Topic: ((Words of Praise


Date: 2006-07-02 17:36 EST
((This is our Words of Praise where we can post OOC about the great players playing with us.

All of us in the Bloods gaming group are grateful for the awesome interactions we've been having since our arrival on DM. We want all of you playing with us to know just how prized, how special and dear to us you are.

THANK YOU for sharing in our illusion, thank you for joining in on our stories. Know we are proud and happy to have you writing with us.

Without all of you inspiring us the stories would shrivel, dry up and fade away. The magic you bring is precious and priceless. Know we strive to give back as much as we've been given.

Thank you all, Lanette Elected stooge to make all these OOC posts?


Date: 2006-07-03 13:12 EST
I have some words of praise for everyone's writing that I have read here. Good stories. Good reads. Very enjoyable and interesting stuff. I just hope I get a chance to play and write with all of you at some point.

Enjoy the holiday. Happy 4th.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-07-03 14:18 EST

Thank you all, Lanette Elected stooge to make all these OOC posts?

More like the one with the most diplomacy. After all, try as one might, all things can't be solved with the business end of a greataxe.

Though, one could wish....:twisted:

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-07-03 23:33 EST
Hello hello!

The Blood characters are just awesome. The people behind the characters even moreso. Even with such a biiiig involved storyline you guys still make time to play with other people and make them feel welcome. Kudos to you for that.

And ah, let's see...

Tara and Luse are a riot. Tara is such a fun character, I love to just sit and watch what she does. And I really like the way Luse's character is played. Very simple, no fancy words, but the point gets across. ( I mention them because I saw them in the inn the other night. Good stuff )

And Lydia had the pleasure of meeting Tasha last night, so thank you for taking the time to play with me!

And way back in the day before my absence and when I played as Terra and Ce, not only were Tasha and Bel kind to my characters and took the time to interact with them, the people behind those characters took the time to be kind to me OOC. So thank you Bel-mun and Tasha-mun~

Oh, and the writing here is stellar. :D


Date: 2006-07-04 01:50 EST
Ce Player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::hugs.:: Hey, you! Missed you babe! Glad to know you are on DM! Wow, so look forward to playing with you again!!!

Oh, and the comics you used to do?"" You still doing them' I loved your comics babe....and of course want more...

So glad you're here!!!!!


Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2006-07-04 02:05 EST
Thanks, Lydia. It's nice to have you back. :)

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-07-04 02:18 EST
:huggies Lan:: Hey!

Yeah I hope to be able to get back into making comics. Perhaps this time using some actual patrons of the RDI. :D The stories on this site certainly make for lots of inspiration.

And Lydia fears Tara now. :D


Date: 2006-07-04 14:37 EST
I'm really in agreement with Lydia Loran. Lush, well-developed histories and stories. Thanks for letting us read into the Bloods' world.

And now that the Scathachians have moved in down the street from Blood House Onyx, we'll see if neighborly behaviors abound. (Of course, they've got Talomar and Tara Longden on the other side of them. Nice mixture for trouble, eh' LOL)


Date: 2006-07-04 23:45 EST
Throw in those Albaelia's and Gharnholme, and "Let the bodies hit the floor."


Glanhelmion Tasartir

Date: 2006-07-06 22:43 EST
Sorry to butt in,(It seemed like a good idea everyone else was doin' it) ::Smiles:: but I'd like to also thank everyone who had interacted with my character; and me. It has been fun, and I enjoy it. The little pick me ups, of the day are when I walk away from the PC thinking about new SL's that I can work with the character(s) on, so the more I have fun, the more I can make it fun,

I really enjoy playing with all of you, Espicially those of you who obey the ten commadments of FFRP, without you guys this wouldn't be as fun as it is. :D

The other thing I would like to thank all on, is dealing with Glanhelmion, he is a arse, I write him that way, and I hope you guys can have fun with it. Time is precious, to all, and the fact that you all take time to play with me is awesome, much appreciated.

Signed, Me.


Date: 2006-07-09 13:49 EST
I just want to say what a joy it is playing with you guys.


Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-14 09:46 EST
I just wanted to give kudo's to the 'Imprisoning Mab' thread. That is one heck of a story you're weaving, Lankyn-mun.

Long Lankyn

Date: 2006-09-16 13:54 EST
Thanks Luc Mun. And let me say that I loved your last post in BHO!

"Hunting the Night"

It reminds me of "Blade", (intended as a compliment, btw) and since we just had the season finale, it was extra cool to read! (Man, the season finale was a real cliffhanger, makes me hungry for more and then here it is!)

Loved the duel blades in the vamps chest, but I think it was the ambience that really gives the post umph. You got the dark and threatening vamp bar across perfectly. Looking forward to more!

Then again, everything you write is pretty awesome, heh.

I am really proud and honored to be a part of this gaming group. All of you are superb writers and excellent role players. I couldn't ask for more.


Mr. Howe

Date: 2006-09-21 13:37 EST
For those of you who love or love to hate DCH or are just following the sl, then you really don't want to miss this:

Sonnet 44

Now this folder isn't dedicated to DCH, it is home for a myriad of other interesting characters: Sylvia Nightshade, Kiema Buie, Guthorm Othinsson, Ewan Corinsson, and Gwyr Mowbray, (But this guy is Lucky's manservant, so I'm not sure if he counts; he may be guest starring.)

There are some awesome posts over there and even some talk about DCH. Be sure to check it out frequently. I know I will be. ::evil grin.::

And sooner or later" DCH will catch on IC about them spies, you can bank on it. ::evil laughter.::

Stay tuned, no one is gonna wanna miss what?s gonna happen next. Heh.


Date: 2006-09-23 10:03 EST
Many thanks, Mr. Howe and fellow members of the SL! It is a pleasure and a privilege to play in the edges of such a wonderfully deep storyline. We over at Sonnet 44 look forward to the mechanizations of DCH — quite a challenge!

Mr. Howe

Date: 2006-09-30 16:13 EST
Many thanks, Mr. Howe and fellow members of the SL! It is a pleasure and a privilege to play in the edges of such a wonderfully deep storyline. We over at Sonnet 44 look forward to the mechanizations of DCH — quite a challenge!

No reason you or any of your players have to stay on the edge. Jump right on in, you are all sincerely welcome!

The players of DCH are loving this and look forward to seeing how things develop.

::evil grin.:: We didn't make DCH just to plague the Bloods. We are more than happy to plague anyone who will let us.

Mr. Dewey

Date: 2006-09-30 19:49 EST
No reason you or any of your players have to stay on the edge. Jump right on in, you are all sincerely welcome!

The players of DCH are loving this and look forward to seeing how things develop.

::evil grin.:: We didn't make DCH just to plague the Bloods. We are more than happy to plague anyone who will let us.

I have to concur with my fellow partner, please jump right on in! DCH will happily, eagerly plague any and all who will allow it. ::Wicked smile.::

Sylvia player and all posting in Sonnet 44, as well as those involving themselves with DCH, I just want to tell you all I am loving reading the posts and can't wait to read more!

Mr. Howe

Date: 2006-10-08 03:16 EST
I just have to give kudos to the following for the excellent play I've been having with them. (I also posted this over on the OOC Boards, under the WoP thread in Random Thoughts, but I wanted to make sure and share it here too.)

Sid - without you where would me and my sls be? Oh, I a notebook.

Erinalle Dunbridge - You are awesome! The player and the character!!! I had a blast interacting with you! Your play has all the perfect elements; hinting to so much more than meets the eye. Thanks so much and know I look forward to more!

Miles Vincent Malign - If you hadn't been there tonight, my play would have sucked. You inspired me; your wit and your character really gave me a lot to play off of. You totally rock! Kitty Onyxfire - As always, you are one of the best. Howe pushed and pushed Kitty but she kept her cool. However, a taste of Kitty's claws" Well, I'm thinking that would be kick ass fun too. (I can say that right?)

Zonker - Wow. You came out of the blue, but let me tell you, excellent! I hope we get to play more!

Taneth Mercer - You have one of the most intriguing characters I have read. Taneth is an enigma, I am dying to know more about her and the amount of energy you put into her is astounding.

I have to mention just two others. I know they weren't in the room tonight, but they too have added dimensions to my play time:

Tera "Des" Starfare and Wyheree. You two have been tons of fun posting with. I look forward to spinning more tales with you both.

Thank you. You are all excellent players and please know that the interactions between our characters mean the worlds to me.

Howe's Humble Player. who'd be nowhere without the rest of you.


Date: 2006-10-08 14:29 EST
It's that time of year, friends, when we await with bated breath for All Hallows Eve and the Day of the Dead...

In this spirit I found an excellent tale posted by Shy, (sn: NorseLady,) that I wanted to share with you.

Phantom Knight of the Vandal Camp

Enjoy the read, I know I did....I even got goosebumps....Heh.


PS: ::reading the last few posting in this thread...:: Hey??" When did DCH get so freaking popular?! Man, something wrong with that...


Date: 2006-10-08 15:46 EST
Cause we gots real villians!!!


Mr. Howe

Date: 2006-10-08 16:05 EST
My turn to share an excellent post and a potential exploit, er, I mean, story line. ::evil grin.::

This is from one of the player's I mentioned in my Praise post last night: Erinalle Dunbridge.

Midnight musings.

I invited her to post with us, FYI.

Mr. Howe

Date: 2006-10-08 16:06 EST
Cause we gots real villians!!!



Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2006-10-09 03:10 EST
Mr Howe. You are TOO KIND!

Thank you for sharing my post and inviting me to play with you. You'll find I've taken you up on that offer.


the player of the mysterious Erin Dunbridge.

Mr. Howe

Date: 2007-06-01 00:15 EST
We, the players of Howe and Dewey, wish to offer shout outs to the players? of the following sn's:

Panther, Corlanthis, Icer, Brian Ravenlock, Jade Rogue, Elessaria, Reap,

And Tass!!!!

Of course, all of our Blood play partners too, (but we don't feel we need to tout how great you all are, we're pretty sure you already know how wonderful we find you guys.)

All of you embody what FFRP is all about. Your play during the kidnapping of Tass was interactive and spectacular. It is what makes what it is we do great! We thank you for playing with us and look forward to playing with all of you more!!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-01 00:44 EST
I had an absolute blast and truly enjoyed myself for the first time in a long time. Yes, this is exactly what FFRP is about 110 percent, everyone played off of everyone so well, and meshed like it had been planned and those are the best kinda RP events hands down! Thank you and the rest of DCH for an awesome event, and to everyone else who participated that night, and in the following days. I cant wait to see what comes down the pipe.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-01 01:26 EST
I would like to thank everyone who helped fight and kidnap Tass. And thanks to everyone who helped heal Jade. It was a terribly fun night, lots of action.

I can't wait for the next time we all meet again!


Date: 2007-06-01 20:25 EST
I'd like to thank the players of Dewey and Howe, along with everyone else who was there that night, it seems like it's been ages since Icer had a good battle on her talons. can't wait to play again with you.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 23:52 EST
Greetings to all.

I wanted to take a moment to thank all those that played amidst the backdrop of "Dancing with the Devil".

My appreciation and thanks to a wonderful cast of characters:

Lord Veighn Yhaull (Obviously!) LdyBelial (Love ya Big sis!) Daniel DeAuster (Hehe Love you too IC Brother!) Jewel Ravenlock Capt Stephen Kidd Daugolozan Gavilean Tera Starfare Icer Erinalle Dunbridge Anne Bonny RPSGuy AKA Lord Christopher Uruviel Tole Countess Lynn Taneth Mercer Sugar Cassandra Sid Sookie LeGeaux Elessaria Connar Valdor

Every last one of you played wonderfully and enhanced the scenes!

There are two players mentioned often but didn't actually take part, but were and still are an iatrical part of this play. Thank you to Mr. Howe and Viki Chylde.

To anyone I may have missed, thank you also!

Cieara's Appreciative player


Date: 2007-06-17 01:21 EST
I just lovedlovedloved the "Dancing..." thread! Awesome!


Date: 2007-06-17 21:04 EST
Greetings to all.

I wanted to take a moment to thank all those that played amidst the backdrop of "Dancing with the Devil".

My appreciation and thanks to a wonderful cast of characters:

Lord Veighn Yhaull (Obviously!) LdyBelial (Love ya Big sis!) Daniel DeAuster (Hehe Love you too IC Brother!) Jewel Ravenlock Capt Stephen Kidd Daugolozan Gavilean Tera Starfare Icer Erinalle Dunbridge Anne Bonny RPSGuy AKA Lord Christopher Uruviel Tole Countess Lynn Taneth Mercer Sugar Cassandra Sid Sookie LeGeaux Elessaria Connar Valdor

Every last one of you played wonderfully and enhanced the scenes!

There are two players mentioned often but didn't actually take part, but were and still are an iatrical part of this play. Thank you to Mr. Howe and Viki Chylde.

To anyone I may have missed, thank you also!

Cieara's Appreciative player

The fact that Viki was brought up so many times in that SL just blew my mind. (As I have said often, I love reading about "me." Heh.) Thank me? No no. Thank you, darling.


Mr. Howe

Date: 2007-06-18 18:49 EST
Thank you Cie player. Your compliment is very appreciated, especially at this time.

Player of Howe


Date: 2007-06-18 21:30 EST
Wow! How did I make it here"!"! ::eyes as big as saucers::

Errmmm....thanks for the praise. ::blushblushblush::

More importantly, thank all of you for the great RP. It was so much fun being a part of the kidnapping of Tass. Thank you for letting me join in!! I haven't had a chance for "pick up play" like that in ages; it reminded me of what FFRP is all about!

Oh and're always so much to play with. The chemistry between Cie and Veighn is terrific and not only does it confuse Eless; it keeps me on my toes too!

It's amazing what somebody can stumble onto...


Date: 2007-06-21 22:19 EST
Yay! I got a mention. I'm just catching up with Dancing with the Devil right now but I am loving it! (It's fun to read that parts I missed when I was in the room!). Also, I highly enjoyed the mention of the Frozen Caveman as well as this line from Chris (you rock dude): "How about Hey Yhaull, it's Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe."

The Lawyers really should consider this name.

Mr. Howe

Date: 2011-05-15 03:35 EST
I had a blast last night at the Debate and later in the RDI, and really wanna give shout outs to the players behind all the fun!!!

To the candidates: Apologies from the player for the rudeness of Howe, but you all rocked right through it!! Have to add Cor you, like always, were perfection!!! Also to Matt Simon player....if Matt wants to slap Howe for promoting him, feel free. I know if he promoted me I would wanna slap him.

To those that set the debate up: Awesome job, and again, my apologies for Howe's utter rudeness.

To the attendees: Sorry Howe's an ass. He is what he is" He may not apologize for it, but I will. I'm sorry he was so rude and nasty' and that he butted in like he did. Thanks for being gracious and kind to me and not holding me responsible for his nastiness.


Icer " You rock babe! It was awesome seeing you in the room and being able to play off the hostility between Icer and Howe. Seeing Icer is like finding a familiar friend and for that I am always grateful. Just really happy you were there babe!

Edward Batten " You got some character there! Witty, quick and is that a Cajun accent' It sure does sound like it! Looking forward to playing more with you! Edward already has all the earmarks of being one of the powerful movers and shakers!

Morana and Benandanti " You two made my night with your awesome play! I can barely wait to see where this all leads! Howe is intrigued with Morana, and, let's face it, scared to death of John. Heh. Can't wait to play more with you two!!! Heh, you are now officially stuck with me. ::evil grins.::

Batosai and Akahana " Getting to play with Botosai was awesome, getting to watch the play between Akahana and Botosai was even better!! Look forward to more playtime for sure!!! Can Suri be any cuter??"

Taneth " As always the lovely Tanny! You are adored!!! I want more of your attentions love!!! Although Howe is likely to continue his squirming....Good for Tanny!!! Keep that demonic arse in his place!

Buram 'Fovemai Vadam " Dude, what a character! I confess he caught my eye and now I wanna see more!!! I don't think Howe or I have ever seen anything quite like him before" that's saying a lot as both of us have been around far too long than I wanna admit....Gotta admit, he's kinda scary! Anyone else notice how Tanny always seems attracted to the most alien among us" ::teasing chuckle.:: Grem, Harris, Amthy and company " Wish I could have had more time for interaction with all of you, but enjoyed the little we did get to have! Thanks for the play, look forward to a lot more!! Grem, Harris and Amthy I've known your characters for years, and all of you have always rocked" to the rest here's hoping we get to know each other better!!! Of course" maybe not so much under Howe" he isn't the nicest guy in the neighborhood.

Thanks everyone for the really great play! You are what make Rhy?Din so awesome!!!

Howe's grateful player, Lanette


Date: 2011-05-19 23:33 EST
I love playing off the Hostility between Icer and Howe. Just also trying to do so without stepping on anyones toes.

Kelly-Player of Icer

Mr. Howe

Date: 2011-05-20 15:48 EST
Kelly, ya can't step on toes if you're being invited!!! Love playing with you! Thanks for posting a response, babe.

Feel free to hop into the IC anytime, you are more than welcome.

Lanette Player of Howe and too many others to list...

The Sister

Date: 2011-05-22 12:18 EST
Hey there guys,

Just a big shout out to everyone who has willingly taken part in my unplanned public "events" in the RDI Chat involving my little bunch of assassins! Both times were a blast (no pun intended), and I would like to thank each and every person who got involved with it.

There is seriously too many names to list, but you know who you are! Rock on guys!

Player of Explodey Girls Anon


Date: 2011-08-13 13:25 EST
I just want to give FioHelston and her player a HUGE SHOUTOUT!!!

She has done an awesome job with the Gov SL! What with the Holidays to the tons of interactive storyline hooks she's given us.

I just want her to know that she is appreciated! All the effort, hard work and time invested in our little world....Babe you totally rock!

I feel she has really enhanced our little slice of Rhy'Din and given us all a more cohesive communal ambiance.

Thank you so much for all you are doing for us! I feel the difference! I see what you've accomplished so far and I am blown away!

Thanks Fio Player! For all you've given me and our community!!!



Date: 2011-08-14 13:17 EST
((An awesome read I am enjoying....and I wanted to share it with others....So...

The player is new to our little slice of cyber city, but I got a good feeling about them.

Check them out here: Eternal Sunshine from a Scattered Mind (open thread)

Enjoy! Lanette


Date: 2011-08-15 11:56 EST
Here, here! Great to come together from all different manner of SLs and char backgrounds on a common story. Everyone involved has been superb!


I just want to give FioHelston and her player a HUGE SHOUTOUT!!!

She has done an awesome job with the Gov SL! What with the Holidays to the tons of interactive storyline hooks she's given us.

I just want her to know that she is appreciated! All the effort, hard work and time invested in our little world....Babe you totally rock!

I feel she has really enhanced our little slice of Rhy'Din and given us all a more cohesive communal ambiance.

Thank you so much for all you are doing for us! I feel the difference! I see what you've accomplished so far and I am blown away!

Thanks Fio Player! For all you've given me and our community!!!



Date: 2012-06-11 14:50 EST
The Governors" Debate 2012

First I have to thank Waterhouse Accounting for all their hard work and dedication to the Governor's Storyline. I feel the storyline would have died a slow painful death without their contributions. I don't know who you are behind that sn " but know I have tremendous respect for you! Thank you for doing what you do!

Second " without the candidates there would have been NO DEBATE " Oh' and Corlanthis too of course! ::Winks!:: So here is a HUGE shout-out to the brave souls running for Gov this year: Fio Helston Kruger Magenta " Who stood in for Audrey Horne

Now many who know me know I am partial to who wins the election but this post isn't about me pressing my wants " so I am not addressing what any of the candidates said during the debate. This post is about how awesome the community interaction was last night.

You want to know more" Start with the live blogging from Marc Franco " Gotta love the man in PINK! (Seriously — Read HIM — He's FUNNY!!!) Then" Go grab the logs!

Highlights (for me " this is my post after all!)

Getting to play (even if it was just a little bit) with Maeri, (Maerissa LaeAnna Drakonis), and Trev, (Wylde)! You both really need to be around more often! I would love more playtime!

Ebon Ilnaren and NorseLady!!! I adore the pair of you! (No, they are not a couple! They are a couple of my friends! Heh!)

Shy had me rolling at the debate! She and Bel were amazingly attuned! I want to take a moment to point out how remarkable the player of NorseLady is. I have known Shy for years " the character has remained consistently played during all this time. She is so familiar to me that even her vocabulary is easy for me to comprehend and understand. Why' Consistency! The player deserves a ton of recognition for her accomplishments in her roleplay and in her amazing stories!

Ebon " Not only is Ebon a friend of Bel's but the player is a friend of mine too! I love, love, love having him "back in the fold" so-to-speak. Our playtime together always leaves me feeling awesome and satisfied! Thank you baby! I enjoyed our shared moments during the Debate!

Dib Jaster Aurene and Ysiad. OMG! If you weren't at the debate and could care less about the politics; Read Jaster anyway! This character had me on the floor " and the entire Pumpkin thing" It was awesome!!!! I loved the way Ysiad cooed at the pumpkin in the box! It is these small details that make the play from this player noteworthy. I cannot wait to see more from them!

Cor, (Corlanthis Wystansayr), Dris, (BardGallant), and Riley, (Riley Lo)! The play between these three reminded me of sibling rivalry " their banter back and forth had me laughing so hard at times I nearly cried! Sheer Brilliance!

Rage and Shadow " Tall" dark" handsome" And —- Wait for it! Interested in Shy! Hmmm' Any guy smart enough to woo our beloved NorseLady" Has my attention! The man's got some good taste!

Rhiannon Brock " What a sweety! I enjoyed the play but what I really want to give is a shout-out to the awesome (and I mean AWESOME) player! Thank you for your kindness and respect! You made my night! Know I look forward to playing more with you!

Rachael Douglas " Wait' DOUGLAS?"" I nearly didn't recognize our valiant Watch Officer " Because she got MARRIED!!! Congrats to the lady and her lucky man! Geez" I missed a lot didn't I?"" It was awesome seeing her at the Debate and she was too funny too! (Loved the Monty Python!!!)

Gypsy Child " This character was cute and funny! I giggled often while reading her!

All of the players and characters I mentioned in this post I did so because of how interactive and open they are. But they were not the only ones " the room was full to the brim last night! Everyone there added and enhanced the play! I may not have highlighted you ? but you were just as important as any I have. All of you are what makes our community so wonderful. I want you to know how much I appreciate and respect each and every one of you.

Thank you! All of you. For making the Debate so much fun for me!!! Lan


Date: 2012-06-14 14:34 EST
Thanks so much for the high praise, Lan! I appreciate it so very much (even though I feel embarrassed by it too), and have to say that I enjoyed the RP that night as much as you did. I was laughing right along with Shy at everyone's RP antics!

Adding my kudo's. Here's to you, and the community! +toast+


Date: 2012-06-18 17:24 EST
Dris, Riley and Cor are children. No lie. ;)

Thank you for the mention, dear. Was awesome seeing you there too!

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-06-18 17:54 EST
Cor, (Corlanthis Wystansayr), Dris, (BardGallant), and Riley, (Riley Lo)! The play between these three reminded me of sibling rivalry ? their banter back and forth had me laughing so hard at times I nearly cried! Sheer Brilliance!

Yes, it was rather difficult to type whilst tears of laughter were streaking down my face...and once the Monty Python riffs started, I was a goner. Kudos to Rachael's player for picking up on that!

Rhiannon Brock

Date: 2012-06-18 21:37 EST
Thank you so much! :)

We don't get to play together as much as I would like. I still remember the first time one of my characters encountered Bel. She's like a fine wine, the longer she's been around, the better she gets! Same goes for you, Lan!


Date: 2012-06-26 13:29 EST
Wow? Thanks everybody for stopping in to say....ahhh....thanks. ::chuckles.::

It is all of you — and so many others too numerous to name — that make roleplaying here on DM a wonderful, memorable experience. Our marvelous world of Rhy'Din would be less without each and everyone of you!!!

Keep up the awesome play! And know I am looking forward to playing more with all of you!


Mr. Howe

Date: 2013-01-08 12:37 EST
Big Shout OUT to Fio Helston's AWESOME Player for inviting Howe to play Santa at the 2012 Winterfest Skating Party!

I had a wonderful time with lots and lots of fun and evil plotting!

Thank you to everyone who was there and made the night so awesome for me!

If you chose to use Howe's presents in devious and underhanded ways do let me know — Happy to play off of whatever you dream up! If you want input from me let me know! If you post anything please do share the links!

Thanks again everyone who attended the party — for playing along and not breaking the illusion.

Lan Player of Howe


Date: 2013-01-12 15:00 EST
A HUGE, HUGE Shout Out and THANKS to the AWESOME Darien Fenner and his wonderful (and fun!) Nexus Weekly!

Thank you to both the player and the character for including Bel in the latest addition as one of the Sexiest in Rhydin! <— the link

What a wonderfully interact and entertaining thing to do for our community! I am tickled pink to have my girl included!!! And with so many other awesome characters too! I consider it quite an honor!

To the player of Darien Fenner please know you have my undying respect and appreciation for all you give our community. Your contributions have been amazing and your play spectacular. I consider you to be a priceless asset for our community — it would not be the same without you. Thank you for all you do for us! And know I look forward to reading more from you!

::Big Hugs.:: Lan

Wylde Blood

Date: 2013-01-23 14:55 EST
Bel darlin', loving the newest story. The writing and details are spectacular as I have come to expect from you.

Oh and by the way, you have mail. My additions are done.

::big old smooch:: J


Date: 2013-01-23 19:55 EST
Yay, J!!!

I got your installments, thanks babe! Awesome as always!!! Please know the sl wouldn't be as wonderful without you!!!

Thanks for participating - Your contributions rock! Too bad we have to do all of this by email....:( Everyone's schedules are so outta sync it sucks! But hey, this is actually working — which is really cool! Who knew?""!

Can't wait to see Luse and Sun in action — and of course more from Trev and Corwyn (but I already know what?s happening there cuz that was us....Heh.) Still — it's a treat playing and writing with you! I'll have the rest of my stuff to you this week, promise!

Looking forward to more plotting, play and writing!! I think the next bit you'll be involved with will be in the War thread unless you want in on any of the side stuff" I'll be sending out the updated list of them soon. If something catches your eye let me know! Happy to include you under any of your sns!

In the meantime — Our post will be in the next one up then we'll skip one and the one after that will be the finish of our stuff for this thread. So that's the next post then the post after the one after that....Confusing, I know....I'll email as I post so just keep reading, k" ::chuckles.::

Thanks for being so timely!!!

::Big HUGS and Smooches!:: Lan

Blood Rayne

Date: 2015-06-07 13:37 EST
Just wanted to drop in and give a shout out for all those I got the privilege to play with last night in the RDI.

I had a blast peoples! Thanks bunches!!!

To my Blood Crew Players: Tasha - awesome playing with you again! Your an inspiration for me! Will you be my new partner in crime, please" LOL! (Being totally serious though)

Lucius DeAuster - Man, dude, you scary even in casual play. But still, a ton of fun!!! Thanks for being there and playing. I am a huge fan girl of your writing, dude!

Lusiphur Blood - Who knew he could dance??"!!! I sure as hell didn't! Wow, Luse and player, just WOW! Ya got more surprises like that lurking somewhere in that dark dark mind of yours? I can't wait to see 'em!

Maerissa LaeAnna Drakonis - I don't get a lot of chances to play with you, but when I do you always make me want more! Thanks for the awesome last night! You were very kind to me and my flubs.

To the Random Yet AMAZING Players whom I hope to play with again soon:

Axel - You totally rocked the night with your music! Dancing in the RDI was a blast. Thanks for making me feel welcome and for rocking with us last night! Seriously that was damn fun!

WelverinDV - For being a really good sport. You still play brilliantly. Kudos for stepping up and owning the past. Considering it was a mighty long time ago.

Lucy Mitford - for noticing my character was dancing. That was awesome and very welcoming of you! Thanks! :)

Blood Rayne

Date: 2015-06-13 13:19 EST
Wow, just wow! Gotta say, in the proverbial ballgame of my FFRP, I got another grand hit outta the park last night in the RDI!!!

Shout-Outs! To My Blood Crew: Tasha " I had a blast last night! When Tasha dropped the Galaxy Quest line" I was on the floor! And then the book?"!! Yeah, you were an outright comedian! How awesome!

Lyllianne " Gotta say She scared the ever-loving outta Rayne. She's not very nice is she" And come on, Rayne kinda knows Lyl was the one behind the loss of her Hot Sauce! WelverinDM " Man, dude, we were having a comedy then he shows up. It turned into a drama. Can't ask for more outta one night in the inn! Wow, that was pretty freaking intense, but no way was Rayne gonna wade into any of that.

Neqael - Welv's ah' Pet' er...demonic imp/cat. You better not have given my girl, Rayne, any weird diseases!!! Heh. If not for your appearance in the inn last night half of the fun I had wouldn't have happened. Thanks for playing along and being such fun!!!

Notable Characters and their awesome Players:

Lucy Mitford and Shifting Sands (Kate) " Thanks for the play! You two rolled right with it! I still would have loved to have know what Lucy had up her sleeve, because I saw how she kept her hand down" But it's cool we can save that for another adventure! And Kate, thanks for that bottle! It took a while before Rayne let it go. Heh.

The Intelligent Mice! King Rufus and Lady of Squeeks " I gotta say as soon as I saw y"all in the inn I was like "NIMH" Must be! Ok, that totally rocks my world!" But then y"all played with me so brilliantly! I gotta say the Brave Warrior Mouse made the scene for me! That tiny yet amazing critter didn't back down once!!! Wow, you blew me away with your play and your kindness! Sorry we so rudely interrupted what appeared to be an awesome feast for the mice " but Rayne has plans to find a way to pay them back for all their help! Look forward to playing with y"all more!

Andu and Lalen " (Andu Kirost and Night Trouble) What a cute couple you two make! It was sooo "Ahhhhhdorables!" Thank you both for the amazing play! "Do me, Do Me!" LOL!!! That was too funny! It was tons of fun with Lalen and Andu discussing the BloodRayne movies and totally confusing poor Rayne. (The only her reason her name was Rayne was because Rain was taken on AOL. Heh. That was on AOL in 1994 long before the games or the movies. Just so y"all know she really is no relation to that series. But she is psyched because there are movies and games with her name attached!) I look forward to playing more with y"all! Thanks bunches!

Most Special Shout-Out to... Izumi Takamine " I must say the play we had last night promises to lead to tons and tons more fun! I am so glad our characters chatted and hit it off! I never expected pick-up play to turn out such a cool sl idea like it did for us last night! Wow, player of Izumi, you totally rock my socks off! Really looking forward to playing with you more and I can't wait for us to setup our first movies night!!!! Even if no one else comes, we're gonna have a freaking blast, I know it!!

I had a freaking BLAST thank you everyone who played along!!

Maerissa LaeAnna Drakonis

Date: 2015-06-26 02:02 EST
Oh wow, guys, I am so loving the play of late. You are all really rocking my world. Thanks to each of you for the wonderful play and the great stories we are all creating together and the inspiration you have all given me in my writing.

I am so very much enjoying my summer thanks to all of you.


Date: 2015-07-10 22:50 EST me blown away!

Huge, huge SHOUT OUT to the most awesome player of Brian Ravenlock for his IC comments in the Rhy'Din Post!!! Thank you so much for all the kind words you said about the Bloods!!!

And I wish to return the favor - Except mine is OOC....please forgive but what I have to say crosses over the boundaries into our real world....Not just our RP.

The Ravenlocks have been a huge inspiration for me. Their inclusive choices go above and beyond, where most others would turn a blind eye, Jenai and Brian remain steadfast and true: They are welcoming to all. They set a shining example for all of us to follow in inclusion and interactivity. Their kindness and acceptance knows no bounds. I have learned a lot from both of them and I am forever grateful that they are my friends.

Brain's ability to walk the razors edge in storylines has brought the community hours and hours of awesome fun. He is not only a great storyteller, but he can cross that boundary between villainy and knighthood while still getting us to invest in his story and in Brian Ravenlock, the character. I haven't known many who could pull off such a feat, and still have me rooting for the character in question....But Brain has that talent! Mind-blowing and pretty darn inspiring!

Brian and Jenai have made our community better on so many levels; from the awesome play they have inspired to the heart-touching camaraderie they offer us OOC, and their ability to judge for themselves, they have made our community feel warmer and fuller for many of us.

Thank you, Brian and Jenai! You two have made my time in FFRP a joy and a blessing! I look forward to many more awesome and amazing years of reading, playing and hanging out with both of you!!

And once again....Thanks for your kind IC words, Brain! You made me cry happy tears! <3


You can find the article here: Sixteen Questions with Brian Ravenlock

Lusiphur Blood

Date: 2015-07-11 23:12 EST
I really have to echo Lan's sentiments and thank Brian Ravenlock on his kind words said about the Bloods. It is nice to know that all the time and effort that goes into playing a Blood or any "family"-oriented character, for that matter, is appreciated. I haven't had much of a chance to know you or Jenai personally and I'm sure my reputation is spotty at best when it comes to dealing with people, but it does mean a lot to know someone takes notice. I do watch the Ravenlocks and their stories. The compliments you gave us IC are only amplified coming from a cornerstone of this community like yourself. Thank you. :)

Luse's Player, Rick

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-07-12 00:53 EST
I am currently on the road, but wanted to say thank you for the kind and heartfelt words. I will reply more when I get to my hotel. But for the moment thanks ever so and we <3 you guys!


Date: 2017-02-14 19:45 EST
((We don't often get the chance to pimp out some really amazing writing here on DM these days but...

If you haven't been following the stories going on over in Charlie's Bar, you are seriously missing out on some beautifully written tales! I am not going to spoil anything here - you will have to head over and read for your selves.

Must say some of the best writing I have ever had the privilege of reading. Keep up on the awesome all you writers over at Charlie's Bar!

May the Awesome Writing Continue and for those Reading - Head on over and enjoy! Lan ))

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2017-12-17 20:47 EST
Adding this here as this is one of our long time friends and Blood players. We are so very proud and delighted about the news he's been published! Twice!

Way to go Sweetie! +pinkie+

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2018-05-01 13:44 EST
Here I am again, sending a huge shout out to one of my best friends for 20+ years! He has always been a steller play partner(Evil Plotter) in RP and an awesome storyteller all around. Simply put, I am delighted for him!

Congratulations hon! We are all very proud of you!


Date: 2018-05-12 22:03 EST
Here I am again, sending a huge shout out to one of my best friends for 20+ years! He has always been a steller play partner(Evil Plotter) in RP and an awesome storyteller all around. Simply put, I am delighted for him!

Congratulations hon! We are all very proud of you!

This is SO exciting!!!!!!