I had a blast last night at the Debate and later in the RDI, and really wanna give shout outs to the players behind all the fun!!!
To the candidates: Apologies from the player for the rudeness of Howe, but you all rocked right through it!! Have to add Cor you, like always, were perfection!!! Also to Matt Simon player....if Matt wants to slap Howe for promoting him, feel free. I know if he promoted me I would wanna slap him.
To those that set the debate up: Awesome job, and again, my apologies for Howe's utter rudeness.
To the attendees: Sorry Howe's an ass. He is what he is" He may not apologize for it, but I will. I'm sorry he was so rude and nasty' and that he butted in like he did. Thanks for being gracious and kind to me and not holding me responsible for his nastiness.
Icer " You rock babe! It was awesome seeing you in the room and being able to play off the hostility between Icer and Howe. Seeing Icer is like finding a familiar friend and for that I am always grateful. Just really happy you were there babe!
Edward Batten " You got some character there! Witty, quick and is that a Cajun accent' It sure does sound like it! Looking forward to playing more with you! Edward already has all the earmarks of being one of the powerful movers and shakers!
Morana and Benandanti " You two made my night with your awesome play! I can barely wait to see where this all leads! Howe is intrigued with Morana, and, let's face it, scared to death of John. Heh. Can't wait to play more with you two!!! Heh, you are now officially stuck with me. ::evil grins.::
Batosai and Akahana " Getting to play with Botosai was awesome, getting to watch the play between Akahana and Botosai was even better!! Look forward to more playtime for sure!!! Can Suri be any cuter??"
Taneth " As always the lovely Tanny! You are adored!!! I want more of your attentions love!!! Although Howe is likely to continue his squirming....Good for Tanny!!! Keep that demonic arse in his place!
Buram 'Fovemai Vadam " Dude, what a character! I confess he caught my eye and now I wanna see more!!! I don't think Howe or I have ever seen anything quite like him before" that's saying a lot as both of us have been around far too long than I wanna admit....Gotta admit, he's kinda scary! Anyone else notice how Tanny always seems attracted to the most alien among us" ::teasing chuckle.::
Grem, Harris, Amthy and company " Wish I could have had more time for interaction with all of you, but enjoyed the little we did get to have! Thanks for the play, look forward to a lot more!! Grem, Harris and Amthy I've known your characters for years, and all of you have always rocked" to the rest here's hoping we get to know each other better!!! Of course" maybe not so much under Howe" he isn't the nicest guy in the neighborhood.
Thanks everyone for the really great play! You are what make Rhy?Din so awesome!!!
Howe's grateful player,