they are. Beady eyes gleam in the ember light as he takes another pull. He set his plans in motion months back and yet nary a soul has paid him heed. It tickles him at how easily his vile deeds pass unnoticed in a town such as this. Sure, the powerful people lament how they want only goodness for the townsfolk, but if they never see the townsfolk what good could they possibly be doing for them' Hell, he's been packing off batches of the brats and bitches for four months and no one, not even a concerned friend, has inquired after a single one! That says a lot about the widows and orphans of Rhy"Din; he should have come up with his plan years ago! They are unwanted, unseen, and when gone not missed, the perfect commodities really.
Yet, what has surprised him is the distinct lack of interest from those he seeks to destroy. A smart tactician would at least have him watched. Hell, he's got tails on all of them' when his men can find "em that is! Slippery, illusive eels the lot of them! The least they could do is return the favor. No, instead it seems they have all vanished from the realm, off chasing whatever pipe dreams have caught their attentions this week. They are all so freaking fickle. But not Howe, he is distinctly driven and hence he knows he will win. That brightens the smirk to a downright grin of glee on thin, cruel lips. Yes, soon, soon they will all understand the magnitude of his abilities. And boyo, will they be eating crow!
Howe tosses the butt of his cigar, (still smoldering), into the alleyway. If the entirety of the Dockside burns down, one less marker on the map works for his purposes, he grins at the thought. Rhy"Din's rustic firehouse is more than laughable, nearly as ineffective as Rhy"Din's Watch. Alas, he knows that one cigar butt isn't going to make that happen, but maybe a more effective plan might' Howe files that idea away for another night as he steps inside the smoky haze of Dickie's Dirk and Dagger.
To be continued...
Part I
Over his years in Rhy"Din Howe has developed a love-hate relationship with Dickie's Dirk and Dagger, one of the town's lesser drinking establishments located on the seedier side of the Dockside. The place attracts a distinct crowd, well, distinct one might say for the typical Rhy"Dinite. It caters to the lowest denominator of the city: thugs, hoodlums, and ruffians. It lacks charm, genteel d"cor and personal safety (most of Dickie's customers would rather kill you than look at you). Indeed, it is more closely associated to a hole in the wall than any proper pub would care to be. Dark interior, no windows, beat-up tables and chairs, and if it's dirty, one can't tell in the bad lighting. About the only nice things are the barstools which were purchased within the last twenty years and the bar itself, hardwood polished over years of use to a rich burgundy grain. It is the epitome of a dive, a dump, and for any unwary, or untutored wanderer a seriously dangerous place. For Howe it offers the one thing that Rhy"Din is short on: Privacy.
None of the powers-that-be from the township bothers bugging Dickie's. Hell, he doubts they even know it exists. Most of the people who frequent the dive would never cross the threshold of the Red Dragon Inn, where the more prominent of the powerful tend to congregate. Howe may not like the atmosphere of Dickie's (as he prefers more cultured environments personally,) but it suits his other, more pressing needs well enough for him to overlook that one picky preference.
Howe stands a few feet from the entrance of the dive, nevertheless managing to lurk in shadow. He's arrived early and has time to spare. He may as well finish his expensive, if smelly, cigar. His good mood is written all over him, from the hold of his burly body to the self-satisfied smirk on thin, cruel lips. Lately, everything has been eerily quiet, the other camps seem to have gone into some kind of hibernation and he's had free roam of Rhy"Din for the last few months. Even his partners have been scarce. His plans are flowing flawlessly and he sees his own triumph dead ahead. Yes, Howe is in a grand mood and doesn't mind letting it show. Besides, who would be there that would care anyway, he's at Dickie's. The home of reprobates, rejects and criminals, no good Rhy"Din citizen would be caught dead here!
Howe pulls in the foul smoke of the expensive cigar, letting it roll over his tongue before releasing it ever so slowly. My, but he does enjoy his cigars. He should, they cost him a small fortune. Truth told he also likes how offensive they are. Beady eyes gleam in the ember light as he takes another pull. He set his plans in motion months back and yet nary a soul has paid him heed. It tickles him at how easily his vile deeds pass unnoticed in a town such as this. Sure, the powerful people lament how they want only goodness for the townsfolk, but if they never see the townsfolk what good could they possibly be doing for them' Hell, he's been packing off batches of the brats and bitches for four months and no one, not even a concerned friend, has inquired after a single one! That says a lot about the widows and orphans of Rhy"Din; he should have come up with his plan years ago! They are unwanted, unseen, and when gone not missed, the perfect commodities really.
Yet, what has surprised him is the distinct lack of interest from those he seeks to destroy. A smart tactician would at least have him watched. Hell, he's got tails on all of them' when his men can find "em that is! Slippery, illusive eels the lot of them! The least they could do is return the favor. No, instead it seems they have all vanished from the realm, off chasing whatever pipe dreams have caught their attentions this week. They are all so freaking fickle. But not Howe, he is distinctly driven and hence he knows he will win. That brightens the smirk to a downright grin of glee on thin, cruel lips. Yes, soon, soon they will all understand the magnitude of his abilities. And boyo, will they be eating crow!
Howe tosses the butt of his cigar, (still smoldering), into the alleyway. If the entirety of the Dockside burns down, one less marker on the map works for his purposes, he grins at the thought. Rhy"Din's rustic firehouse is more than laughable, nearly as ineffective as Rhy"Din's Watch. Alas, he knows that one cigar butt isn't going to make that happen, but maybe a more effective plan might' Howe files that idea away for another night as he steps inside the smoky haze of Dickie's Dirk and Dagger.
To be continued...