When had it begun"
Perhaps with the arrival of the gifts" but no; the gifts, in and of themselves, were not the true beginning"
It was the ribbons that came wrapped about them. A dark intense power radiated from them, it beckoned and called, but above all it tasted divine. Not as in angelic by any means, no, but rather it harkened to the darker side that lurks within all creatures.
Balance, it is the key upon which everything exists. From Heaven to Hell and in all things in-between, the multiverses have been built with balance as their foundations. Good could not exist without Evil, Order without Chaos. It is the common state of everything.
But for Bel balance has been a hard road to travel; not an easy path to walk"
Her earliest memories are tied to Hades and Morningstar, she believed herself born of the demonic; created to destroy, to collect stray, confused souls. She'd lost herself in madness during her Fall from Grace, and whatever happened Above" Forgotten as it was it could not shape or mold her, it held no influence over what she would become"
Years, (many, many, many years) later, Sariel had set upon her in a crumbling warehouse on the New Orleans" Waterfront and had "awakened" her to her true heritage. Her existence has never been the same" Good, evil" A mixture of both perhaps" It no longer made any sense.
Belial had been born, (if born can be used to explain such creation"), Angelic. Neither good nor evil, but made to answer to a duty. So' what is she now since she cannot serve what she was created to do' Would she want to return to such tasks, that is" if the Above would even allow it"
Corwyn's spell had changed everything" new emotions, new powers" and total chaos. Gabriel had declared her Abomination" and Morningstar" Once revered as "Father" he now seeks to reclaim what he feels has been stolen from him' even if it means her destruction.
Belial is a creature without true purpose" who still struggles to understand what? who she is and what her purpose should be? It had been so easy before" when she'd believed herself Satan's child.
But now" She's no idea"
Good" evil" Compassionate" Cold-hearted" She has been all these things and much, much more" does her past define her" Do her actions today redeem her" And what is redemption really' Is it something she truly seeks or is it something she perceives she should" Does she really want it' What does she benefit from it' Certainly not acceptance" that door has been closed both Above and Below to her and she sees no way to rebuild either bridge.
Introspection is a new state of being" often times less pleasant than simply reacting according to one's perceived nature. But she no longer knows what that nature is" the more she learns about her brethren the more confused she becomes. It seems that the line, once clearly delineated between Heaven and Hell has devastatingly diminished. Gabriel behaves no better than Morningstar, and Michael" He's made so many bad mistakes for so long it's harder than ever to believe he knows "right" from "wrong".
Corwyn" He comes closest to speaking what sounds like "truths" but Belial is very aware he has his own agenda. Can she trust he has the best in mind for her or Sid" He has made them into what they are today' but his reasons may not be nearly as noble as he lays claim. And those changes haven't made her choices any easier" Now she is plagued by foreign emotions she'd rather never have tasted!
Yet the attraction of the darkside has only grown since the spell, since the "awakening". She's been drawn over and over again to that which is most dangerous, most evil, the opposite of what she believes she should be. The question remains why' What is this misplaced attraction and what aspect of her does it feed"
To be good" one must not glory in bloodshed, one should seek peaceful conclusions. To be good, one must strive to right wrongs, not create them and certainly not perpetuate them. To be good" she will need to tackle all that she knows is not.
Or so the newly born conscious whispers to her" It has become her bane, her overbearing tutor that dictates that she is not as she should be. But the question still begs an answer: what, who should she be, and who gets to decide"