The Unimatrix took up orbit around Velnar 10. Far enough away from the red giant star at the center of the system to observe the unusual flare activity and avoid being caught in the large amounts of radiation it was throwing off with its display. Hunter had the helm circle behind the planet to give the shielding time to recover and keep the crew from becoming exposed. "Keep an eye on the activity, I want to know when the larger flares happen so we can be well protected." He tapped the coms and called to engineering. "We are recording internally and externally. Do you really think there will be a way to use this information to improve our shields, Jack?"
The data was pouring in, layer upon layer of mathematical equations, filling charts on every flat surface in her lab. Scientists and technicians had flooded her lab because it had enough screens and the power supply to keep filing the information to a larger storage. "You have my lab invaded and you want to ask me that' I would have thought a drink would be first, chief." There were a few chuckles around her as Jack kept her hands on her hips moving calmly about. With everyone here it was hard not to be a little twitchy. "The information can't directly impact the shields, but it can give us insight into predicting patterns to help avoid shield abuse. If I'm reading the data right this could be used for multiple systems. I hope no one was planning on having a kid for a while." Glowing green eyes cast to the radiation levels still low enough, but what did she know since she already glowed.