With the amount of Imperial Star Destroyers docked at the space station, there was a bounty of people and droids moving onboard the station in orbit of the once lush planet below.
Timing was everything and the other Imperial ships had not yet arrived with their Captains or Sith for the transfer of the prisoner Jedi onboard the space station. Six Imperial Star Destroyers were in dock still, while one was making way to depart the station as an eighth had just exited hyperspace and was moving to take up a waiting pattern to dock with the orbital station.
The Imperial Shuttle Debora Mandil and Jedi Knight Annie Ragnar were upon, had made it to the station with a few extra hands onboard their ship. Eleven shuttles and three transports were bringing parts and other supplies to the station. At the meeting point, they were able to fool the small escort ship leading the supply ships.
There was an old saying...."Don't put all your eggs, into one basket."
To help with the mission, not just Agent Mandil and Jedi Ragnar were involved. Three other shuttles had infiltrated the convoy with 'technicians and parts' as their pilots had stationed they were carrying onboard. As the shuttles moved to dock with in two hanger bays at the port side of the station, the infiltration groups split up. Two shuttles went to land inside Hanger Bay 5 and the other two proceeded for Hanger Bay 6. Dressed to blend in with their technician and officer uniforms, those dressed as technicians even carried the tools and pushed hover skids with parts supposed to be for repairs.
As the Infiltration Teams moved about the station as if nothing was arise, a transmission came into the main command center onboard the space station.
"Sir! The Imperial Shipyards at Star Base Nine are requesting support!" Spoke a Lieutenant where he sat at a sunk in communications station upon the command bridge. "They say a fleet of ships has just exited hyperspace and is attacking the destroyers still in the construction docks." Commander Derdis turned toward his second in command and gave a nod of his head. "Dispatch our Star Destroyers to help." "Sir, three of the Star Destroyers are still needing repairs to their primary systems." Commented the officer of pale skin to his left. Commander Derdis shook his head but gave a nod toward the lieutenant on the communication system. "Send a transmission, five Star Destroyers in route. Tell them to hold on, help is on the way."
Captains and crews scrambled to get to their destroyers and prepare to disengage from the station docking ports. It would take a little time, but when the last Star Destroyer left dock and entered hyperspace the infiltration teams tried not to smile as coded transmissions were sent between the teams. One team had headed for the reactor section of the station and was already looking their part as they replaced old systems with new parts. Helping them blend in. Two of the teams had moved for the cell block section. They were supposed to be helping to install more blast doors to make the brig section of the space station harder to crack into should they be attacked. The two teams were indeed installing components. Though the parts they were installing were actually not going to help keep the prisoners secure. More so, aid them in their escape.
As the teams worked their infiltration magic, an Imperial Transport arrived at the space station and proceeded to dock in Hanger Bay Three. The prisoner transport's boarding ramp lowered and ten Storm Troopers exited before that of six tall Wookiees and four women, one who looked to be a pink Twi'lek, exited the vessel. They were followed by another ten storm troopers as one could never be too sure when transporting Wookiees given their size and strength. The transport was scheduled to arrive to the station, however, it had been intercepted and personnel were switched out. From the prisoners to the twenty storm troopers they were in fact another infiltration team.
"Commander, a technical team on deck seven-teen is asking to shut down several power relays so they can change them out for new upgraded systems. Turbolasers of the station and shielding will be affected. According to technicians, it will only take roughly ten minutes to change out the systems and things would be back online." The Commander smiled and nodded his head. "Excellent. About time they send us some technical crews that get the job done faster. No more of this waiting one to eight hours for something to get fixed around here. All right lieutenant, give them the go ahead and let the department heads know so they don't panic for the next ten minutes."
As the 'technical' team by the station's reactor shut down several systems, they proceeded to in turn change out the parts they said they were upgrading. The parts that they were putting in however, were faulty. To the glancing eye they looked like they could be new. Inside each part was a missing primary power converter required to make the important piece of equipment work.
Meanwhile, right on time the 'prisoners' and their storm trooper escorts were brought to the cell blocks. "Lieutenant Coun. You're right on time with the prisoner transfer. Good job. I hear these Wookiees can be a trouble some bunch. I'm glad you brought extra troops." "Of course, lieutenant." Spoke one of the storm troopers before lifting his blaster rifle and shooting the man in the chest twice and sending the lieutenant flying back to the metallic flooring. The other false storm troopers opened fire at the security personnel in the cell block. Cutting them down before they could send an alert out.
Debora lifted the brimmed hat from being pulled down over her face to help hide her looks. Her facial piercings had been removed for the mission and gave a smooth smile from her lips. "Perfect." Moving over toward one of the consoles to bring up the cell they were looking for. "We need to be in the designated hanger for extraction in five minutes or less." Commented Jedi Knight Ragnar as she tossed the technician hat aside from her head, allowing her long blonde locks to spill at her shoulders. The pink skinned Twi'lek stepped forward as she looked down the third cell block hall way. "He is down this way. I can sense him, but he is weak."
Jedi Knight Alannah Aylay, the pink skinned Twi'lek, moved for the hall way with the other three women and one of the Wookiees while the others monitored the communications systems of the station. The shut down of several power relays by the team at the reactor had also neutralized weapons fire detection in the entire port side of the space station. "No sign of anyone knowing what is going on, let us try to keep it that way as long as we can." Nodded Annie Ragnar to the others.
The Twi'lek Alannah gave pause in booted step by a thick blast door to a prisoner cell. A single whisper of a name escaped her pink lips. "Matthew..." Her hands lifted and the door gave a grinding sound before it was torn open as if it had been attacked by some giant can opener. Inward dashed the other three women. Isabella, Ava and Sophia Wolf. They moved for the single prisoner with in the cell. A short man of maybe 5'4" laid to a bare metal platform. His head barely moved in turn toward the incoming people to his cell.
"Father! It's time to go!" Isabella as she moved to inspect him of injury. "They drugged the hell out of him." Commented Sophia, who was wearing reddish and black like that of a Mandalorian. "We have to get him out before the ships arrive." Spoke Ava as she motioned toward the Wookiee that entered the cell with a good duck of his frame give his height. The Wookiee moved to pick up the weak man and lift of him upwards to carry him. Alannah smiled faintly though she knew this was no time to give pause in their objective. "We have to go. Guard that man with your life." She spoke to the Wookiee who'd give a nod of his head as he followed the four women out and down the hall for the main entrance to the cell block.
Exiting hyperspace was that of the small fleet known as The Crimson Renegades. The Twi'lek Pirate Princess Ariel Rumasti smiled her ruby red lips, a contrast to her light purple skin, as she stood onboard the bridge of her stolen and refitted Vindicator Class Imperial Cruiser. Several light cruisers and frigates had arrived with her and their load of star fighters moved to engage the remaining Star Destroyers still at the space station.
A Squadron of B-Wing Fighters slipped from hyperspace and headed to attack the far side of the space station to cause confusion and make things seem as just a strike and not a rescue mission was taking place. Captain Amanda Billings, lead Pilot for the B-Wings, smiled as her blue eyes shined. "All right, let's cause some trouble! Keep away from the main hangers so we don't hit our departing guests."
"Commander! We are under attack!" Shouted an officer upon the space station's bridge. "Contact the technical team! I need those turbolasers back online now!" "Sir, detecting more vessels exiting hyperspace." Two modified Nebulon-B Frigates leapt from hyperspace along with a CR-90 Corvette with a New Republic Nebula Class Star Destroyer at the lead.
"This is Captain Beth Calis of The Bright Star. Concentrate fire power on those Imperial Star Destroyers. All fighter wings are to engage TIE Fighters. They will be sending for help no doubt. Be ready for enemy ships coming out of a hyper jump."
"I hate to be a downer, but time to go!" Said Debora as she moved with the others from the cell block area and in turn for Hanger Bay 5. It was not to be said that prisoners and Wookiees didn't look suspicious running through the halls for the hanger bay they planned to depart from. With questioning tones by Imperial Officers they passed, blaster fire would soon erupt and the fight to get to the hanger bay was on. "Now this is a party." Said Debora as she pulled a blaster from it's holster at her side and opened fire. Jedi Annie Ragnar slid free from under her Imperial uniform and the bright yellow light of her lightsaber was ignited. Deflecting enemy blaster fire and cutting down several 'actual' storm troopers in their way. The New Republic Soldiers dressed as Storm Troopers, quickly tossed off their helmets to make easier who was with them and who was the enemy. Sophia picked up a blaster rifle from a fallen storm trooper and proceeded to fire like a crack shot. Taking out three troopers rushing toward them down a side hall way. Isabella was the first to make it to the desired hanger bay with two of the Wookiees. The Imperial Officers they ran into soon wished they were somewhere else instead. The Wookiees grabbed up the three men and threw of them into a hover skid with metallic supply crates. "Cover me while I get the shuttle ready to go!" Shouted Isabella as strands of light brown hair slipped from her pony tail at the high back of her head. As she ran up the lowered boarding ramp, her sister's Ava and Sophia along with the others proceeded to secure the hanger bay and all four doors leading into it. "I've got this door sealed." Spoke Debora after four massive blast doors closed to one of the entrances to the hanger. Sparks perked forth from the door console at the side as Debora had destroyed the relay for the doors operation. Wookiees and New Republic Troops fired down the hall ways of the other three entrances to the hanger. Keeping Imperial Storm Troopers back for the moment.
Ava's blue lightsaber perked to life with a touch to a button upon her hands. Deflecting enemy blaster fire as she aided in moving behind the big Wookiee carrying the man they had come for. Covering the Wookiee for his safe entrance of the shuttle and tuck of the former prisoner in for flight.
Upon space, the Pirate Princess and her ships had destroyed one of the Imperial Star Destroyers. The ship had lost main power and drifted in space as fighters hit her hard with their lasers and proton torpedoes. The other Imperial Star Destroyer had been able to leave it's docking port, however it had found itself under attack by the Corvette, the two Nebulon-B Frigates and the Nebula Class Destroyer of the New Republic. "There she goes up in flames." Said Captain Darian onboard one of the New Republic Frigates over the communication system. "As they all should!" Shouted the light green skinned Twi'lek Captain Cecilia from her repaired Nebulon-B Frigate. The Imperial Star Destroyer lost it's deflector shields and then power to her turbolasers as explosions played through the ship. B-Wing Fighters swept in to ensure the ship would never again be a threat to the New Republic as they fired their proton torpedoes at the aft section of the ship in a strafing run. The orange with white stripes on her arms, Twi'lek Captain Luta Aylay smiled onboard her Corvette. "Nobody will cry a tear over the loss of that Imperial ship. This is Captain Aylay, has my sister and the others left the station yet?"
"Captain Calis here, I have confirmation of a shuttle sending the right code leaving the station now. Sending X-Wings to intercept and escort our people back to my ship for docking. B-Wings and Frigates, engage the station openly. The 'cargo' has left the station."
Three Imperial Star Destroyers exited hyperspace suddenly and opened fire on the Pirate and New Republic vessels. "Incoming! We have party crashers at Three O' Clock!" Spoke the Twi'lek Cecilia from her Frigate.
Explosions started to ripple through the Imperial space station. The reactor had been laid with charges and set off by the tactical team that had infiltrated there. Pinned down and unable to make their escape, the remaining team members by the reactor decided to take the station with them. One last act of glory. Docking ports for Imperial ships broke from the main station as the explosions tore upwards through the decks. Chaos erupted onboard the station as hanger bays went up in flames and the command posts about the station lost communications before being killed by the eruption of the station about them.
"Captain, shuttle and survivors onboard." Captain Beth Calis nodded toward her helm officer as a man with a dark beard with specks of gray stepped forward to put his hand upon Beth's left shoulder. His accent, sounded of old Earth Scottish as he spoke gently. "Lass, it be time ta' go. Honor them' who lost life' 'er taday' we shall. A great sacrifice have' been done tis' has." Beth turned some and smiled faintly at the unique Jedi Master Amadeus Qudamah. She nodded softly. "Captain Beth Calis to all ships, New Republic and Pirate alike, set course for the meeting point and make the jump to hyperspace."
The Twi'lek Pirate Princess Ariel Rumasti grinned onboard her modified ship. "The party is over gents and laides. Time to go! Crimson Renegades set course and jump!"
"I want to play some more." Smiled the green skinned Twi'lek Cecilia onboard her Frigate. "Time to go Cecilia. There will be more Imperials for you to shoot at in the future no doubt." Commented Captain Darian from his Frigate.
New Republic and Pirate alike, along with their hyperspace capable fighters made the jump to hyperspace. One of the three Imperial Star Destroyers that had exited hyperspace only moments ago had been hit hard by turbolaser fire from the enemy capital ships while the other two Star Destroyers took in the disaster scene before them.
Pieces of the massive space station lay adrift with some of them spilling various types of gases and or fluid into space. Debris started to drift and fill the orbit above the planet with several of the small pieces burning up in the atmosphere as they were pulled in by the gravity of the planet. Larger pieces spun through the atmosphere to impact to the ocean and create great craters with hits to sound ground. Casting soil and rock hundreds if not thousands of feet into the with their hard hits.
As the ships made their way through hyperspace, onboard Captain Beth Calis' ship medical teams were moving to help the surviving team members from the shuttle and for the medical bay onboard the ship. Given the importance of the rescued man, the Wookiee who had carried him to the shuttle for their escape insisted with a loud growl and half roar that he would carry the man he'd been entrusted with to the medical bay.
Jedi Master Matthew Wolf, barely could hold his eyes open. The Imperials had kept him drugged up for longer then he could recall since his capture. Being so drugged, he was unable to focus and in turn use The Force to his aid. It was not to say that during his capture by the Imperials that he didn't kill and cause injury to over a dozen. His eyes glanced about the hall ways he was being taken down for the medical bay from his spot upon the Wookiee's protect arms. His three daughters Isabella, Ava and Sophia smiled a bit as they walked beside the tall Wookie. "You're going to be all right father." Spoke Sophia with a wink to her father. Debora and Annie were walking behind the Wookiee. They were aiding some of the New Republic Troops that had taken injury during their escape from the Imperial Station. Leading the way for medical, was the pink Twi'lek Alannah Aylay. She glanced over her should and back at the man upon the Wookiee's arms.
"You are free, Matthew." Quietly spoke Alannah. Her smile perked to her face and accented the dark freckle like spots high upon her pink cheeks.
A weak response would come from the man upon the Wookiee's arms as they entered the medical bay.
Alannah tilted her head to the side some. "That is because you are beyond their understanding. Rest. Let the medical staff do their thing. You are safe now, Matthew."