Blood House Onyx Links:
The Bloods Online
Gem's BHO Page
During one of the many stops made by Finni Steel and his crew aboard the spacecraft, the Rowan, Trillion, the Rowan's communications officer, found the following report filed at the library of Q"Untee, Y"urn, SerriaPrime:
ARQ#: 44542-00937-332 Reference: Bloods, Ancients, TrueBloods, Bordertown, Rhy'Din, Lands, Nexus, Nexual Nodes, Long Lankyn, Oberon Enterprises, Fey
Introduction: The Bloods
The Bloods have changed since their inception. Once they were considered nothing more than a street gang from a small dot in the multiverses known as Bordertown, a town on the edge of the border between what is called the Lands, (home of the Fey Races), and the World, (Earth, home of the human races). The street gang remains active although it remains so only in Bordertown. The reason most commonly cited as to why the Bloods exist has been to offer a safe haven for the rebellious youth of the TrueBloods intent of crossing from the Lands into the Worlds beyond. The goal had been to keep the wandering youths safe from fates perhaps worse than death. The Bloods have accomplished this goal, and over time have built themselves into a power base to rival any in Bordertown.
Both the Lands and Bordertown have changed with the tides of time, blossoming and growing into things much grander than they once were. Much of what was can no longer be. The street gang is merely a facade these days, left for the Old Town where magic and technology still wage wars with unpredictable results. Old Town is a haven for the runaway youths from many realms with no where else to go. They come seeking magic and adventure, but often find only the road to their ruin or despair. Old Town has not been kind to its denizens. Even the water, (from the Red River which flows from the Lands), can create madness in most species of non-Fey origins.
(Note: Bordertown remains a popular tourist attraction for most in the allied galaxies, although it is wise to warn your youths of the potential hazard of attempting to survive there outside of the protected areas of the New City. Guides should be used when traveling within Old Town.)
The New City rises to the North of the Old Town. Here magic and technology has been developed and honed to work in unison, providing many amenities" that were once believed impossible for Bordertown. In the New City skyscrapers caress the clouds with a mix of Elven and human architecture. The New City is truly a site to behold; graceful, majestic, the epicenter of cultural exchange between the Lands and the Worlds beyond. This place has no room for street gangs or other such petty rivalries"; rather it caters to diversity and corporate business. The New City was built to make a profit.
Of all the changes some things are very much the same; Old Town has been left to the kids, to rot in its ruins, nothing more than a memory of what once was. The most famous of the old familiar places, Ferrell Din's "Dancing Ferret", "The Factory", "Taco Hell" and other sundry of artifacts remain as they ever were; sometimes a haven, sometimes a hell for the youth of Old Town.
The Lands still do not allow any other than the fey to cross its borders. There exists a multitude of reasons, excuses and philosophies as to why, but the truth remains a mystery. Those known as "The Ancients" are believed to truly understand but rarely do they speak upon such matters and never to any that aren't of fey descent. Therefore Bordertown has become the base of operations for the Fey of the Lands to mingle with the rest of the multiverse and, of course, make a profit while extending their influences, (i.e. gaining power). The fey seem to enjoy collecting power and wielding their influence over others.
Through the conspiring of Long Lankyn, the progenitor of the Bloods, the Bloods have grown from street gang to the most powerful merchant association in Bordertown or the Lands. Rumors have it that Long Lankyn won over the backing of an Ancient known as Corwyn Alden of Oberon House and that much of the success of the Bloods can be directly connected to their association with Oberon Enterprises, (a multiverse corporation that deals in far more than mere commodities.) The fact is Long Lankyn and the Ancient, Corwyn, have dropped their long standing feud in lieu of what they both agree is best for the Lands; growth, moving from the old ways into the new, more progressive, way. This has been well documented through the information both have willingly shared in many of their public appearances.
It is also well documented that many old feuds have dissipated with the changing times, and this, all in the Lands, agree is a good thing. The fey have claimed that for far too long those in the Lands have fought amidst themselves and during their self-imposed exile, from the World, they had grown so bored that only deadly intrigue and destruction had amused. Many of the fey will adamantly insist that this new age has resurrected the Lands, inspired creativity and cooperation, brought together the many fey courts in a unity unseen since the dawning of their races. Even the days of fanatical prejudice seem to be passing as the fey embrace the new cultures they are being exposed to. Yes, times are changing, and all the fey are in agreement that it is for the better.
The same can be said of the Bloods. They too have flourished; building their reputation by offering only the highest of quality products at more-than-reasonable rates. They are known for their vast array of stock; everything from unique drinkables to high-tech instruments. No matter what you are seeking, the Bloods are likely to have a resource available to suit your needs and they pride themselves on catering to their clientele. Their reputation throughout the multiverses is impeccable and they are welcomed in most realms with the highest respect, including SerriaPrime.
In fact adaptation into the corporate world of business appeared seamless for the "Family", (as they fondly refer to themselves), but that may have more to do with their discovery of a realm known as Rhy'Din than to any other ingredient. Rhy'Din is a nexual node, with many dimension portals; portals that can access even the remotest of locations within a blink of an eye. (To learn more about the planet Rhy"Din refer to ARQ#: 27009-00002-107) According to local scientists, the Bloods have harnessed the ability to transport goods anywhere in the multiverses through the use of the Nexus. The Bloods have made excellent use of this tool, widening their available resources as well as their consumer base.
Blood House Onyx, the Bloods base in Rhy'Din, has become a weigh station of sorts, moving commodities from one dimension, land or world to the next. Wherever the product is most needed the Bloods have found a way to import it. Wherever the product is most prevalent, the Bloods are there to purchase it. It makes it easy for the "Family' to offer the lowest price for the highest quality; it makes it easy for the "Family' to outbid nearly every other merchant or association. It appears that Rhy'Din has given the Bloods a tool that brings nothing but profit to their coffers.
It should come as no surprise that the technology used to exploit the Nexus is kept a tight secret by the "Family". This use of the Nexus is not common as most believe that the Nexus is completely random, unable to be controlled. The Bloods know otherwise, for it was through their machinations that a way has been found. A mixture of magic and high-tech has created a gateway, and today it is reported that the Bloods use the Nexus more than any other type of transportation to deliver their goods. Historians within multiple planets and dimensions are seeking the wisdom of this knowledge as this is written. There are others who would willingly kill for this knowledge.
The Bloods have incurred many enemies, among them are the high-powered, multidimensional law firm of Dewey, Cheetham & Howe, (also active in this sector of the galaxy), but this topic is covered in ARQ#: 44789-00985-332. References: DCH, Alternate Religion (Earth, Human), FEY, Dracolitch, Mythical Earth, Earth Legends. Ra"Shen O"Ba'die Token Historian Q"Untee, Y?urn, SerriaPrime
During one of the many stops made by Finni Steel and his crew aboard the spacecraft, the Rowan, Trillion, the Rowan's communications officer, found the following report filed at the library of Q"Untee, Y"urn, SerriaPrime:
ARQ#: 44542-00937-332 Reference: Bloods, Ancients, TrueBloods, Bordertown, Rhy'Din, Lands, Nexus, Nexual Nodes, Long Lankyn, Oberon Enterprises, Fey
Introduction: The Bloods
The Bloods have changed since their inception. Once they were considered nothing more than a street gang from a small dot in the multiverses known as Bordertown, a town on the edge of the border between what is called the Lands, (home of the Fey Races), and the World, (Earth, home of the human races). The street gang remains active although it remains so only in Bordertown. The reason most commonly cited as to why the Bloods exist has been to offer a safe haven for the rebellious youth of the TrueBloods intent of crossing from the Lands into the Worlds beyond. The goal had been to keep the wandering youths safe from fates perhaps worse than death. The Bloods have accomplished this goal, and over time have built themselves into a power base to rival any in Bordertown.
Both the Lands and Bordertown have changed with the tides of time, blossoming and growing into things much grander than they once were. Much of what was can no longer be. The street gang is merely a facade these days, left for the Old Town where magic and technology still wage wars with unpredictable results. Old Town is a haven for the runaway youths from many realms with no where else to go. They come seeking magic and adventure, but often find only the road to their ruin or despair. Old Town has not been kind to its denizens. Even the water, (from the Red River which flows from the Lands), can create madness in most species of non-Fey origins.
(Note: Bordertown remains a popular tourist attraction for most in the allied galaxies, although it is wise to warn your youths of the potential hazard of attempting to survive there outside of the protected areas of the New City. Guides should be used when traveling within Old Town.)
The New City rises to the North of the Old Town. Here magic and technology has been developed and honed to work in unison, providing many amenities" that were once believed impossible for Bordertown. In the New City skyscrapers caress the clouds with a mix of Elven and human architecture. The New City is truly a site to behold; graceful, majestic, the epicenter of cultural exchange between the Lands and the Worlds beyond. This place has no room for street gangs or other such petty rivalries"; rather it caters to diversity and corporate business. The New City was built to make a profit.
Of all the changes some things are very much the same; Old Town has been left to the kids, to rot in its ruins, nothing more than a memory of what once was. The most famous of the old familiar places, Ferrell Din's "Dancing Ferret", "The Factory", "Taco Hell" and other sundry of artifacts remain as they ever were; sometimes a haven, sometimes a hell for the youth of Old Town.
The Lands still do not allow any other than the fey to cross its borders. There exists a multitude of reasons, excuses and philosophies as to why, but the truth remains a mystery. Those known as "The Ancients" are believed to truly understand but rarely do they speak upon such matters and never to any that aren't of fey descent. Therefore Bordertown has become the base of operations for the Fey of the Lands to mingle with the rest of the multiverse and, of course, make a profit while extending their influences, (i.e. gaining power). The fey seem to enjoy collecting power and wielding their influence over others.
Through the conspiring of Long Lankyn, the progenitor of the Bloods, the Bloods have grown from street gang to the most powerful merchant association in Bordertown or the Lands. Rumors have it that Long Lankyn won over the backing of an Ancient known as Corwyn Alden of Oberon House and that much of the success of the Bloods can be directly connected to their association with Oberon Enterprises, (a multiverse corporation that deals in far more than mere commodities.) The fact is Long Lankyn and the Ancient, Corwyn, have dropped their long standing feud in lieu of what they both agree is best for the Lands; growth, moving from the old ways into the new, more progressive, way. This has been well documented through the information both have willingly shared in many of their public appearances.
It is also well documented that many old feuds have dissipated with the changing times, and this, all in the Lands, agree is a good thing. The fey have claimed that for far too long those in the Lands have fought amidst themselves and during their self-imposed exile, from the World, they had grown so bored that only deadly intrigue and destruction had amused. Many of the fey will adamantly insist that this new age has resurrected the Lands, inspired creativity and cooperation, brought together the many fey courts in a unity unseen since the dawning of their races. Even the days of fanatical prejudice seem to be passing as the fey embrace the new cultures they are being exposed to. Yes, times are changing, and all the fey are in agreement that it is for the better.
The same can be said of the Bloods. They too have flourished; building their reputation by offering only the highest of quality products at more-than-reasonable rates. They are known for their vast array of stock; everything from unique drinkables to high-tech instruments. No matter what you are seeking, the Bloods are likely to have a resource available to suit your needs and they pride themselves on catering to their clientele. Their reputation throughout the multiverses is impeccable and they are welcomed in most realms with the highest respect, including SerriaPrime.
In fact adaptation into the corporate world of business appeared seamless for the "Family", (as they fondly refer to themselves), but that may have more to do with their discovery of a realm known as Rhy'Din than to any other ingredient. Rhy'Din is a nexual node, with many dimension portals; portals that can access even the remotest of locations within a blink of an eye. (To learn more about the planet Rhy"Din refer to ARQ#: 27009-00002-107) According to local scientists, the Bloods have harnessed the ability to transport goods anywhere in the multiverses through the use of the Nexus. The Bloods have made excellent use of this tool, widening their available resources as well as their consumer base.
Blood House Onyx, the Bloods base in Rhy'Din, has become a weigh station of sorts, moving commodities from one dimension, land or world to the next. Wherever the product is most needed the Bloods have found a way to import it. Wherever the product is most prevalent, the Bloods are there to purchase it. It makes it easy for the "Family' to offer the lowest price for the highest quality; it makes it easy for the "Family' to outbid nearly every other merchant or association. It appears that Rhy'Din has given the Bloods a tool that brings nothing but profit to their coffers.
It should come as no surprise that the technology used to exploit the Nexus is kept a tight secret by the "Family". This use of the Nexus is not common as most believe that the Nexus is completely random, unable to be controlled. The Bloods know otherwise, for it was through their machinations that a way has been found. A mixture of magic and high-tech has created a gateway, and today it is reported that the Bloods use the Nexus more than any other type of transportation to deliver their goods. Historians within multiple planets and dimensions are seeking the wisdom of this knowledge as this is written. There are others who would willingly kill for this knowledge.
The Bloods have incurred many enemies, among them are the high-powered, multidimensional law firm of Dewey, Cheetham & Howe, (also active in this sector of the galaxy), but this topic is covered in ARQ#: 44789-00985-332. References: DCH, Alternate Religion (Earth, Human), FEY, Dracolitch, Mythical Earth, Earth Legends. Ra"Shen O"Ba'die Token Historian Q"Untee, Y?urn, SerriaPrime