Hello, Hello! Avatar of Darkness here!
Yus, I have graced your presences! ...For better or for worse. I've come to clear up a few things regarding the storyline and my involvement in that exceedingly lame Playable posting. I've some amends to make and some gushing to do, so without further ado, let's get to me explaining myself!
I'm aware of the tensions that resulted from the oddly and incorrectly posted targeting. My intent was never to end the fun of the organization or make those in it inherently uncomfortable. In fact, I love the setting and those in it. I've already made strides toward mending that wound I unwittingly inflicted upon the group. What it amounted to was my misinterpretation of a suggestion given to me by Miranda and Fiona in tandem with my misinformation regarding how Playables worked. I was under the impression that they both wanted this to go through as a storyline, but as I was mistaken, it appeared what they wanted was still more knowledge over the whole of the S/L before it when public. Heck, I really should have visited this page a lot more. I KNOW I'll do so in the future before I consider doing anything like that again.
Naturally, players who experience the calm, peaceful atmosphere that Crios brings must have felt unnerved, distressed, or even insulted. Such was my error, and it is one I hope to correct as there was apparently such an incident in the past that I've been made aware of. I, IN NO WAY, wish to repeat such a debacle through unprofessional means. Thus, we come to the next point I'd like to make in response. The 'powergaming' is an integral part of the roleplay. ICly, the character has motives relating to his detest of immortals and high-powered individuals that he feels are currently oppressing the world and leading in it a way he feels wholly against. So, he figures taking the tyrannical approach of upheaval is the quickest means of exacting his ultimate goals, which would be revealed as the plot went along and progressed. The whole point is to shake the unrealistic confidence in the abilities of those who currently think highly of themselves.
However, this does not mean I seek to destroy anything by the end of this. I merely wished to provide a way for the lot of you who are interested to band together against a common major threat for the sake of the world your characters live in. Powergaming is there only to such a point that you wouldn't necessarily be able to defeat him on your own without assistance. The assistance of the whole of Crios" That's pretty heady stuff. The characters even I have gathered wouldn't necessarily be able to take down a mighty force like that. Of course, a villain that isn't potent above others in some way isn't particularly threatening, is he" Such is why the disclaimer is there.
Now, no one in particular is to be targeted by this assault, as I had envisioned the first battle to take place in the forest protecting the place. Subsequent battles would take place away from the safety of Crios in order to keep up that feeling of safety that I'm sure everyone here enjoys. I respect this place and many of the people inhabiting it due to how much fun it is to play with the people I have encountered in Live-Roleplay. To those of you who felt threatened on an OOC level, do not fret. Your characters would NOT be harmed unless you 1. showed interest in participating, 2. provided to me a wish for your character to be killed or otherwise harmed during the whole of the campaign, and 3. gave me a good, plausible reason to do so. Again, this is only for those interested in the conflict as it is. I know several here who would vouch for me on this one, I'm sure.
If there is something else you need clarification on, please do reply. I rather enjoy receiving new insight on my storytelling. Mind you, this is the first and longest-running large development I've done on RDI. I hope for more to come in the future, as well.
Also, I have some questions to ask you all as penance for my sins, as it were.
This has been a heated topic of discussion between myself and the current moderators of Bristle Crios, so I wanted to ask the lot of you a few questions.
A. Would you like to be a part of it'
B. How do you feel about this character being a major antagonist to Bristle and the world of RhyDin"
C. What would you like to see in the story should it take off"
D. Have you any polite, constructive criticism to offer me that might better everyone's enjoyment'
I can post detailed information here if there are some of you who would like a more intricate rundown of what the plot entails, or I can send it to anyone interested I've the information from my conversations mostly saved elsewhere. Just say the word. ^^
Also, feel free to PM if you feel the need to be involved or have any personal questions for me. I can be reached through The Avatar of Darkness, The Avatar of Eternity, or my HUB account, The Hooded Seraph. Just drop me a line, and I'll see what I can do for you.
With all this, I hope you can accept my humblest apologies about the Playable and we can work this story out so it can still be fun for the people that might still want to participate.
The Avatar of Darkness....The Avatar of Hatred....The Avatar of Eternity, The Hooded Seraph....You know who I am. :D