Topic: Midnight Haunting


Date: 2007-07-06 10:04 EST
The night was quiet and still. The half moon had risen into the sky, casting shadows among the simplest things. Though the summer night was warm, and a light breeze would move through the street, the air around him was dark, chilled. He had been hunting and tracking through out the day. No doubt, even if she felt his presance, she would have welcomed it, rather than feared it.

As she returned home had taken up station away from the house, quietly watching the comotion going on inside before she eventually retired. He leaned against a tree nearby, folding his arms over his chest. No doubt there was a guard, or guards, presant. It wouldn't matter. He knew after watching for a while that where few on site that could slow him, let alone stop him.

But she was starting to grow restless, he could tell. Perhaps a personal visit upon her house, in the daylight, would help.


Date: 2007-07-12 22:08 EST
When had it begun"

Perhaps with the arrival of the gifts" but no; the gifts, in and of themselves, were not the true beginning"

It was the ribbons that came wrapped about them. A dark intense power radiated from them, it beckoned and called, but above all it tasted divine. Not as in angelic by any means, no, but rather it harkened to the darker side that lurks within all creatures.

Balance, it is the key upon which everything exists. From Heaven to Hell and in all things in-between, the multiverses have been built with balance as their foundations. Good could not exist without Evil, Order without Chaos. It is the common state of everything.


But for Bel balance has been a hard road to travel; not an easy path to walk"

Her earliest memories are tied to Hades and Morningstar, she believed herself born of the demonic; created to destroy, to collect stray, confused souls. She'd lost herself in madness during her Fall from Grace, and whatever happened Above" Forgotten as it was it could not shape or mold her, it held no influence over what she would become"

Years, (many, many, many years) later, Sariel had set upon her in a crumbling warehouse on the New Orleans" Waterfront and had "awakened" her to her true heritage. Her existence has never been the same" Good, evil" A mixture of both perhaps" It no longer made any sense.

Belial had been born, (if born can be used to explain such creation"), Angelic. Neither good nor evil, but made to answer to a duty. So' what is she now since she cannot serve what she was created to do' Would she want to return to such tasks, that is" if the Above would even allow it"

Corwyn's spell had changed everything" new emotions, new powers" and total chaos. Gabriel had declared her Abomination" and Morningstar" Once revered as "Father" he now seeks to reclaim what he feels has been stolen from him' even if it means her destruction.

Belial is a creature without true purpose" who still struggles to understand what? who she is and what her purpose should be? It had been so easy before" when she'd believed herself Satan's child.

But now" She's no idea"

Good" evil" Compassionate" Cold-hearted" She has been all these things and much, much more" does her past define her" Do her actions today redeem her" And what is redemption really' Is it something she truly seeks or is it something she perceives she should" Does she really want it' What does she benefit from it' Certainly not acceptance" that door has been closed both Above and Below to her and she sees no way to rebuild either bridge.

Introspection is a new state of being" often times less pleasant than simply reacting according to one's perceived nature. But she no longer knows what that nature is" the more she learns about her brethren the more confused she becomes. It seems that the line, once clearly delineated between Heaven and Hell has devastatingly diminished. Gabriel behaves no better than Morningstar, and Michael" He's made so many bad mistakes for so long it's harder than ever to believe he knows "right" from "wrong".

Corwyn" He comes closest to speaking what sounds like "truths" but Belial is very aware he has his own agenda. Can she trust he has the best in mind for her or Sid" He has made them into what they are today' but his reasons may not be nearly as noble as he lays claim. And those changes haven't made her choices any easier" Now she is plagued by foreign emotions she'd rather never have tasted!

Yet the attraction of the darkside has only grown since the spell, since the "awakening". She's been drawn over and over again to that which is most dangerous, most evil, the opposite of what she believes she should be. The question remains why' What is this misplaced attraction and what aspect of her does it feed"

To be good" one must not glory in bloodshed, one should seek peaceful conclusions. To be good, one must strive to right wrongs, not create them and certainly not perpetuate them. To be good" she will need to tackle all that she knows is not.

Or so the newly born conscious whispers to her" It has become her bane, her overbearing tutor that dictates that she is not as she should be. But the question still begs an answer: what, who should she be, and who gets to decide"


Date: 2007-07-12 22:13 EST
So what about the ribbons"

When the presents had first begun to arrive Bel had no idea of whom or what was behind them. She and Yvette had only recently relocated to their new WestEnd residence. Their main homestead had been HadesDawn, an hour and a half north of the Town proper. But with Bel's newly acquired position with Onyx House and her Family Blood, Designated Leader of the House, her presence is now required in town much more frequently.

Sure, she could stay at Onyx House" but that would mean she'd never stop working! To retain some semblance of 'downtime" and to have a place in town to call home, they'd settled on a house located in WestEnd, only a street away from Sid and Scottie's.

Few knew of this new home" and that is just the way Bel prefers it!

It had been as heavily fortified as HadesDawn or Blood House Onyx. Belial is too smart to overlook such details" She knows her enemies only too well and would never leave herself or those she loves unprotected. And, although since the confrontation Above where Corwyn ended Michael's madness, much of her "problems" with her brethren have vanished" she realizes it is an uneasy peace at best. She is prepared for any eventuality.

Or so she thought"

With the arrival of the first present, the ribbon's call was subtle; it invited touching and radiated energy but remained somewhat muted. A mild distraction that seemed, at the time, easily overlooked in lieu of the gift and its sender. Bel was curious, but not on guard" at least, not yet.

Over time and several gifts later, the influence of the ribbons became more pressing. It was as if they wanted to be worn. Bel's curiosity had also reached its zenith. With the appearance of the last gift, Bel decided to give in. Her hope was to uncover the identity behind the sender and the purpose of such attentions" Alas" answers were not the goal behind the ribbons or their strange call.

Wrapping the delicate, velvet-soft ribbon about her slender wrist, Bel realized too late what the true intent was. Immediately assailed with images of submission, Belial realized she'd fallen for a wicked trick; an attempt at forced collaring. Her anger knew no bounds and she immediately ripped the ribbon free to let it fall upon an end table.

Were it not for the protections placed upon the WestEnd home, she and her new house would have been ash. However Bel has lived in Rhy"Din for many years and, if one thing can be said of her and the Bloods, protection is a high priority. She saved herself from her own folly, but still knew very little of who was behind the attempt.

After issuing the Blood Alert, information began to trickle in about a certain Lord Travanix. The Bloods weren't absolutely positive it was he behind the gifts and those insidious ribbons, but all clues did indeed point in his direction.

Many weeks later"

A missive arrived at the WestEnd home of Sun and Bel, wrapped around the missive was another of the black ribbons. Having taken the ribbons that came with the gifts to Onyx House to have them "investigated" by the mages, this ribbon she tucked into her pocket' if you could ask her why' she may not be able to tell you, but into her pocket it went. Then she opened the missive.


Date: 2007-07-12 22:16 EST

It is very late and the night dark sky lays heavy with rain clouds. Belial is awake and feeling rather restless. Ever since the meeting with Anubis she's been experiencing a strange oddness" She can't really explain what?s happening, it just is. Desires long dormant have reared their ugly heads and the pervading darkness within, which she had thought banished, seems to have surged back to new life.

She has no explanation for these events, just a growing restlessness that lies like a snake coiled in the very depths of her.

Bel lounges belly down on her bed, in front of her rests a small wooden box. The oak has been finely tooled with elegant leaves from the tree of which it has grown. A small lock allows her to keep its contents safe; the key hangs low from a delicate silver chain around her neck which she never takes off.

The key is fitted to the lock and the box opens with barely a sound. Inside are the things that hold the most sentimental value to her. The ring of oak and ash that Ash had given her the night of their betrothal long before she'd lost him to another dimension. The onyx ring Welv had granted her that night in the Oak and Ash, before his death at the hands of a rival vampire clan. The amulet that allows her to pass into Vincent's domain unharmed and once, long ago, always welcomed, until she'd forced an end to their relationship. The silver necklace Jodiah had made for her, a beautiful and unexpected gift, the only token she has left to remind her of him now. And a black, velvet-smooth ribbon"

Why had she put the ribbon in this box" Her brow furrows with a puzzled frown as she stares at it, even as fingertips brush over the yielding softness. She asks herself the question but gets no response" only the longing to hold it, to press it between her fingers and stroke it"

Green eyes drift off towards the middle distance as memories of her past in Rhy"Din particular assail. She can recall so many details" so many small things" but the big picture always seems so fuzzy and somewhat vague. When had everything changed"

But there is no shining light on one single event, no simple detail that comes to mind that could be pointed at and called "the moment". It was a gradual thing to be sure" each and every second, every adventure, every small step, all the tiny details, this is what has made her into the creature she is today.

Is it possible to step backwards in time" Would it be easier if she could" But really' the question most pressing, what is going on with her"

Again? there is no answer? just the soft hiss of rain drops hitting the pane of her window and the smooth texture of the black ribbon laced about her fingers.


Date: 2007-07-13 00:33 EST

A caress of the ribbon. He felt it, saw it. His eyes closed as the rain began to slowly fall. It was a gentle summer's drizzle. Though, the rain began to soak through his tunic, it didn't bother him. Why would it' He's been in worse. He has felt the cold touch of death far too often to be bother by some water falling from the sky.

But that...touch...

The ribbon was calling her, as he had designed it. The few times that he's been around her has caused the echo of his voice to call to her quietly. She may not be aware of it yet, but it will grow with in her soul. He has sensed the growing disruption with in her "balance".

In her dreams, the dark image of his form looms over her, taking light from her. Through the shadows pierce his darkened, glowing red eyes. Something about them demanded respect.

Any guard she may have mentally is weakening, to the point that she will begin to dismantal it herself. He was a patient man.

He moved closer, step by step to the house.

The power coursed through his mind, options presented themselves, calculations were made. He could rip the house apart, kill everyone and take her right here, right now. The silent whispers that fed off the pure chaos that he causes told him that no one could stop him.

He reminded the whispers that in time, she will come to him, she is evolving, and evolvolution takes time. His patience and his balance was restored to their proper order. His eyes opened, the dark auburn eyes turning towards her bed room window.

He so did enjoy the hunt. He took another step. The dark essence of his aura would penetrate the walls now, crawling. Even just the edge of his presance would permiate her mind.

The ribbon will call louder.


Date: 2007-07-18 15:04 EST

Dreams are the path of communication from the sub-conscious. It is the sleeping mind. Deprived of truly living, the sub-conscious reaches out in dreams.

And they become real for a few seconds.

"So drop your hesitation, and come with me," a chilled voice reaches out from the darkness. And hand reaches out of the shadows.

Reality fractures, seperates in dreams as the sub-conscious creates it. Dreams dominate the mind.

"I know you hunger for more," The shadowed voice says explains. A black ribbin appears in his offered hand.

Dreams form from the burried desires of the mind and body, it is uncentered, uncontroled - Raw. It focuses on symbols and images, than words or feelings. Blue for cold; Red for anger; A chain meaning capture.

"Remember the ones that have lied. Who said they cared, and laughed as you cried." The ribbin was drapped with care over the palm of the hand.

When a dream demands, a dream receives from the body. A broken sweat from a nightmare is a warning that the mind is not getting what it needs...or wants.

"You know you've got to stop thinking about right and wrong. Tonight it's you and me, It's now or never. You've got nothing to lose." The ribbin began to float in the air as the hand was removed from under it, returning to the shadows.

When a dreamer awakens, if the dream is strong enough, he or she will remember the dream in details, as if it had happened; For a moment, becoming reality.

"Nothing you can say will stop us now. We'll take this night, make it remember us. So come with me." There was only the shadow left.